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- A systematic literature review of Gamification in Cultural Heritage: Where are we? Where do we go?Publication . Marques, C. G.; Pedro, João P.; Dionísio, Marta; Almeida, Paula; Silva, Cláudia Pires DaGamification has become an important tool in many organizations and fields of study. Despite the growing body of work, there are still many open paths for new research. This paper aims look at the uses of Gamification in the field of Cultural Heritage, to take account of where the research is and to point the open paths for the future in a post-pandemic word. To do this, this paper presents a systematic literature review on Gamification in Cultural Heritage. While other endeavors have been conducted by other authors to map out the field, the scope of this study aimed to be much broader. The goal was to understand who the main actors with publications in the field are, as well as for what purposes and to what forms of Heritage is gamification being applied to. The findings indicate that European institutions are the main publishers of research on Gamification in Heritage, with the field still being dotted with incidental, one-time, studies. Whist intangible forms of Heritage are gaining ground in the use of Gamification, the field is largely dominated by GLAM institutions and groupings of mutually diverse Cultural Heritage assets, such as in tourist destinations. This paper also argues for more substantial networks and collaborative work between researchers.
- Game on: direções futuras para gamificação em/para património culturalPublication . Marques, C. G.; Araújo, Inês; Pedro, João P.; Pires da Silva, Cláudia; Dionísio, Marta; Almeida, PaulaO potencial da gamificação para o turismo e património cultural tem sido amplamente reconhecido, tanto nos círculos académicos como em comunidades de prática. Devido a este reconhecimento, tem havido nos últimos anos um crescente número de experiências e reflexões sobre a utilização de estratégias de gamificação para a interpretação, salvaguarda e desenvolvimento económico de bens culturais. À medida que o campo se expande para além de projetos isolados e um corpo de trabalho mais consistente se começa a formar, torna-se cada vez mais importante criar oportunidades de discussão mais amplas sobre direções futuras para a investigação, isto dentro dos pontos de ligação entre gamificação e património cultural. Objetivando este propósito, este artigo apresenta o trabalho que será desenvolvido pelo projeto de investigação GAME ON – “orientações para a gamificação no Património Cultural”. Adotando uma visão ampla do campo de trabalho, as suas possibilidades e os seus desafios, o projeto visa identificar tendências e direções nas quais futura investigação deve ser desenvolvida. Nesse sentido, este artigo explora os dois eixos operacionais do projeto: consolidação do conhecimento existente e qualificação de investigadores/as, discutindo obstáculos e perspetivas tanto no âmbito de ação como no campo de trabalho em geral. Através do plano de trabalho previsto, o projeto perspetiva a expansão de estratégias de gamificação para o aprofundamento dos laços culturais e para a salvaguarda do património cultural, uma vez que estas ferramentas são simultaneamente inovadoras e cativantes, tanto para os visitantes como para as comunidades na salvaguarda.
- O Ativação do Mecanismo de Apoio “adaptar Turismo”, em Portugal, como meio de Relançamento Económico do SectorPublication . Almeida, Paula; Marques, C. G.; Pires da Silva, Cláudia; Dionísio, MartaEste estudo visa analisar a distribuição das verbas afetas ao incentivo financeiro do setor, num primeiro trimestre, pelo mecanismo de apoio criado pelo instrumento jurídico Despacho Normativo nº24/2021, na senda do Plano Reativar Turismo/Construir Futuro apresentado em maio do ano corrente. A Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº76/2021, de 20 de maio, que criou o referido plano veio a definir um conjunto de ações e de medidas de resposta às necessidades do setor do turismo decorrentes do severo impacto económico e social da pandemia provocada pela COVID 19. Tendo consciência da necessidade de apoio às empresas deste sector, o mecanismo de apoio visa criar instrumentos de financiamento que, ao mesmo tempo que potenciam a retoma da atividade turística, contribuam para a meta de requalificação, pela aposta das empresas na digitalização. O diagnóstico da transição digital como fator de sustentabilidade neste setor tem evidenciado grandes progressos no posicionamento de Portugal, no panorama mundial de turismo sustentável, para o que pretende reforçar tal posição o pacote de incentivos criados pelo citado mecanismo de apoio. Ao longo do presente estudo, propomo-nos analisar o impacto imediato destas medidas, por via duma análise de inquéritos a PME que tenham critérios de elegibilidade para os projetos a apresentar.
