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  • Associations between quality of life and central auditory processing in seniors: preliminary results
    Publication . Amaral, Ana Paula; Silva, Carla Matos, 1975-; Alves, Ana Rita; Prata, Cláudia; Fernandes, Carolina; Simões, Paula; Nascimento, Maria; Rocha, Clara
    Introduction: Several health-related conditions have been reported to be important for quality of life (QoL) (Raggi et al., 2016). Central auditory processing (CAP) corresponds to the perceptual processing of the auditory information in the central nervous system (Musiek & Baran, 2007). With aging, alterations at the level of perception and detection of the sound in the central and peripheral system occur and have effects on the senior’s QoL. Objectives: To analyze associations between CAP and QoL, considering sociodemographic variables. Methods: This study was conducted in a cross-sectional and descriptive design. Ethical requirements are respected. Participants: 19 seniors with average age of 81.6 (SD=9.5), 68.4% are females and 68.4% live alone. Measures: Socio-demographic data survey, Portuguese version of World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Older Adults and an audiological evaluation constituted by an otoscopy, a tympanogram, a pure tone audiogram and the speech in noise test. Statistical analysis was performed using software IBM SPSS version 24. Nonparametric test were used. Results: When the elderly live alone, results showed significant positive associations between CAP and QoL (total score). There was positive correlations between QoL and the speech in noise test in the relation signal/noise10dB (r=0.573; p=0.041), and total (r=0.573; p=0.040) for right ear. The same result was observed in the left ear when the relation signal/noise10dB (r=0.572; p=0.041), and total (r=0.583; p=0.037). No significant results were obtained when the seniors don’t live alone. Conclusion: The results evidenced the importance of sociodemographic factors, such as “live alone” in the relation between CAP and QoL in older adults. Probably when we live alone the discrimination of speaking in noisy ambiance is a predictor factor of quality of life in seniors. Future studies are needed in order to clarify this relation.
  • FORSCells: 40-days fixed prepared reagent for detection of anti-Forssman in humans
    Publication . Ferreira, Sofia; Mourato, Cristiana; Corpuz, Alyssa; Galvão, Sofia; Hesse, Camilla; Rocha, Clara; Jesus, Carlos; Mendes, Fernando, 1973-
    In 2012, the FORS system was accepted by the International Society of Blood Transfusion as the 31st blood group system. Forssman (Fs) antigen (Ag) expression is most commonly found on sheep red blood cells (RBC) but rare in human RBC. Anti-Fs antibodies (Ab) are naturally occurring in human sera and are predominantly IgM but they can also be IgG. To this day, the global prevalence of the FORS system is unknown. Currently, there is a lack of natural FORS1-positive RBC available to use for anti-Fs screening in large populations. This study was designed to produce FORS1-positive cells viable for 40 days use in the anti-Fs screening. Three to 5% FORS1-positive cells were produced using sheep's blood and CellStab stabilizer solution. The quality of the FORS1-positive cells was investigated in more than three independent experiments of ABO titration, osmotic fragility test and supernatant haemolysis. For each batch of FORS1-positive cells produced, an extended antibody panel was performed. To demonstrate that the FORS1-positive cells can be used for up to 40 days, anti-Fs screening and classification were carried out in a patient and donor population. Antigenic expression and membrane integrity of FORS1-positive cells remained stable for 40 days. Good FORS1 Ag preservation was established, and minimal haemolysis was observed. In conclusion, a novel and easy-to-produce reagent has been developed and submitted to a patent with stable FORS1 Ag expression. With this FORS1-positive cell suspension, it is now possible to screen and classify anti-Fs Ab in large populations.
