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  • Shopper marketing implications on communication strategies and actions
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Marreiros, Cristina
    Shopper marketing is an international recent concept and approach to marketing. Since shopper marketing is in the early stages of development, it is also an emerging research field, and consequently questions and challenges acrossall the marketing-mix variables are emerging. This paper addressesshopper marketing implications on one of those variables – communication.Specifically, the purpose of this paper is to study the implications of the shopper marketing approach on marketing/brand communication, focusing on point-of-purchase (POP) communication strategies and actions. In order to address that purpose, an expert opinions qualitative study was conducted, gathering primary data from fourteen shopper marketing experts, following a snowball sampling technique.The results confirm the literature review and complement it, providing explanations and adding elements that might help towards a more effective marketing communications management, particularly at the POP.
  • Marketing “verde": conceptualização teórica e abordagem da distribuição moderna retalhista alimentar em Portugal
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte
    Com o presente artigo pretendemos, fundamentalmente, abordar e desenvolver a relação entre marketing empresarial e ambiente, com especial realce para o sector da Distribuição Moderna Retalhista de produtos de base alimentar e genérica em Portugal. Para tal, iremos fazer uma conceptualização teórica sobre marketing “verde” e resumir e descrever os resultados que encontrámos no âmbito de um estudo empírico sobre a influência actual das questões ambientais nas actividades de marketing das empresas da área de negócios da Distribuição Moderna Retalhista Alimentar em Portugal.
  • Bases de dados relacionais nas actividades de marketing de pequenas empresas enquanto instrumento de fidelização de clientes: seu potencial e princípios orientadores
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte
    O objectivo-base deste artigo é demonstrar que a existência e a utilização de bases de dados relacionais de marketing podem e devem desempenhar um papel essencial ao nível da fidelização de clientes em pequenas empresas. Para tal, a metodologia que seguiremos consistirá numa abordagem descritiva teórico-prática que procurará: clarificar o que entendemos por bases de dados relacionais em marketing; explicar a importância actual da existência e da utilização dessas bases de dados, focando atenções no contexto da fidelização de clientes no caso de pequenas empresas e, consequentemente, propor alguns aspectos genéricos que a criação e gestão da maioria dessas bases de dados deverá conter e seguir em tais situações.
  • Impact of non-commercial recommendations on store attributes salience: an empirical study
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Galvão, Susana C. Brito
    The present study aims to investigate the impact of non-commercial recommendation sources on retail store-attributes perceived salience. The study was directed to electronics bricks-and-mortar retail stores. For that purpose, an empirical quantitative study was conducted with face-to-face interviews, using a sample of 555 store customers. In the quantitative hypothesis testing, we correlated the store-attributes perceived salience with the possible non-commercial recommendation sources. The results revealed several positive correlations. Every recommendation source analyzed had between five to thirteen positive significant correlations, out of fifteen possible. The most expressive correlations found were between the variables: the store attribute "cozy/elegant" and the recommendation sources "other customers", "third parties" and "friends or family"; the store attribute "possibility to choose between different models of one product" with the recommendation sources "friends or family", "third parties" and "other customers"; the store attribute "the store carries the latest products" with the recommendation sources "other customers", "friends or family" and "third parties”.
  • Shopper marketing: a literature review
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Marreiros, Cristina
    Shopper marketing is a recent concept and it has been gaining importance and attention among managers and researchers. Due to its youth and increasing relevance, the purpose of this paper is to analyze, categorize, compile and analyze the existing knowledge concerning shopper marketing. The main finding of this paper is that the literature on shopper marketing is complementary and coherent, and also raises several research and managerial challenges. Besides that, there is a structural common trace on the literature, recognizing that shoppers are citizens with specific needs beyond consumption, which should be effectively analyzed and satisfied, adopting a shopper marketing approach. The main contributions provided are the compilation of shopper marketing literature, its analysis and the identification of major issues and directions for future research.
  • Do Brands "JUST DO IT"? Studying the Effectiveness of B2C Slogans
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Galvão, Susana C. Brito
    This study aims to contribute to a more effective creation and management of slogans in the context of branding and advertising, testing which factors might influence the brand slogan recall and recognition. An empirical study was conducted, via a self-administrated original questionnaire, applied to a sample of 156 elements, analyzing the recall and recognition rates for twenty-nine slogans, from nine different product categories: retailing, cokes, juices, water, sports, telecoms (mobiles), beer, personal care and ice-cream. The independent variables used to analyze each slogan recall and recognition were: slogan length, slogan antiqueness, brand industry, slogan language, brand consuming frequency and sympathy towards the brand. A positive relation was found between the antiqueness of slogans and their spontaneous recall. It was also found that the spontaneous recall of slogans has high variation among brands and shorter slogans have higher recall rates. Other variables (slogan language, brand consuming frequency and sympathy towards the brand) did not showed a significant impact on the recall/recognition of slogans.
  • An Empirical Study on the Impact of Brand Loyalty in Remembering Slogans
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Galvão, Susana C. Brito
    Purpose: This paper examines the influence of brand loyalty on the individuals’ capacity to recall and recognize brand slogans. Design/Methodology/Approach: Empirical quantitative research, gathering data via an online questionnaire among 370 costumers of three telecom B2C service providers in Portugal. Findings: In general terms, the influence of brand loyalty on the ability of the customers to recall and recognize slogans was not verified. Practical implications: For a brand interested in raising its slogan awareness, either by recall or recognition, the level of marketing efforts should not vary according to the customer loyalty degree. Originality/Value: The study contributes to the analysis of an influence not yet explored in the previous studies dedicated to improving slogans’ effectiveness.
  • The Impact of YouTube and TikTok Influencers in the Customer Journey: An Empirical Comparative Study Among Generation Z Users
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Sandes, Fábio; Xara-Brasil, Duarte
    The present paper aims to analyse the impact of YouTubers and TikTokers influencers in the customer journey phases, among Generation Z users. To do so, a quantitative deductive empirical study was carried out. The respective data collection was made via an online questionnaire survey, obtaining a valid sample of 529 participants. The results show that both type of influencers might influence the customer journey, but mainly in the first stages of the process. It was also found that YouTubers tend to have a higher influence in each of those stages than TikTokers. Although the topic of social media influencers is growing significantly and has already been studied, no similar study was found addressing separately the stages of the customer journey decision-making process, neither comparing influencer of both platforms in that context
  • The Influence of Customer Retention Time on Slogan Recall and Recognition: An Empirical Study
    Publication . Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Galvão, Susana C. Brito; Bogas, Paulo Sérgio Ribeiro de Araújo
    This research intends to explore some of the roots that might influence the effectiveness of slogans. The specific aim of the study is to examine the relationship between the customer retention time and the recall and recognition of brand slogans. This is as an important issue to be studied on branding, because no previous studies were found, and the better understanding of such relationship will help on deciding which marketing mix elements should be managed in order for the brands to obtain a more memorable and stable position in the consumers’ mind. An empirical quantitative study was conducted with an online survey research method employed to collect data from 370-real consumers of three B2C brands in telecom industry. The results revealed that customer seniority (retention time) did not significantly influence slogan recall nor recognition.
  • Innovative driving marketing for a better world: the emergence of social proposals in pandemic times
    Publication . Carvalho, Luísa Margarida Cagica; Lanero-Carrizo, Ana; Xara-Brasil, Duarte; Vázquez-Burguete, José Luis; Sanchez-Hernandez, M. Isabel; Silveira, Paulo Duarte; Moreira, Sandrina Berthault; Galvão, Susana C. Brito; Barbosa, Vítor