8 results
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- Cultural adaptation and Rasch psychometrics of the Substance Addiction Consequences scalePublication . Boska, Gabriella; Seabra, Paulo; Ferreira De Oliveira, Márcia Aparecida; Garcia Claro, Heloísa; Fernandes, IvanThis study aims to adapt and evaluate the validity of the Substance Addiction Consequences scale for the Brazilian community-based addiction setting. This is a psychometric study, conducted in two stages: (1) cultural adaptation and (2) validation using the psychometric Rasch model. The Substance Addiction Consequences derived from the Nursing Outcome Classification comprises 16 items and four domains in the original instrument. We applied the original scale with 200 outpatients at two Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and Drugs in São Paulo, Brazil. The four subscales are suitable for the Rasch model. In 13 of the 16 items, infits and outfits are between 0.5 and 1.5, corresponding to the model's optimal parameters. In addition, we removed one item that distorted the measurement. The psychometrics suggested that the SAC scale is valid with its 15 items and four domains. Therefore, it can be considered appropriate to use in the Brazilian community-based addiction setting.
- Acolhimento integral em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas na perspectiva da proteção dos direitos humanosPublication . Boska, Gabriella; Ferreira De Oliveira, Márcia Aparecida; Seabra, PauloEste artigo tem por objetivo avaliar se os resultados do acolhimento integral em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas III (CAPS AD III) atendem aos padrões de qualidade para proteção e respeito dos direitos humanos dos usuários. Desenvolvemos um estudo avaliativo, quantitativo e de desenho longitudinal com 122 usuários acolhidos integralmente em dois CAPS AD III, com follow-up após 14 e 90 dias. Os resultados dos indicadores qualidade de vida, consequências da dependência de substâncias e reabilitação psicossocial, foram posteriormente analisados à luz do referencial QualityRights. Três temas e nove padrões foram avaliados. Quatro padrões foram classificados como alcance total, quatro como alcance parcial e um como alcance iniciado. O direito a usufruir do padrão mais elevado possível de saúde física e mental foi o padrão mais atingido pelo acolhimento integral (tema 2). O direito a exercer a capacidade legal e o direito à liberdade pessoal e segurança foi atendido com algumas fragilidades (tema 3). O direito de viver de forma independente e ser incluído na comunidade, necessita de outros recursos sociais, além do cuidado especializado em saúde mental, para ser melhorado (tema 5).
- Effectiveness of Social Prescribing Programs in the PrimaryHealth-Care Context:Publication . Costa, Andreia; Sousa, Carla Joana; Seabra, Paulo; Virgolino, Ana; Santos, Osvaldo; Lopes, Joaquim Manuel de Oliveira; Henriques, Maria Adriana; Nogueira, Paulo; Alarcão, VioletaSocial prescribing (SP) is an approach that promotes the use of local non-clinical activities by people. The referral is usually made by primary health-care professionals, in a process wherein local providers play a pivotal role. The main objective of this study was to identify domains of intervention and evidence about the effectiveness of SP programs regarding health-related outcomes. A systematic literature review was carried out following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A literature search was conducted in PubMed, CINHAL, and SCOPUS. Inclusion criteria of the reviewed papers were as follows: (i) effectiveness studies of interventions designated as SP or interventions entailing SP conceptual components; (ii) interventions with adults. Quality assessment was performed with the Cochrane tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials; an assessment tool developed by the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute was applied to observational studies. Overall, 13 articles were included for analysis, with a total of 4603 patients. Although three studies comprised a control group, only two followed a randomized controlled trials (RCT) design. Nine principal domains of intervention within SP were identified, with three categories of outcome measures: Physical and psychological wellbeing; Health behaviors and self-efficacy; and Health care resources end economic evaluation. SP is an emergent and promising health-care intervention, and it has been used to promote different health behaviors. Evidence of SP effectiveness on patient’s health and wellbeing is not strong. Further research is needed for understanding how SP can be applied efficiently.
- Designing a Nurse-Led Program for Self-Management of Substance Addiction Consequences:Publication . Seabra, Paulo; Nunes, Inês Robalo; Sequeira, Rui; Sequeira, Ana; Simões, Ana Susete De Abreu; Filipe, Fernando Miguel; Amaral, Paula; Abram, Marissa D.; Sequeira, CarlosTherapeutic interventions for people with problematic use of psychoactive substances can help tackle specific needs related to substance addiction consequences. This modified e-Delphi study aimed to establish consensus on a training program for self-management of substance addiction consequences. The study was conducted between February and April 2022, with an experts’ sample of 28 participants in the first round and 24 in the second. A priori consensus criteria were defined for each round. The results revealed a very strong consensus was achieved on the structure of the program and on clinical areas, such as the problematic use of substances, general health knowledge, health-seeking behavior and adherence, self-knowledge and well-being, social role and personal dignity, and family process. Additionally, over 80% participant consensus was achieved on an extensive number of interventions categorized as psychoeducational, psychotherapeutic, socio therapeutic, brief interventions, social skills training, problem solving techniques, relaxation techniques, and counseling. These findings may be able to fulfill a gap concerning structured treatment approaches for people with problematic use of psychoactive substances. Supporting self-management of the consequences of substance addiction and its application can change nurses’ interventions.