  • Effects of a personalized intervention program on the biochemical and hematological profile in community dwelling old adults-the AGA@4life intervention model
    Publication . Caseiro, Armando; Rocha, Clara; Silva, Ana Margarida; Ferreira, Carla; Silva, Isabel; Clemente, Mariana; Cipriano, Inês; Saraiva, Marina; Barreira, Rogério; Azenha, Joana; Loureiro, Maria Helena; Martins, Anabela; Pereira, Telmo
    Aging is a social and economic challenge of the highest importance and a multidisciplinary intervention seems to be a promising approach for improving the quality of life of elderly individuals. This project was designed aimed at promoting an active and healthy aging through the implementation of an intervention program based on the comprehensive geriatric assessment model (AGA@4life), focused on promoting health and wellbeing, independence and autonomy, mobility, and social inclusion. A non-randomized interventional study was designed to evaluate the effect of only a dietetic and nutritional approach (control group (CG)) and the combination of a tailored exercise program and a dietetic and nutritional approach (intervention group (IG)) in the biochemical and hematological profile of older adults in the framework of AGA@4life. The 34 participants enrolled, aged 65 years or over, were subject to a thorough baseline (T0) multidisciplinary diagnostic evaluation, including the gathering of clinical information and a battery of biochemical and hematological determinations, and reevaluated after eight weeks of intervention (T1). Between T0 and T1, an increase in albumin and total proteins serum levels were observed in both groups (p < 0.01); the hematological profile in CG and IG showed an increase in red cell count and hemoglobin (p < 0.05). In IG, an increase of HDL cholesterol (p < 0.001) and a decrease of triglycerides (p = 0.001) were still observed. The AGA@4life multidisciplinary intervention improved the hematological and biochemical profile of old adults, potentially contributing to delay the development of several aging comorbidities and increase the quality of life of participants.
  • A influência do treino auditivo na comunicação do idoso
    Publication . Silva, Carla Matos, 1975-; Fernandes, Carolina; Alves, Ana Rita; Prata, Cláudia; Rocha, Clara; Martins, Jorge
    Com o envelhecimento, ocorrem alterações na perceção e deteção do som no sistema auditivo com repercussões no processo de comunicação. O estudo da audição no idoso deve incluir a avaliação do sistema auditivo central e periférico com a adequação de técnicas comportamentais e eletrofisiológicas para a avaliação do Processamento Auditivo Central, com vista à implementação de programas de treino. Vários estudos sugerem que este seja realizado para minimizar as dificuldades de compreensão da fala, principalmente em ambientes ruidosos de modo a que as lacunas no processamento da informação sejam reduzidas e que a identificação e discriminação dos padrões sonoros sejam potencializados. O treino auditivo pode ser aplicado em diferentes faixas etárias, sendo uma excelente opção para indivíduos com hipoacúsia, utilizadores de aparelhos auditivos e idosos com dificuldades na compreensão da fala. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito do treino auditivo nas capacidades da compreensão da fala em idosos.
  • Study of acute and sub-acute effects of auditory training on the central auditory processing in older adults with hearing loss-a pilot study
    Publication . Silva, Carla Matos, 1975-; Fernandes, Carolina; Rocha, Clara; Pereira, Telmo
    Background: Impairment in speech perception is a common feature of older adults. This study aimed at evaluating the acute and sub-acute (after three months) effects of auditory training on central auditory processing in older people with hearing loss. Methods: A nonrandomized study was conducted enrolling 15 older adults with hearing loss and an average age of 78.6 +- 10.9 years. All participants underwent a baseline otoscopy, tympanogram, audiogram and speech-in-noise test with a signal-noise ratio (SNR) of 10 and 15 dB. Afterwards, auditory training intervention was implemented consisting of 10 training sessions over 5 weeks. Participants were divided into two groups: group 1 (G1) underwent auditory training based on a speech-in-noise test; group 2 (G2) underwent a filtered-speech test. Auditory processing was evaluated at baseline (T0) immediately after the intervention (T1) and 3 months after the intervention (T2). Results: Group 1 were quite efficient regardless of the SNR in the right ear with statistically significant differences from T0 to T1 (p = 0.003 and p = 0.006 for 10 dB and 15 dB, respectively) and T0 to T2 (p = 0.011 and 0.015 for 10 dB and 15 dB, respectively). As for the left ear, the increase of success was statistically significant for the SNR of 10 dB and 15 dB from T0 to T1 (p = 0.001 and p = 0.014, respectively) and from T0 to T2 (p = 0.016 and p = 0.003). In G2, there was a significant variation only from T0 for T1 in the left ear for an SNR of 10 dB (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Speech perception in noise significantly improved after auditory training in old adults.
