IADITI - Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management
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JISEM is multidisciplinary, focusing on technological, organizational and social domains. Research published in the Journal focuses on relevant problems in the planning, analysis, design, implementation, exploration and management of information systems.
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- Organisational Culture Attributes Influencing the Adoption of Agile Practices: A Systematic Literature ReviewPublication . Mkoba, Elizabeth SylvesterOrganisations have been adopting agile practices to deliver information system projects faster and create business value. Despite its advantages, many organisations battle to successfully adopt agile practices. While there are several challenges for agile adoption, organisational culture has been amongst the challenges on adopting agile practices. The objective of this study was to determine the organisational culture attributes which influence the adoption of agile practices within the organisation. The systematic literature review aimed to explore the organisational culture attributes which influence the adoption of agile practices. The review focused on papers published on organisational culture influencing the adoption of agile practices between January 2015 to December 2020. The search strategy retrieved 204 papers of which nine papers were selected for a detailed analysis. The study revealed five factors of organisational culture that influence the adoption of agile practices in the organization as: management control, team collaboration, market, values and creativity. These factors have a number of organisational culture attributes that influence the adoption of agile practices. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing organisational culture attributes which influence the adoption of agile practices. The results of the systematic literature review presented in this study will benefit researchers and practitioners of project management.
- Continuous Assurance for the Digital Transformation of Internal AuditingPublication . Barros, Cátia; Marques, Rui PedroAs a result of the increasing demand on the credibility of the financial information disclosure, internal auditing has been playing an increasingly important role in organizations. Currently, there is a need to ensure the compliance of organizational transactions in real time in order to increase the reliability of the information and to reduce risks. In this context, the concept of Continuous Assurance has emerged, allowing to reduce potential errors and risks and obtain useful information in real time, supporting more effectively the decision making and internal auditing. This paper aims to understand the importance and the use of Continuous Assurance services from the perspective of the internal auditor. So, the methodology used is qualitative and the questionnaire survey was used to collect data from interna auditors in Portugal. The main results demonstrate, among other findings, that the Continuous Assurance services are considered by the internal auditors as very important. Despite this, its implementation in the organizations does not follow the importance assigned to it, and is still far from being fully deployed. The dimension of the audit department is an influential factor in the use of some Continuous Assurance services.
- CMS in Public Administration: A Comparative AnalysisPublication . Louraço, Daniela; Marques, Célio GonçaloThere is a wide variety of content management systems (CMS) available on the market, each with its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, but the open source, such as Joomla, WordPress and Drupal are the ones who stand out, duo to characteristics such as: ease of use, possibility of customization, support, security, adaptability and amount of resources available (modules, components and plugins). These solutions are extremely relevant for public organizations, bringing citizens and businesses closer to their governments, by providing a more direct and intuitive access to government information and services (Fang, 2002). To achieve the benefits of its implementation, it is necessary an analysis of the solutions available on the market and which ones are best suited to certain management objectives. Through a comparison of data and information collected, it is highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three CMS mentioned, especially which one is most indicated for a specific context of application and project typology in public administration, using for these rankings of use and popularity on platforms such as W3Techs and BuiltWith, as well as a set of supporting documentation.
- Guiding legacy systems for evolution. PmatE: a case study of maintenance and engineeringPublication . Monteiro, André; Vieira, GonçaloEven though software change is inevitable, accurate maintenance can extend software lifespan in a subtle way when both budget and time constraints get in the way of software replacement. In the University of Aveiro, the project PmatE – a quiz web platform created to encourage students to like Math – emerged in the early 1990’s and stacked several applications over the decades without major planning, cleaning or upgrade. This resulted in a huge-sized framework that was crucial to be always available and online and had high operational cost, leading to an increasing amount of technical debt. After 3 decades, the project was studied, refactored and refurbished, leading to a stable consistent framework ready for evolution and software spinouts. This work shows how to manage and engineer solutions to maintain a legacy system and evolve it even when tied up to heavy constraints.
- Overview of some Command Modes for Human-Robot Interaction SystemsPublication . Zaatri, AbdelouahabInteraction and command modes as well as their combination are essential features of modern and futuristic robotic systems interacting with human beings in various dynamical environments. This paper presents a synthetic overview concerning the most command modes used in Human-Robot Interaction Systems (HRIS). It includes the first historical command modes which are namely tele-manipulation, off-line robot programming, and traditional elementary teaching by demonstration. It then introduces the most recent command modes which have been fostered later on by the use of artificial intelligence techniques implemented on more powerful computers. In this context, we will consider specifically the following modes: interactive programming based on the graphical-user-interfaces, voice-based, pointing-on-image-based, gesture-based, and finally brain-based commands.
