12 results
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- Profile of practice, travel behaviour and motivations for geocachingPublication . Falcão, Ana; Damásio, António Sérgio; Melo, RicardoGeocaching is a recreational sport activity considered as apostmodern treasure hunting game. Associated with the movement to distant places, the search for new landscapes, culture and adventure, geocaching is being integrated into the tourism industry. In spite of its growth and economic significance, few studieshave been developed to understand this sport tourism activity. Thus, this study was developed to understand the geocaching practice profile, geocaching travel behaviour and the motivations for the practice of geocaching, and to examine whether these variables are associated with the socio-demographic characteristics of geocachers.An online questionnaire survey was applied to geocachers living in Portugal, and 613 responses were obtained. The results show that geocaching is a recent sport activity in Portugal, whose motivations for practice are related to nature and escape, and that geocachers have a strong disposition to travel, highlighting the potential of geocaching for sport tourism. Statistical tests also revealed that socio-demographic characteristics are not associated with the geocaching practice profile and geocaching travel behaviour. However, the socio-demographic characteristics are associated with the motivations for the practice of geocaching, particularly when compared by sex, age and education level. Management and marketing implications for sport tourism operators and destinations are discussed.
- Relação entre frequência de prática e importância atribuída pelos praticantesPublication . Gomes, Ricardo; Franco, Diana; Dias, Maria; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Damásio, António Sérgio; Campos, Francisco
- Importance given to the reasons for sport participation and the characteristics of a fitness servicePublication . Damásio, António SérgioThe main motives for sports participation in Portugal are: health improvement (67%), relaxation (32%) and better physical appearance (28%) (European Commission, 2014). Regarding fitness activities, gym location (close to home or workplace), price and flexible schedules are the main characteristics when deciding the place for sports practice (Cracknelll, 2015). The present study has two aims: to analyse the importance given by the clients to the reasons for fitness participation and to assess the importance given to the characteristics of a fitness service. Forty-five fitness clients, which were also university students, participated in this study. Regarding the first objective, health related motives [adopt a healthy lifestyle (M=6.18) and improve health (M=6.09)] were the most important. Regarding the second objective, facility hygiene and cleanliness (M=6.33) price (M=6.27) good technical support (M=6.20) and a diversified schedule (M=6.16) are the factors to which most importance is given. This research supports Franco, Pereira and Simões (2008) and Campos (2015) statements, arguing that, gym and health club owners should consider the importance given by the clients to the facilities’ characteristics and their motivations for sports participation.
- Livro de resumos do 3º Forum REDESPP : desporto para um futuro sustentável - território e comunidadesPublication . Damásio, António Sérgio; Martins, Artur; Rebelo Leandro, Cristina; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Campos, Francisco; Dias, Gonçalo; Mendes, Pedro; Gomes, Ricardo; Melo, Ricardo; Mendes, Rui
- Os jogos, as lengalengas e as danças tradicionais infantis portuguesas : proposta de recriação e trabalho interdisciplinarPublication . Campos, Francisco; Rebelo Leandro, Cristina; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Gomes, Ricardo; Mendes, Rui; Damásio, António Sérgio
- Formiga : atividade físico-desportiva, alimentação e estilos de vida saudável em crianças dos 3 aos 9 anos de idadePublication . M. L. Martins, Fernando; Campos, Francisco; Melo, Ricardo; Rebelo Leandro, Cristina; Gomes, Ricardo; Mendes, Rui; Damásio, António Sérgio
- Desporto, lazer e educação : uma perspetiva a partir dos desportos de naturezaPublication . Melo, Ricardo; Damásio, António Sérgio; Rebelo Leandro, Cristina; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Campos, Francisco; Gomes, Ricardo; Mendes, Rui
- Observação como instrumento no processo de avaliação em Educação FísicaPublication . Mendes, Rui; Manuel Clemente, Filipe; Rocha, Rúben; Damásio, António SérgioObservar caracteriza-se pela sua individualidade constrangida por significados particulares diferenciados e sujeitos à subjetividade inerente a cada observador (cf. Sarmento, 2004). A subjetividade da observação é um facto incontornável (e.g., Proença, 1982; Sarmento, 1991) sendo que, a eficácia de um qualquer comportamento, determina-se pelo grau de identificação entre o objetivo definido (i.e., observador) e o resultado obtido (i.e., executante). Consequentemente, a eficácia do sistema avaliativo depende intrinsecamente da qualidade e afinamento percetivo da observação. Face ao exposto, pretende-se com o presente trabalho abordar os conteúdos teóricos relativos ao entendimento da observação e como este processo poderá auxiliar na melhoria do sistema avaliativo realizado pelo professor de Educação Física.
- Importância atribuída no fitness : perceção dos praticantes de acordo com o géneroPublication . Campos, Francisco; Damásio, António Sérgio; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Franco, Susana
- Alimentação, estilos de vida, prática desportiva, composição corporal e competência motora em crianças do ensino Pré-escolar e 1.º CEB (FORMIGA - Montemor-o-Velho)Publication . Campos, Francisco; Melo, Ricardo; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Damásio, António Sérgio; Mendes, Rui; Gomes, Ricardo