  • Benefits of auditory training on elderly people with hearing loss
    Publication . Fernandes, Carolina; Silva, Carla Matos, 1975-; Rocha, Clara
  • Processamento auditivo central em pessoas idosas : resultados preliminares
    Publication . Fernandes, Carolina; Silva, Carla Matos, 1975-; Alves, Ana Rita; Prata, Cláudia; Rocha, Clara; Martins, Jorge Humberto
    INTRODUÇÃO: A presbiacúsia acarreta dificuldades na interpretação do sinal sonoro com uma influência acrescida na perceção do discurso na presença de ruído. Pretende-se estudar as habilidades do processamento auditivo central na discriminação da fala no ruído, em pessoas idosas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída por 20 sujeitos, com idades compreendidas entre os 67 e os 92 anos. Todos realizaram otoscopia, timpanograma, audiograma tonal simples e teste de fala no ruído. Este estudo é do tipo descritivo-correlacional e transversal. RESULTADOS: A curva audiométrica apresenta declínio significativo (p < 0,001) com o aumento das frequências testadas, a partir da frequência dos 500 Hz, apresentando o ouvido esquerdo melhores resultados do que o ouvido direito, com significância estatística (p = 0,043), apenas nos 250 Hz. No teste de fala no ruído, os resultados do ouvido esquerdo evidenciaram uma média de acertos de 21,5% na relação sinal/ruído de 10 dB, tendo um aumento significativo (p < 0,001) na relação sinal/ruído de 15 dB cuja média de acertos foi 26,3%. O ouvido direito exibe uma média de acertos de 17,3% e de 27,85% na relação sinal/ruído de 10 dB e de 15 dB respetivamente, com um aumento significativo (p = 0,002) na relação sinal/ruído de 15 dB. CONCLUSÃO: Tendo em conta os resultados, em que o teste de fala no ruído apresenta uma média de acertos inferior aos 50% em ambos os ouvidos, chegámos à conclusão que quanto menor for a relação sinal/ruído maiores as dificuldades na compreensão da fala. Assim, a avaliação audiológica da pessoa idosa deve incluir a avaliação periférica e central.
  • Portal venous pressure variation during hepatectomy: a prospective study
    Publication . Carrapita, Jorge Gomes; Rocha, Clara; Donato, Henrique; Costa, Alexandre; Abrantes, Ana Margarida; Santos, Jorge Nunes; Botelho, Maria Filomena; Tralhão, José Guilherme; Barbosa, Jorge Maciel
    Excessive portal venous pressure in the liver remnant is an independent factor in the occurrence of posthepatectomy liver failure and small-for-size syndrome. The baseline portal pressure prior to hepatectomy was not considered previously. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of portal pressure change during hepatectomy on the patient outcome.
  • Abordagem geriátrica ampla na promoção de um envelhecimento ativo e saudável: componentes do modelo de intervenção AGA@4life
    Publication . Pereira, Telmo (Coord.); Ferreira, Ana; Amaral, Ana Paula; Fonseca, Ana; Alves, Ana Rita; Martins, Anabela Correia; Silva, Carla Matos, 1975-; Fernandes, Carolina; Rocha, Clara; Prata, Cláudia; Cipriano, Inês; Castanheira, Joaquim; Martins, Jorge; Loureiro, Helena; Saraiva, Marina; Simões, Paula; Santos, Rute; Costa, Tatiana; Galinha, Vera
  • Study of hearing processing in seniors before and after hearing training
    Publication . Fernandes, Carolina; Prata, Cláudia; Alves, Ana Rita; Rocha, Clara; Silva, Carla Matos, 1975-
    Introduction: The Central Auditory Processing (CAP) corresponds to the perception of the hearing information in the Central Nervous System and to the neurobiological activity involved and is carried out through a set of stages characterized by specific abilities on which the person depends to interpret what he hears. With aging, alterations at the level of perception and detection of the sound in the central and peripheral system occur and have effects on the senior’s communication process. The hearing process permits to minimize the difficulties in the information processing and to enhance the identification and discrimination of sound patterns. This study aims at evaluating the effect of hearing training on the seniors speaking comprehension skills. Methods: The sample consists of 16 people, aged from 58 to 91. All the people have undergone an otoscopy, a tympanogram, a pure tone audiogram screening and the speech in noise test. The people who presented otoscopy without alterations and tympanogram Type A have been included in the study. After the initial evaluation, all the people have undergone a hearing training programme of 10 sessions during 5 weeks, where 8 have undergone the speech in noise test (G1) and 8 have undergone the training with a filtered speech test (G2). Results: Comparing the results obtained before and after the hearing training, we can verify statistically significant differences in the speech in noise test in all the conditions of the test (relation signal/noise10dB, 15 dB and total) in both ears (p<0,05). As far as the training type is concerned, the G1 reveals statistically significant differences in all the conditions of the test (p<0,01). As far as the G2, only statistically significant differences are observed in the left ear in the condition signal/noise 10dB (p=0,006). Conclusion: The hearing training revealed improvement in the hearing processing abilities, namely in the discrimination of speaking in noisy ambiance in seniors.