- Augmented Reality for a New Reality: Using UTAUT-3 to Assess the Adoption of Mobile Augmented Reality in Tourism (MART)Publication . Pinto, Agostinho Sousa; Abreu, António; Costa, Eusébio; Paiva, JerónimoFew industries were more affected by the COVID-19 pandemic than tourism. One of Europe´s leading tourist destinations, Porto had undergone a major tourism boom until the start of pandemic. Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is one of the many emerging technologies that has great potential for tourist operators. Using this technology, they can create innovative tourism products that will help them recover from the present crisis. As a result, in this study, we will empirically test the latest version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to explore the factor leading to the adoption Mobile Augmented Reality in Tourism (MART) in Porto. In doing so, we aim to contribute to growing literature on the topic of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR). The originality of this study lies in the use of an extended UTAUT model with greater predictive power and the exploration of the moderative role of gender, age and experience. To the data obtained from a random sample of 201 respondents who voluntarily answered an anonymous online questionnaire, we applied structural equational modeling and partial least squares (SEM-PLS) analysis to test the model. Our findings show that habit, hedonic motivations and facilitating conditions are the determinants of the use of MART.
- Management Challenges in Bimodal IT OrganizationsPublication . Stamoulis, DimitriosMost information technology (IT) organizations are experimenting on adoption of the dual mode of operation, involving traditional and agile methods of work. These two incompatible development worlds need to be in sync for IT to operate effectively. However, both types of operation map onto generic project management principles allowing the manageability of IT projects. Management issues and challenges are presented as points for paying particular attention when managing bimodal (both waterfall and agile practices) IT organizations in two stages: the transition from the traditional to the bimodal and after the adoption of bimodal. These issues and challenges belong to the management and organizational, people, process and technology categories. The management challenges presented in this study are important for the decisions to be made regarding the management and governance of projects into bimodal IT organizations.
- Towards an Integrated Mobile Technology on Animal Disease Surveillance Framework in Tanzania: A Systematic ReviewPublication . Kijazi, Ahmed; Kisangiri, Michael; Kaijage, Shubi; Shirima, GabrielTanzanian Government, through its national audit office in March 2020, reported the prevalence decline of two animal diseases, namely; Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP). Similarly, an increase in three animal diseases, which are African Swine Fever (ASV), Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP), and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). The national audit office mentioned inadequate animal disease surveillance system in the country was among the challenges that hinder diseases control. Therefore, this study reviews the existing animal diseases surveillance systems global and suggests measures to enhance animal diseases surveillance systems in Tanzania. This review focuses on the possibility of sharing surveillance data among livestock stakeholders (including livestock keepers) in Tanzania, considering available resources such as animal diseases existing prediction models and mobile-based surveillance systems. Also, the availability of mobile technologies such as Short Message Service (SMS), Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) and automatic voice calls (Robocalls). Reviews synthesize the previous studies to explore strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and challenges for better future interventions through proper and timely information sharing. This study selected 46 records from the 147 identified for review. The selected records include 24 from bibliographic databases, 14 from full-text journals and other non-bibliographic databases, and 8 from the open search on websites
- Adoption of ERP Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Study of Multiple Cases In Southern of Minas GeraisPublication . Frogeri, Rodrigo Franklin; Júnior, Pedro dos Santos Portugal; Piurcosky, Fabrício Pelloso; Silva, GuaracyThis work analyzes the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Adoption of ERP in SMEs can provide better control of organizational processes and quality to the information that drives decision-making. However, small and medium-sized enterprises have long remained outside the scope of ERP adoption research. Current scientific literature cover, at first, large firms and when SMEs are the unit of analysis, results are not similar whether compared to the large firms. Thus, this research aims to identify and analyze the factors that influence the adoption of ERP in SMEs. This purpose was achieved through a qualitative approach, inductive logic, interpretive epistemology, and a multiple case study (six firms) in companies located at the southern of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Data were collected by interviews with the managers (administrative or IT) and analyzed by two techniques: Lexical and Content Analysis. We used Iramuteq software to support Lexical Analysis. We observed that the adoption of ERP in SMEs has higher influence by Technological and Organizational constructs than by Environmental factors. Variables such as commercial partnerships, external support and competitiveness were not observed as a factor that influence ERP adoption in SMEs. Otherwise, added value, compatibility, firm size, and the composition of the steering body were observed as a factor that positively influence ERP adoption in Brazilians SMEs.
- Questionnaire Results (QEP) and the socio-economic problems of students in Higher Education in the time COVID-19Publication . Sá, Susana Oliveira; Gomes, Carlos Alberto; Sousa, Carlos MenesesThe gender and economic conditions of students from Higher Education Institutions attending the 1st year, after the COVID-19 pandemic, acquires great importance, especially in terms of study conditions and their emotions. The study, with an international scope and on two continents, aims to use the pandemic questionnaire for students (QEP), with five dimensions under study: conditions for study, emotions, academic performance, teaching strategies and sociability. The QEP was answered by 101 students from a private higher education institution in northern Portugal. The QEP questionnaire is part of a research project that aims to guide specific institutional policies to support students' permanence and completion of courses in Higher Education Institutions, allowing the early identification of intentions to drop out or students at risk. As well as to understand how e-learning teaching influenced teaching, learning and the permanence of students in higher education institutions.
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