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Este artigo foca-se numa experiência de formação de ensino da estatística envolvendo
estudantes do Curso de Licenciatura em Comunicação Social da ESE/IPS. Decorre de um
estudo de cariz exploratório cujos objetivos são identificar potencialidades para a aprendizagem
da estatística pelo envolvimento dos estudantes num projeto de investigação e desafios que se
colocam no ensino desta área do conhecimento, tendo por base esta opção, num contexto de
pandemia. Este estudo constitui uma investigação sobre a própria prática da formadora
(primeira autora deste artigo). Os dados foram recolhidos através da observação participante
das aulas, da recolha documental e de questionários realizados aos estudantes. O envolvimento
dos estudantes no projeto de investigação resultou num maior interesse pela aprendizagem da
estatística e no desenvolvimento das suas capacidades de transnumeração, de raciocínio com
modelos e de integração da estatística no contexto. Destacam-se como desafios: (i) a gestão do
tempo de aula de modo a responder às diferentes solicitações dos grupos de estudantes, (ii) a
antecipação de possíveis questões que apoiem e suscitem a reflexão sobre a análise dos dados
realizada por eles e (iii) a necessidade de, simultaneamente, dar resposta a dificuldades
relacionadas com o uso da ferramenta Excel e com conceitos de estatística.
This paper focuses on a training experience in teaching Statistics involving students from the Social Communication Course of the ESE/IPS. It stems from an exploratory study whose objectives are to identify potentialities for learning statistics from the involvement of students in a research project and the to identify challenges that arise in teaching of this area of knowledge, with this option, in a pandemic context. This study is an investigation about the trainer´s own practice (the first author of this paper), whose data were collected through the observation (participant) of the classes, the documentary collection and questionnaires made to the students. The involvement of students in the research project results in a greater interest about learning Statistics and in the development of their capacity of transnumeration, of the reasoning with models and of the integration of statistics and the context. The challenges are: (i) to manage class time in order to respond to different requests from student groups, (ii) to anticipate questions that support and encourage reflection about the analysis of data carried out by them and (iii) the need to respond, simultaneously, to the difficulties related with the use of the Excel tools and with concepts of statistic.
This paper focuses on a training experience in teaching Statistics involving students from the Social Communication Course of the ESE/IPS. It stems from an exploratory study whose objectives are to identify potentialities for learning statistics from the involvement of students in a research project and the to identify challenges that arise in teaching of this area of knowledge, with this option, in a pandemic context. This study is an investigation about the trainer´s own practice (the first author of this paper), whose data were collected through the observation (participant) of the classes, the documentary collection and questionnaires made to the students. The involvement of students in the research project results in a greater interest about learning Statistics and in the development of their capacity of transnumeration, of the reasoning with models and of the integration of statistics and the context. The challenges are: (i) to manage class time in order to respond to different requests from student groups, (ii) to anticipate questions that support and encourage reflection about the analysis of data carried out by them and (iii) the need to respond, simultaneously, to the difficulties related with the use of the Excel tools and with concepts of statistic.
Delgado, C., Torres, J., Rodrigues, M. R., & Marôpo, L. (2021). A aprendizagem da estatística de estudantes da licenciatura em comunicação social alicerçada num projeto de investigação: Potencialidades e desafios. In J. Grácio, J. V. Torres, M. C. L. Paniago, M. R. Rodrigues, M. Figueiredo, & M. B. Arguelho (Orgs.), Atas / anais do encontro cultural digital e educação na década de 20 (pp. 174-180). Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.
Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal