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- IPS’ Technology and Industrial Management graduate course: an improvement processPublication . Ferreira, Elsa; Lourenço, Rodrigo Teixeira; Duarte, Rogério; Duarte, Joana; Gonçalves, HelenaThe key activities to achieve quality (satisfaction of needs and expectations of customers) move increasingly to the previous phases to service delivery and particularly to the organization's interface with the market, where the most appropriate techniques and methodologies will have to identify what customers want, and perceive the quality and what features the services must have, as well as the price they are willing to pay. The Technology and Industrial Management (TIG) course of Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal (IPS), is a four year graduate course organized by quarters with three courses per quarter. In the last two quarters internships or real context projects prepare students for a smoother integration in the professional activity. From its beginning, in 2007, TIG was designed for active adults who develop their professional activity in industrial entities, and need to supplement their skills with those of managers and engineers. The B-learning methodology was adopted since it enabled the targeted students to better reconcile their academic, professional and family responsibilities. In 2010-2011 the first TIG students concluded their graduate studies and, within IPS’ Integrated Management System, it was decided to monitor the suitability of the TIG course curriculum. There is, then, the question of what is and what is intended for an technology course, to an active adults in a region like Setúbal and in a polytechnic . This question corresponds to the first phase of QFD, where is therefore necessary to define the characteristic parameters of each profile that meet the expectations and needs of students and other stakeholders. If the question of the requirements of the course interacts with the objectives of the students, those requirements interact with the curricular content of their curricula. We are, therefore, in the second phase of QFD. The way the course is implemented will influence the means to administer the various components of the curricula, also determining the significant upfront investments in infrastructure and equipment facilities (laboratories, workshops, equipment, consumables), and will also influence the teaching-learning methods. The measurement conditions for the provision of the service, including monitoring of students, the way it measures the satisfaction of stakeholders and the availability of the facilities already include the third and fourth phases of QFD. With this methodology we expect to have the guidelines to improve the curriculum, teaching-learning methods and operating conditions of TIG course towards meeting the needs of stakeholders.
- Ventilação por abertura de janelas: análise de dados experimentais recolhidos em salas de aulaPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Gomes, Maria da Glória; Rodrigues, António Moretventilação de salas de aula é habitualmente feita por abertura de janelas. Esta é a solução tradicional sendo perfeitamente adequada para tempo quente, porém, quando as temperaturas exteriores baixam, estudantes e professores deixam as janelas fechadas reduzindo substancialmente os caudais de ventilação, resultando na deterioração da qualidade do ar interior. Este artigo tem por objetivo compreender as condições em que a ventilação com abertura manual de janelas é adequada. Para isso usam-se 2 anos de dados de monitorização de 4 salas de aula de uma escola básica e secundária nacional (um antigo liceu com projeto da Junta das Construções para o Ensino Técnico e Secundário – Ministério das Obras Públicas e Comunicações, reabilitado pela Parque Escolar na segunda metade dos anos 2000). Analisam-se os caudais de ventilação nas salas concluindo-se que a abertura de janelas é adequada com temperaturas exteriores diárias superiores a 19ºC. Quando estas temperaturas são inferiores a 16ºC a ventilação por abertura de janelas torna-se insuficiente e, entre 16 e 19ºC, a adequabilidade vai depender da temperatura interior. Para as salas de aula monitorizadas e condições exteriores observadas conclui-se que a ventilação por abertura manual de janelas permite ambientes interiores adequados (não só sob o ponto de vista da ventilação e qualidade do ar interior, mas também do conforto térmico) durante aproximadamente 25% do ano letivo.
- Filtro de kalman para a determinação da renovação do ar num espaço ocupado de modo intermitente e ventilado naturalmentePublication . Duarte, Rogério; Gomes, Maria da Glória; Rodrigues, António MoretÉ reconhecido o mérito da ventilação natural de edifícios residenciais e de serviços não só do ponto de vista da poupança energética como também da qualidade do ar interior. Contudo, para projetistas e gestores de edifícios, a incerteza associada à ventilação natural introduz dificuldades e riscos acrescidos. Neste artigo apresenta-se um método para determinar renovações de ar em condições não-estacionárias, como as que se observam em espaços ocupados de modo intermitente, sujeitos a variações no ambiente exterior (e no interior) e na forma como são operados os dispositivos de ventilação natural. O método usa dados de ocupação e de concentração interior de CO2 em conjunto com um Filtro de Kalman para estimar variações dos caudais de ventilação. Após aplicação deste método a uma sala de aula ventilada por abertura manual de janelas, discute-se a utilidade do método para o reconhecimento por projetistas e gestores de edifícios do mérito da ventilação natural.