- Implementation Measures of EU Strategy for Sustainable TourismPublication . Almeida, Paula; Pires da Silva, Cláudia; Dionísio, Marta; Marques, C. G.All over Europe it became clear that tourism is a cross-cuting economic activity with a wide-ranging impact on the environment and climate and on the EU´s economy as a whole. The tourism industry directly or indirectly employs 27 million people which accounts for 11.2% of total EU employment and helps to promote a positive regional development and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, social welfare and economic security of local communities. As tourism and transport industries were among those most affected by Covid-19, as a result to restriction on travel, as a way to control the spreading of virus, it was clear that measures will be stronger as a part of a coordinated EU strategy. In this study we will approach the EU legislation that has been approved to create a common frame work for essential and non-essential travel, enabling the industry to adapt and apply compliant hygiene measures and the implementation in EU member states. Only by providing the EU and its Member States with a factual overview and data for policymakers, they will feel enable to devise informed strategies, based on collected and analysed tourism data.
- Implementation Measures of EU Strategy for Sustainable TourismPublication . Almeida, Paula; Pires da Silva, Cláudia; Dionísio, Marta; Marques, C. G.All over Europe it became clear that tourism is a cross-cutting economic activity with a wide-ranging impact on the environment and climate and on the EU´s economy as a whole. The tourism industry directly or indirectly employs 27 million people which accounts for 11.2% of total EU employment and helps to promote a positive regional development and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, social welfare and economic security of local communities. As tourism and transport industries were among those most affected by Covid-19, as a result to restriction on travel, as a way to control the spreading of virus, it was clear that measures will be stronger as a part of a coordinated EU strategy. In this study we will approach the EU legislation that has been approved to create a common frame work for essential and non-essential travel, enabling the industry to adapt and apply compliant hygiene measures and the implementation in EU member states. Only by providing the EU and its Member States with a factual overview and data for policymakers, they will feel enable to devise informed strategies, based on collected and analysed tourism data.
- Study about the importance of E-fatura and IVAucher in the tourism and culture sectors in pandemic timesPublication . Marques, C. G.; Almeida, Paula; Pires da Silva, Cláudia; Dionísio, Marta; Dias, Inês Isabel; Pedro, João P.Since February 2015, Portuguese citizens can deduct from VAT a percentage of the expenses on their invoices. This deduction includes expenses related to accommodation, catering and similar. This action is done through the online E-fatura platform, a space where Portuguese taxpayers can check their invoices and the amounts of deductions. By encouraging taxpayers to ask for an invoice, the Portuguese Government intends to fight tax evasion and fraud and to privilege sectors of the economy such as tourism. With the pandemic caused by SARS-COV-2, the Government is preparing to launch another technological platform to put into practice another measure to support tourism called IVAucher and which it presented in the State Budget for 2021. This temporary measure will allow citizens accumulate VAT on consumption in restaurants, hotels and culture, in vouchers that can be discounted in the following quarter on new consumption in the same activities. This study aims to present the opinion of the Portuguese about these measures. A national survey was carried out through an electronic survey to understand whether the Portuguese know the measures and whether they use or intend to use it, and to know their opinion about the impact of this on the consumption of products and services related to the tourism and culture sector. The results show an overall positive view of these measures, although they do not seem, by themselves, to induce significant changes in consumer’s behaviours. The study also makes clear the need for further research on the interplay between these measures and other public policies being implemented, particularly those focused on the stimulus of the demand.
