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INTRODUÇÃO: A presbiacúsia acarreta dificuldades na interpretação do sinal sonoro com uma influência acrescida na perceção do discurso na presença de ruído. Pretende-se estudar as habilidades do processamento auditivo central na discriminação da fala no ruído, em pessoas idosas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída por 20 sujeitos, com idades compreendidas entre os 67 e os 92 anos. Todos realizaram otoscopia, timpanograma, audiograma tonal simples e teste de fala no ruído. Este estudo é do tipo descritivo-correlacional e transversal. RESULTADOS: A curva audiométrica apresenta declínio significativo (p < 0,001) com o aumento das frequências testadas, a partir da frequência dos 500 Hz, apresentando o ouvido esquerdo melhores resultados do que o ouvido direito, com significância estatística (p = 0,043), apenas nos 250 Hz. No teste de fala no ruído, os resultados do ouvido esquerdo evidenciaram uma média de acertos de 21,5% na relação sinal/ruído de 10 dB, tendo um aumento significativo (p < 0,001) na relação sinal/ruído de 15 dB cuja média de acertos foi 26,3%. O ouvido direito exibe uma média de acertos de 17,3% e de 27,85% na relação sinal/ruído de 10 dB e de 15 dB respetivamente, com um aumento significativo (p = 0,002) na relação sinal/ruído de 15 dB. CONCLUSÃO: Tendo em conta os resultados, em que o teste de fala no ruído apresenta uma média de acertos inferior aos 50% em ambos os ouvidos, chegámos à conclusão que quanto menor for a relação sinal/ruído maiores as dificuldades na compreensão da fala. Assim, a avaliação audiológica da pessoa idosa deve incluir a avaliação periférica e central.
INTRODUCTION: Presbycusis entails difficulties in the interpretation of the sound signal with an increased influence in perceiving speech in the presence of noise. We intend to study the central auditory processing skills in speech discrimination in noise of elderly people. METHODS: The sample consists of 20 people, aged from 67 to 92. All the people have undergone an otoscopy, a tympanogram, a pure tone audiogram and the speech in noise test. This is a descriptive-correlational study. RESULTS: The audiometric curve shows a statistically significant decline (p < 0.001) with increasing in the frequencies tested, from the frequency of 500 Hz. The left ear presents better results than the right ear, with statistical significance (p = 0.043), only at the frequency of 250 Hz. In the speech in noise test, the results from the left ear showed an average of 21.5% correct answers with a signal/noise relation of 10 dB, with a statistically significant increase (p < 0.001) with signal/noise relation of 15 dB, where the average of correct answers was 26,3%. For the right ear, we obtained an average of 17.3% and 27.85% of correct answers with a signal/noise relation of 10 dB and 15 dB, respectively. There was also a significant increase (p = 0.002) with a signal/noise relation of 15 dB. CONCLUSION: Considering that the speech in noise test exhibits a mean of less than 50% for both ears, we concluded that the smaller the signal/noise relation the greater the difficulties in understanding the speech. So the audiological evaluation of the elderly should include the peripheral and central evaluation.
INTRODUCTION: Presbycusis entails difficulties in the interpretation of the sound signal with an increased influence in perceiving speech in the presence of noise. We intend to study the central auditory processing skills in speech discrimination in noise of elderly people. METHODS: The sample consists of 20 people, aged from 67 to 92. All the people have undergone an otoscopy, a tympanogram, a pure tone audiogram and the speech in noise test. This is a descriptive-correlational study. RESULTS: The audiometric curve shows a statistically significant decline (p < 0.001) with increasing in the frequencies tested, from the frequency of 500 Hz. The left ear presents better results than the right ear, with statistical significance (p = 0.043), only at the frequency of 250 Hz. In the speech in noise test, the results from the left ear showed an average of 21.5% correct answers with a signal/noise relation of 10 dB, with a statistically significant increase (p < 0.001) with signal/noise relation of 15 dB, where the average of correct answers was 26,3%. For the right ear, we obtained an average of 17.3% and 27.85% of correct answers with a signal/noise relation of 10 dB and 15 dB, respectively. There was also a significant increase (p = 0.002) with a signal/noise relation of 15 dB. CONCLUSION: Considering that the speech in noise test exhibits a mean of less than 50% for both ears, we concluded that the smaller the signal/noise relation the greater the difficulties in understanding the speech. So the audiological evaluation of the elderly should include the peripheral and central evaluation.
Doenças auditivas centrais Idoso Perda auditiva neurossensorial Perturbações da perceção auditiva
Fernandes, C. S., Silva, C., Alves, A., Prata, C., Rocha, C., & Martins, J. (2019). Processamento Auditivo Central em Pessoas Idosas: Resultados Preliminares. Gazeta Médica, 6(3).
CUF - Academic and Research Medical Center