- As if economics mattered – market failure, positive externalities, HEI and the contributions from philosophy of educationPublication . Nobre, A.; Jacquinet, Marc; Silva, Maria Luísa; Duarte, RogérioInstitutional economics serves the purpose of escaping the reductionist approaches of mainstream marginalist economics, which exclusively addresses quantitative and cause-effect economic issues. The need for thought-provoking and ground-breaking insights may be answered through the contributions from philosophy of education, which rethinks science, society and learning, taking into account both the historical and geographical contexts of contemporary societies. Lyotard’s concept of hypermodernity helps to situate the interpretation of present day reality in relation to the allocation of public goods, the potentiation of positive externalities and the regulation of markets. The argument is that such powerful and yet conventional economic concepts need to be placed in context and tackled as rich and complex phenomena, ready to be explored in novel and innovative ways. Such novelty is possible and indeed it already emerges when political, social, cultural and historical perspectives are brought together and effectively contribute to a radical interpretation of economic reality, one that goes beyond linear analysis. Following this line of argumentation, the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) is paramount. On one hand, such institutions have been the historical continuation of five hundred years of Modernity, witnessing and being both the product and the reproduction mechanism behind the social and political modus operandi and status quo, and, on the other hand, these same institutions, in their diversity, have also been the engine of change and the hosts of counter-movements, sub-cultures and non-dominant thinking revolutions throughout every historical period, including post-modernism. This paradoxical tension may bring potential creativity when it is possible to identify meaning-making opportunities for reframing present day economic reality. The purpose of the present paper is to focus on the following links: first, the corpus of institutional economics and its shift in perspective regarding conventional economic analysis; second, the reality addressed by the economic concepts of market failure and of externalities, and the specific case of the institutional framework of HEI; and finally, how the contributions from the body of knowledge of philosophy of education, and its diverse schools of thought, can place the study of political economy in an effective and innovative perspective and line of interpretation.
- Cyberpolitics, Ethical Finances and Active Citizenship in the Context of the Knowledge EconomyPublication . Nobre, A.; Duarte, Rogério; Jacquinet, Marc
- A gestão da qualidade como promotora da mudança em Instituições de Ensino SuperiorPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Duarte, Joana; Gonçalves, Helena; Nobre, A.; Ribeiro, Joaquim Manuel da Silva; Pires, A.M.R.
- Estimating ventilation rates in a window-aired room using Kalman filtering and considering uncertain measurements of occupancy and CO2 concentrationPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Gomes, Maria da Glória; Rodrigues, António MoretThis paper describes a method for estimating ventilation rates in a window-aired room considering “in-use” conditions and uncertainty in occupancy (CO2 release) and in measurements of indoor air CO2 concentration. Estimates are drawn from indoor air mass conservation principles and an Extended Kalman Filter, serving as state observer. The modelling procedure is described and tested against synthetic time series generated from pseudorandom values of occupancy and ventilation rate. Additionally, data collected from a case study (a window-aired classroom) is used to illustrate how the procedure is applied and its practical interest. Test results confirm the state observer’s tracking capability and confirm its ability to reconstruct ventilation rates in the presence of sudden changes caused by window opening/ closing and intermittent occupancy. Results for the case study highlight the benefits to designers and ultimately to occupants, derived from knowledge of ventilation rates in window-aired rooms.
- Energy rehabilitation studies of a large group of historical buildings: a case studyPublication . Teixeira, A. Rego; Duarte, Rogério; Brotas, L.; Almeida, P.; Brandão, M. A.In this paper, energy rehabilitation studies of a large group of historical buildings are assessed. A general methodology and some particular constraints are discussed. For a case study including 65 buildings in one of Lisbon’s historical centres, the methodology used, the proposed energy-efficient measures and the results in terms of heating energy savings and summer thermal convert are presented and discussed.
- Impact of Natural Ventilation on the Thermal and Energy Performance of Buildings in a Mediterranean ClimatePublication . Rodrigues, A. Moret; Santos, Miguel; Gomes, M. Glória; Duarte, RogérioNatural ventilation plays an important role on the thermal and energy performance of a building. The present study aims to analyze the natural ventilation conditions of a dwelling in a Mediterranean climate and their impacts on the thermal and energy performance using an advanced building energy simulation tool. Several multi-zone simulations were carried out. In the summer, the simulations were performed under free-floating conditions, whereas in the winter they were carried out under controlled temperature conditions. In the summer, ventilation scenarios with windows opened during certain periods of time and with or without permanent openings in the facades were analyzed. The existence of permanent openings proved to be an important factor of temperature control by lowering the average indoor zone temperatures during the day. Cross-ventilation also showed to be e ective. In the winter, we simulated the existence or absence of permanent openings for room ventilation and their surface area. The results showed that the stack e ect plays an important role in the ventilation and that in general it outperforms the wind e ect. Sizing permanent openings according to the standard guidelines proved to be adequate in providing the expected ventilation rates on an average basis.
- Large Diameter Earth-Air Heat Exchanger for Space Cooling and Heating: Preliminary Post-Occupancy FindingsPublication . Duarte, Rogério; Gomes, Maria da Glória; Moret-Rodrigues, AntónioThe main goal of the paper is to describe and provide a preliminary discussion of the performance of a large diameter earth -air heat exchanger used in cooling and heating of a small office building located in Alentejo, Portugal. The sole energy consumption associated with this system is that required to operate two fans that move outdoor air into the office spaces. There are no mechanical moving parts inside the office building and the heat exchanger is designed in combination and complementing principles of natural ventilation in the office spaces. Post-occupancy results show the large diameter design of the earth-air heat exchanger is capable of removing up to 30 kW of heat from the outdoor air using just 2,2 kW of fan power. Despite the significant cooling requirements in Alentejo, Portugal, earth air heat exchanger outflow air temperatures can be 10 K lower than outdoor temperatures, allowing the removal of office space loads in the morning period and supplying offices in the afternoon with air at temperatures that seldom exceed 27°C, despite outdoor air temperatures of 40°C.