- Atitudes dos profissionais de saúde portugueses face ao álcool e perceção de autoeficáciaPublication . Seabra, Paulo; Henriques Silva, Vanessa Alexandra; Robalo Nunes, Inês; Valentim, Olga; Moutinho, Lidia; VARGAS, D
- Acceptability and applicability of an intervention programme with substance addictsPublication . Seabra, Paulo; BRANTES, ANA; Sequeira, Rui; Arroja Sequeira, Ana Cristina; Simões, Ana Susete De Abreu; Nunes, Inês Robalo; Amaral, Paula; Sequeira, CarlosThe complexity of the problems related to the harmful use of substances requires regular questioning of practices. This article aims to explore the acceptability and applicability of an intervention programme for patients with problematic substance use. Qualitative study. Data collection, through a focus group with 6 nurses and 6 semi-structured interviews with patients under treatment. We have used lexicographic textual analysis. From the focus group, 151 text segments were analysed, retaining 85.8% of the total for the creation of five classes. An analysis of similarity led to the formation of two central nuclei, represented by the words “Nursing” and “Intervention”. From interviews, 252 text segments were analysed, retaining 71.83% for the creation of 5 classes. An analysis of similarity led to the formation of three central nuclei, represented by the words “want”, “programme” and “see”. Nurses recognise the need for a more structured and flexible approach focused on people’s needs. Users also affirm the need for flexible interventions, without a pre-established time frame, that promote labour integration, therapeutic support for abstinence and management of comorbidities.
- Structured programs for the self‑management of substance addiction consequences in outpatient services: A scoping reviewPublication . Seabra, Paulo; Boska, Gabriella; Sequeira, Rui; Arroja Sequeira, Ana Cristina; Simões, Ana Susete de Abreu; Robalo Nunes, Inês; Sequeira, CarlosStructured intervention programs are an important resource for supporting people with substance addiction. Although evi dence suggests that they improve health outcomes, such as specifc symptoms, less is known about their impact on patients’ ability to self-manage the consequences of substance addiction. The aim of this review is to scope outpatient intervention programs focused on the self-management of substance addiction consequences. Approach. This review followed the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology for scoping reviews. MEDLINE and CINAHL (through Ebsco), Psychology & Behav ioral Sciences Collection (including PsycINFO) and Web of Science were screened to identify articles published in the last 10 years. Only primary research was included. Out of 891 records, 19 were eligible for this review—12 randomized con trolled trials (RCT), 6 quasi-experimental study and 1 observational study. Those studies reported group interventions (10), individual interventions (8) and 1 mixed approach. The most common interventions were based on motivational strategies, relapse prevention and defnition of active plans for risky situations. 10 studies reported positive efects. The identifcation of structured programs may support the development of new approaches focused on empowerment and quality of life of people with substance addiction. Programs to empower patients for self-management of substance addiction consequences are often complex and rely on health professionals’ commitment. Nevertheless, they are a feasible approach that seems to beneft patients managing chronic conditions associated with substance addiction.
- Cultural adaptation and validation of the attitudes towards alcohol scale for health professionals in PortugalPublication . Seabra, Paulo; Robalo Nunes, Inês; Henriques Silva, Vanessa Alexandra; Valentim, Olga; Guedes De Pinho, Lara; Moutinho, Lidia; VARGAS, D; Curado, Maria Alice dos SantosWe aimed to conduct an adaptation and validation of the Attitudes towards Alcohol, Alcoholism and Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders Scale (EAFAA) which set to address the main groups of attitudes. It is composed in its original version by 50 items, divided into 4 factors: (1) work and interpersonal relationships with patients with alcohol consumption disorders; (2) the person with alcohol consumption disorders; (3) alcoholism (aetiology) and (4) alcoholic beverages and their use. The cultural adaptation from Brazilian to European Portuguese changes 22 items and the designation of one factor. The content validity index scale was 0.96. The psychometric properties were analysed through a cross-sectional study, with a convenience sample of 500 health professionals and students. The confirmatory factor analysis model with the same four (4) original factors, led to the elimination of 9 items. The scale revealed Cronbach’s alpha of 0.801. Empirical adjustment indices were satisfactory with Minimum Discrepancy Function by Degrees of Freedom divided (CMIN) ( X2/gl) = 3.91; p < 0001, RMSEA = 0.076 and the goodness of fit index (GFI) with 0.8. Relative indices values were normal fit index (NFI) = 0.6, comparative fit index (CFI) = 0.7 and Tucker-Lewis index