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IADITI - Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management

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JISEM is multidisciplinary, focusing on technological, organizational and social domains. Research published in the Journal focuses on relevant problems in the planning, analysis, design, implementation, exploration and management of information systems.


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  • ICT Skills – Study concerning students from seventh to ninth grade in Viana do Castelo district
    Publication . Rocha, Manuel Trigueiro da; Muñoz-Repiso, Ana García-Valcárcel; Costa, Eusébio
    The present study presents the results of an investigation within the scope of educational assessment. The main objective of this study is to assess the digital competencies of students from the 7th to 9th school years in the district of Viana do Castelo. Data were collected through a questionnaire, validated, composed by the dimensions Information and Informal Literacy, Communication and Collaboration, Creation of Digital Content, Security and Problem Solving. The sample consists of 861 respondents. After analysing the results, we consider it relevant to reflect on the trends that contribute to the importance of ICT in the young population. Similarly, it is possible to state that the students in our sample have a reasonable amount of general knowledge, skills and aptitudes regarding digital competences. However, when it comes to surfing the Internet, browsing and filtering information, as well as storing and retrieving information, adding and reformulating files, solving everyday life problems with technology, working with technological innovations and solving digital gaps, most students showed little mastery of these topics. Contrary to being in the same grade or not, it is the gender that shows a significant amount of statistically significant results, regarding digital knowledge, skills and competencies. It can be seen that most students do not ask their family members for help with school tasks, which leads to the conclusion that the acquisition of digital skills is not achieved within the household.
  • Gamification in the process of cognitive stimulation in children with Down syndrome
    Publication . Navas-Alarcón, Eduardo; Caizachana, Alex; López, Irene
    This research studies the use of new information and communication technologies for the benefit of children with Down syndrome, it is about the design and programming of an application for mobile devices that stimulates playful interactions with the resource of gamification that takes advantage of the technological potential of video games in the educational field. Its interface was designed using Adobe Animate software with Action script programming language, designing two-dimensional animated graphics that encourage affective, cognitive and behavioral processes such as animals, their habitat and food; it also incorporates scenarios and sounds of easy grouping to encourage their academic activity in attention, visual retention and cognitive stimulation. The methodology used to design the first prototype was a survey of teachers, psychologists and language specialists of the Foundation for children with special abilities "San Miguel de Salcedo" FUNESAMI, who actively contributed in the development, structure, content and implementation of the application, which was evaluated with the active participation of 14 children with Down syndrome in average age of 6 to 12 years, The application was evaluated with the active participation of 14 children with Down syndrome with an average age of 6 to 12 years, finding remarkable improvements in the attention and retention that the child directs to the game, achieving an interaction that facilitates the teaching-learning process compared to the traditional method, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and development of the child patient, thus complying with what is stated in the Constitution of Ecuador contributing to the good living.
  • How Machine Learning (ML) is Transforming Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review
    Publication . Pinto, Agostinho Sousa; Abreu, António; Costa, Eusébio; Paiva, Jerónimo
    In the last decade, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and learning data analytics have been introduced with great effect in the field of higher education. However, despite the potential benefits for higher education institutions (HIE´s) of these emerging technologies, most of them are still in the early stages of adoption of these technologies. Thus, a systematic literature review (SLR) on the literature published over the last 5 years on potential applications of machine learning in higher education is necessary. Following the PRISMA guidelines, out of the 1887 initially identified SCOPUS-indexed publications on the topic, 171 articles were selected for review. To screen the abstracts and titles of each citation, Rayyan QCRI was used. VOSViewer, a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks, and Microsoft Excel were used to generate charts and figures. The findings show that the most widely researched application of ML in higher education is related to the prediction of academic performance and employability of students. The implications will be invaluable for researchers and practitioners to explore how ML and AI technologies ,in the era of ChatGPT, can be used in universities without jeopardizing academic integrity.
  • Concerns about Cybersecurity: The Implications of the use of ICT for Citizens and Companies
    Publication . Carvalho, Sandro; Carvalho, João Vidal; Silva, João Carlos; Santos, Gilberto; Bandeira, Gonçalo S. de Melo
    The widespread use of Information and Communication Technologies - ICT substantially increases the risks related to information security. In fact, due to the increase in the number and type of cyber attacks, Cybersecurity has become a growing concern in today's society. This phenomenon affects not only individual citizens, but also companies and even State entities. Despite the numerous advantages of this "digitalisation" of society, there are several risks, ranging from identity theft, scam emails or phone calls, online fraud, offensive material and child pornography, material promoting racial hatred or religious extremism, access to online services, email account hacking, online banking fraud, cyber extortion or malicious software. In order to determine the impact that cyber attacks have on society it is necessary to understand how people and companies use ICTs, such as social networks, the information they share, their privacy concerns, or the use of electronic services such as online payments or the cloud. This study becomes central not only to try to prevent/minimise risks, showing what has been done in this area, but more importantly, the way forward to try to prevent or minimise possible risks in the future.
