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  • O estudo de aula como processo formativo de futuros/as professores/as
    Publication . Delgado, Catarina; Mendes, Fátima
    Esta comunicação tem como propósito apresentar uma prática pedagógica desenvolvida no âmbito da formação inicial de professores do ensino básico, que se baseou na realização de um estudo de aula, enquanto processo formativo, com vista ao aprofundamento do desenvolvimento do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo (PCK) dos/das futuros/as professores/as. Esta prática envolveu docentes e futuros professores num trabalho colaborativo de planificação, observação e reflexão sobre as aulas planificadas (designadas por aulas de investigação). A análise dos dados recolhidos evidencia que as diferentes etapas do estudo de aula contribuíram para o aprofundamento do PCK dos/das futuros/as professores/as, no que respeita à antecipação das dificuldades dos alunos e de estratégias de resolução; às ações do professor para auxiliar os alunos a ultrapassar as dificuldades, ao uso de estratégias de ensino associadas a uma abordagem exploratória e aos modos de preparar e orientar uma discussão coletiva. Além disso foram identificados alguns desafios inerentes a todo o processo formativo e sobre os quais é necessário refletir no sentido de os ultrapassar nos estudos de aula a realizar futuramente.
  • Educating for safety at school: accident prevention and action in case of burns
    Publication . Colaço, Gabriela; Simões, Helena Maria Espada; Lucena, Aldina; Freitas, José
    According to the Portuguese General Directorate of Health, accidents are the fourth most common cause of death in Europe. Among these are burns, for which children are a particularly vulnerable group. In the EU, burns are the 4th leading cause of accidental death in children. In addition to consequences on morbidity and mortality, burns influence quality of life, with physical, emotional and mental consequences The majority of burns happen at home and 90% are preventable. The school plays an important role in improving the student’s health and life quality, responding to problems in society and preparing new generations for responsible citizenship. It is up to the school to promote the adoption of safety behaviors, prevention, and adequate risk management. The SOS Fire project (2019-22) was a co-funded ERASMUS + project aiming to create awareness among school children, teachers and families about the risks caused by fire, its prevention, and the most important measures to put in place in case of emergency. In the early stages of the project, a survey (71 respondents) and a focus group (9) showed that teachers had a low level of literacy regarding fire and burn prevention, although they considered it to be a very important issue. Additionally, they felt there are few didactic materials available, and they rarely cover these topics, although they acknowledge the important role the school has in education for risk and accident prevention. Therefore, a training workshop with a workload of 50h was designed to empower teachers to act, make decisions, improve their skills on Education for safety and risk prevention. This paper addresses the pilot training in Portugal, its design, implementation, results and conclusions. The results suggest that there is a clear need to empower teacher with tools and methodologies to address the education for risk and prevention of fire and burn, teachers fully understand the importance of the issue and are highly motivated to tackle it and those are the key ingredients for promoting effective changes.
  • Atividades, estratégias e aprendizagens na educação em ciências em tempos de restrições ao ensino presencial
    Publication . Silva, Maria João; Cevadas, Bento; Linhares, Elisabete; Simões, Helena Maria Espada; Ferreira, Sílvia
  • Exercise training in the spectrum of breast cancer
    Publication . Figueira, Ana; Pereira, A; Leitão, Luís; Ferreira, Rita; Duarte, José Alberto
    Exercise training and regular physical activity have been mentioned as one of the non-pharmacological approaches to enhance breast cancer outcomes. Such evidence encourages health professionals to recommend it as an adjuvant in treatment conditions to improve cardiorespiratory fitness that, can increase the rate of completion of pharmacologic therapies, reduce cancer-related fatigue, and improve muscle strength and quality of life. Research results have highlighted a positive relationship between exercise and breast tumor outcomes, that seem to be dose dependent (the more activity the more protection) and can be mediated through several biological mechanisms. In this chapter, we intend to summarize the current knowledge about the effects of exercise in the regulation of metabolic and steroid hormones, tumor-related inflammation, and the attenuation of cancer-induced muscle wasting, highlighting the exercise designs that can prompt the best results.
  • Análise dos esquemas táticos numa equipa profissional de futsal
    Publication . Ferreira, António; Santos, Rui; Sousa, Paulo Malico; Pinheiro, Valter; Santos, Fernando Jorge Lourenço Dos
  • Reflections on a scratch summer course: students' perspectives
    Publication . Grácio, João; Rodrigues, Maria Rosário; Torres, João; Figueiredo, Miguel
    The GEN10S Portugal project has been offering Scratch programming courses, with a 15-hour duration, in face-to-face mode, to groups of students and two or more teachers of each class, from schools that are project members. Two Scratch teachers per class, hired by the project, have also participated in 12 of these 15 hours, supporting the activities. When the schools’ face-to-face activities stopped, in January 2021, a 12- hour Scratch course was tested. This course was then replicated eleven times, between July and August 2021, involving 132 students. In this paper, we will use a qualitative methodology to analyse the perceptions of the students involved about the course they had the opportunity to participate. We will also look at the teachers' evaluation of their final work, carried out in groups, to try to understand if a methodology, totally based on online training, can have satisfactory results with students attending the 5th and 6th grade. The results achieved point out to the success of the courses, having obtained very positive opinions from the students who attended it and most of the final works, done by the students, have been classified above average, when comparing them with all those that were carried out throughout the GEN10S project.
  • Tourism and motorhome: reflections on its importance for local development
    Publication . Nunes, Paulo; Tomás, João; Santos, Fernando Jorge Lourenço Dos
    Tourism as a social phenomenon crosses the history of humanity, despite its recent organization and study. It presents a constant evolution over time through processes and models resulting from the improvement of transport, the increase of new and potential experiences, new products and services, as well as new environments, making these factors increasingly critical when choice of a tourist destination. Its landmark was a tour to Leicester organized for 570 people by Thomas Cook (1841), which was the first large-scale trip. Currently, motorhomes are a type of tourism, which can be processed with free overnight parking, that is, in any non-prohibited location, or in places especially suitable for this purpose, including camping sites. It has been developing in Europe since the 1960s, especially at the beginning of the decade, with the adaptation of vans, both artisanal and industrial. The main objective of this article is to carry out a critical reflection on self-catering in the perspective of assessing its importance for local development, in its social and economic dimension. It will explain the relationship between tourism and motorhome, as well as its social implications as a global phenomenon. It is considered pertinent the need to establish the theoretical debate on selfdriving, taking into account the indispensability of delimiting the field of analysis of scientific investigations that have this activity as an object of study, due to the media interest and economic dimension it contains.