- The impact of Portuguese legislative changes in local accommodationPublication . Almeida, Paula; Marques, C. G.; Dionísio, Marta; Silva, Cláudia Pires DaThis study seeks to fill the epistemological gap regarding the impact of legislative and regulatory means of managing local accommodation, has been changed, as it relates to the cultural identity of cities and parts of cities in Portugal. We presume such a cultural identity to be a complex entity which is built in part in negotiation with the tourist, but one that is currently being done on an imbalanced relationship. This study is conducted from a law studies point of view, seeking to draw conclusions from recent touristic trends especially in the cities of Porto and Lisbon. The Governmental Decree nº128/2014, August 29th, with the news brought by Decree nº63/2015 created severe dangers to municipal institutions: the risk of ‘desertification’ of the center by local citizens, rent pressure, social polarization, amongst other risks, which led to the “gentrification phenomenon” that has occurred in other centers such as Barcelona, Venice and Berlin. This growth has been leveraged by the use of digital platforms that promote accommodation, like Airbnb, Homeway and Booking. While these digital platforms relate to a shared economy and the democracy of tourism phenomenon as it allows tourists to find accommodation adjusted to their budgets, the lack of policing also led to some scams and taxes evasion. In order to control the unbridled growth of local accommodation in some areas, the national legislator has imposed in Law nº62/2018, 22 of august, the possibility to municipalities to establish, by regulation, some containment areas, to contain registration of more places as local accommodation. On the course of this study we propose to approach the impact of this solution and evaluate the economic impact of these legal efforts to contain that growth.
- Local accommodation: from paradise to hell - the impact of Covid 19 and strategies to recover the investment, in PortugalPublication . Almeida, Paula; Marques, C. G.; Silva, Cláudia Pires Da; Dionísio, MartaThis study seeks to fill the epistemological gap regarding the impact of Covid 19 on local accommodation. The growth of Local Accommodation led to some good and bad results: for once, the old buildings were rebuilt as the owners saw a way to recover the investment, and some families found a way to increase their income, and on the other hand, the exponential growth created severe dangers to municipal institutions: the risk of ‘desertification’ of the center by local citizens, rent pressure, social polarization, amongst other risks, which led to the “gentrification phenomenon”. This pandemic situation brought the real destruction of this accommodation sector, as the fear of travelling, besides the cancelation of flights and sanitary restrictions change the face of tourism sector and the owners of local accommodation places struggle to survive. On the course of this study we propose to find some ways out of hell that step into this sector.
- Insignia - A Monitoring and Enhancement Model for Portuguese Historical Military HeritagePublication . Mateus, Lígia; Marques, C. G.; Pires da Silva, Cláudia; Dionísio, Marta; Rego, Carla; Pinto Coelho, JoãoThe INSIGNIA project aims to develop an enhancement model for Portuguese historical military heritage, applied to the Military Tourism Route (RTM) – a tourism product developed by the Portuguese Military Tourism Association (ATMPT), in partnership with Portuguese municipalities and several public and private entities. The RTM is composed of a set of thematic routes associated to events in Portugal's military history and aggregates a set of resources, services, and a digital repository platform of existing historical and military heritage in Portugal, equipped with dynamic programming in constant updating. The purpose of INSIGNIA is to safeguard, promote, and enhance national historical and military heritage, contributing to the affirmation of military tourism in Portugal and promoting the qualification of its agents, facilities, and the territories themselves. Therefore, an action-research methodology will be used, based on document analysis, inquiry, and observation as techniques for collecting information. The methodological plan includes the implementation of five actions aimed at monitoring and optimising the product in the territory. So far, the preliminary results of the literature review tell us about the existing projects and the launch of the RTM digital platform tells us the number of entries and preferences among the routes presented. INSIGNIA began in 2021 and will continue until 2023.
- Os Desafios do Turismo no Contexto da Sustentabilidade Face à PandemiaPublication . Pires da Silva, Cláudia; Dionísio, Marta; Marques, C. G.; Almeida, PaulaDesde o início do século XXI que o turismo ganhou o estatuto de uma das maiores atividades económicas do mundo, sendo também um fator importante de desenvolvimento sustentável. No entanto, devido à atual fase pandémica, esta situação sofreu um revés, alterando comportamentos e hábitos da população em geral. Mais do que nunca a sustentabilidade assume um papel fulcral no desenvolvimento turístico, sendo imprescindível conjugar a vertente económica com a vertente cultural e consequentemente aliá-las à sustentabilidade ambiental e social. Este artigo propõe assim uma reflexão sobre o impacto económico no turismo decorrente da atual pandemia e consequente impacto ambiental e social, bem como a análise das medidas adotadas ou a adotar num futuro próximo, algumas ligadas às tecnologias de informação e comunicação, de forma a minimizar os danos sentidos no sector. As considerações apresentadas neste artigo não pretendem encerrar esta temática, mas sim, abrir espaço para novas reflexões e dinâmicas que possam contribuir para a sustentabilidade nas suas diferentes vertentes do turismo.