  • Users’ perception of satisfaction of the eletronic information system – SEI in the Instituto Federal de Rondônia
    Publication . Camarinha, Ana Paula; Abreu, António; Júnior, Marcelo Tenório Matos; Cardoso, Ivone
    Public institutions in Brazil have undergone a major process of digitization of their procedures and services following the precepts of Industry 4.0. In this scenario, Instituto Feral da Rondônia - IFRO sought to increase its efficiency with the adoption of the Electronic Information System - SEI, adopted in 2017. The following investigation sought to know the perception of satisfaction of users of the system through the adapted application of the Model of Technology Acceptance (TAM). This is an exploratory investigation of a quantitative nature that sought to validate or reject hypotheses through the application of a questionnaire. The collected data showed that the various analyzed constructs had a positive relationship with each other, making it possible to validate all the research hypotheses. It was concluded that IFRO employees perceived the usefulness of the SEI and that this perception significantly influenced the intention to use the system and the quality, agility and planning of work in the institution.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on audit profession
    Publication . Rodrigues, Luis; Pereira, José; da Silva, Amélia Ferreira; Ribeiro, Humberto
    There is an expectation that the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) will bring about profound changes in the current paradigm of the audit profession, ensuring better reliability and security in the analysis of financial statements. This paper reports the results of a questionnaire survey to ascertain the perceptions of certified auditors, from two Portuguese districts, regarding the impact of artificial intelligence on the audit profession. Findings reveal that the respondents believe that the profession's future depends on the implementation of AI, namely in the efficiency and effectiveness of audit procedures, sampling techniques, cost-benefit relationship and recognizing material distortions.
  • Adoption of Telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ibero-America: A Systematic Literature Review
    Publication . Pinto, Agostinho Sousa; Abreu, António; Costa, Eusébio; Paiva, Jerónimo; Vieira, Laís
    The outbreak of COVID-19 caused a major international public health crisis and led to the imposition of social distancing measures to contain the spread of the virus. In this context, the use of telehealth skyrocketed as the only way to deliver healthcare to patients during a lockdown was remotely. The countries of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula were severely hit by the pandemic and the prospects and challenges associated with widespread adoption of telehealth are unique. The goal of this systematic literature review is to explore how telehealth has been used during the pandemic to prevent, diagnose, treat and control diseases in Ibero-America. Thus, we sought to identify the main keywords, themes, theoretical frameworks and methodologies used by researchers in this area. We used several tools for bibliographic management like Rayyan, VOSViewer and NVIVO and followed the PRISMA protocol. Our analysis of themes showed the existence of 3 nodes within the literature: students, teachers and education. After searching in 6 databases, 1826 articles were found. After excluding the duplicates (231 articles), we screened and read the titles and abstracts of 1595 articles. Only 119 articles met the inclusion criteria. Finally, after a full-text analysis, a final sample of 106 articles was selected for analysis. Spain and Brazil are the countries who have produced the greatest volume of research in the region. The public sector is the largest funder of research on this topic by far especially at national level. Our findings show that the research output in the region of Ibero-America (Latin America and Iberia) on this topic is still relatively small when compared to regions like North America.
  • Influential Factors for Hospital Management Maturity Models in a post-Covid-19 scenario - Systematic Literature Review
    Publication . Vargas, Vanessa Bertholdo; Gomes, Jefferson de Oliveira; Fernandes, Priscila Correia; Vallejos, Rolando Vargas; Carvalho, João Vidal de
    The importance of Maturity Models in the health area was proven to support, monitor and direct health organizations to better plan and execute to their investments and developments. In this work, two reviews of the literature were collected: one of them focuses on identifying the main maturity models developed in the health area, the similarities, and gaps between them, identifying which are the Influencing Factors and, the other one, is to identify the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a pandemic scenario, the health sectors demonstrated the importance of the resilience, in which health systems had to adapt abruptly, considering physical structures; professional management; patient safety; supply chain and; technologies. Technologies, played an essential role to mitigating the pressure that health systems faced due to the increase in health costs, growth of chronic diseases, population aging, population’s expectation for more personalized health and, added to that, the confrontation of Covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, we identified the lack of maturity models that address the adversities that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic in health systems for better hospital management and avoid the pressure to which they could be subjected again.
  • Design of a trust system for e-commerce platforms based on quality dimensions for linked open datasets
    Publication . Valencia-Martinez, Camilo Alejandro; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique
    This article describes a proposal about a trust system for e-commerce platform based on semantic web technologies and trust dimensions rules. We try to expose a system that allow to manage communication processes between e-commerce platforms and users in a trustworthy manner. It allows the data flows and transactions gain more trust across the entire process. All of this can be achieved through the inference of rules exposed in the defined ontology, complemented by a cloud-based system with microservices architecture. With the implementation of the system through an e-commerce platform, could consume data from the microservices in order to get inferences about its clients that want to buy or sell something within its system. This system was created based on rules defined by the ontology, as well as the microservices could be used to register information about multiple e-commerce transactions. The result of this work is the Ontology and semantic web rules defined and implemented through protege.
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accounting information systems and organizations’ performance
    Publication . Gomes, Pedro; Silva, Anabela; da Silva, Amélia Ferreira; Monteiro, Albertina; Pereira, Liliana
    This paper empirically examines the impact of COVID-19 on accounting information systems and organizations' performance. ­­ It follows a quantitative approach. For data collection, an online questionnaire was developed and tested. The final version of the questionnaire was applied to the 2556 largest companies in Portugal. The 3 research hypotheses under study were tested with 101 valid answers. The results reveal a high rate of implementation of accounting and performance measurement instruments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding the dynamics of the updates of organizations’ performance measurement systems, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed and described as primarily positive. In turn, the performance of the companies was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study contributes to a better understanding of the role of accounting and performance instruments in organizations under a high level of organizational uncertainty.