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- Cubic Splines in the Grassmann ManifoldPublication . Pina, FátimaWe present a detailed implementation of the De Casteljau algorithm to generate cubic splines that solve certain interpolation problems in the Grassmann manifold.
- Artificial Intelligence identifying patterns in the social interaction of senior individuals through online activities at Virtual Senior University in PandemicPublication . DOMINGUES, A. M.Objectives: Data Mining techniques applied to observe patterns in the social interaction of senior individuals during their participation in the online activities that were proposed by the Virtual Senior University during the pandemic. Methodology: Zoom and Facebook platforms were used to streamline conversations, videos with student performances and homework during the COVID-19 pandemic. The experiments conducted enabled the application of the Artificial Intelligence technique called Data Mining to perform statistical analyses and identify profiles based on the social interaction of the individuals who participated in the online activities. Participants answered about Gender, Age (years), Marital Status, Time attending Senior University and Participation in online activities. They also answered about their participation in these activities, informing if it increased, decreased, remained unchanged or if they did not participate. To carry out the analyses of the collected data, age groups were organized, being 50 to 64 years, 65 to 74 years and 75 or more years. Results and Discussion: It was observed that the majority of seniors who had been attending the Virtual Senior University since before 2020, aged between 50 and 64 years, reported that their participation in online activities had increased. According to the analysis that was carried out, it was possible to correctly classify 76.087% of the data. The accuracy described through the Kappa statistic coefficient showed reliability in the data showing a score of 0.6383 and corresponding to a substantial agreement (range between 0.61 and 0.80). Conclusions: The Data Mining technique applied in this study suggests that there was statistical significance for the analyses carried out based on the social interaction of senior individuals, in the age group between 50 and 64 years old, who participated in the online activities proposed by the Virtual Senior University during the pandemic. Different activities are suggested for the other age groups.
- Assessing the Impacts of Ship Automation Using the Functional Resonance Analysis MethodPublication . Ferreira, Pedro NP
- Contributos para a Taxonomia da gestão de riscoPublication . Nogueira, Nuno; Cadete Pires, Cristina Maria Paulo; Doutor Luis Ferreira, Prof.; Ascenso, Raquel; Veiga, Rui
- Thermal symmetry - Is it a good indicator?Publication . Ricardo Vardasca, PhD, ASIS, FRPS; Ascenso, RaquelThe diagnostic of pathological states using thermal images rely in quantitative simple indicators such as thermal symmetry values. It is aim of this research to investigate whether the thermal symmetry definition is enough to discriminate between healthy and pathological states and overlook other statistical methods in that task. Four images of ankles (1 healthy and 3 pathological) were used as data, 2 ROI were analysed. This research proves that the use of thermal symmetry is a poor indicator, boxplot charts and asymmetry coefficients add useful information that must be considered but are insufficient. Further research is required to overcome this.
- Infrared Thermal Imaging: A dataset definition towards decision making and intelligencePublication . Ricardo Vardasca, PhD, ASIS, FRPS; Bento, Fernando; TERESO, MARCO; Martinho, DomingosInfrared imaging is being used every day for monitoring and diagnostic purposes, although it is poorly documented, which can be a major barrier for intelligence creation from the data collected. This research looked deeper into reference recent literature to find the different sources of data related to an IR examination. It was found that exam, image, object of interest, environmental and equipment data are required for a comprehensive dataset. This dataset will enforce quality assurance and drive decision making through being the basis for intelligence generation.
- O CONTRIBUTO DOS EVENTOS CULTURAIS E CRIATIVOS PARA A CRIAÇÃO DE UMA IMAGEM DIFERENCIADORA DO DESTINO TURÍSTICO MADURO. O CASO DO FESTIVAL MED DE LOULÉ, ALGARVEPublication . Carvalho, RuiO problema de pesquisa pretendeu saber se os pressupostos do turismo criativo, presentes em eventos de cariz cultural, poderiam por sua vez influenciar a imagem de um destino turístico maduro. Incidindo na oferta, a investigação pretendeu analisar não os impactes tradicionais dos eventos, mas sim a adopção de novas medidas culturais e criativas em contexto de regeneração urbana. A metodologia utilizada incidiu na revisão bibliográfica sobre as variáveis de estudo (turismo cultural e criativo, processo de formação da imagem do destino e eventos), análise de conteúdo, técnica de amostragem “snowball” e entrevistas. O estudo de caso incidiu na cidade de Loulé, Algarve, onde o Festival MED foi analisado em relação a estas problemáticas. Não só foi identificada a vontade em criar um bairro cultural na cidade louletana como o facto de o festival ser visto como a alavanca principal de regeneração urbana do centro histórico local. No entanto, foi possível constatar através das entrevistas, que apesar da aposta em novas políticas culturais e criativas, o evento Festival MED não pode por si só influenciar a criação de uma imagem diferenciadora para o destino turístico maduro Algarve, concorrendo antes para uma diferenciação da oferta turística do concelho de Loulé.
- A INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DA INDÚSTRIA FARMACÊUTICA PORTUGUESAPublication . Vieira, Jorge; Frade, RuiO contexto específico da indústria farmacêutica representa um elevado desafio para a internacionalização das empresas portuguesas, devido à reduzida dimensão e carências estruturais do setor, a reduzida representatividade e a elevada intensidade de capital e inovação que caracterizam os atores a nível global. As exportações portuguesas de medicamentos têm sofrido um assinalável incremento nos últimos anos. No entanto a balança comercial de medicamentos é fortemente negativa e bastante desequilibrada, denotando a elevada dependência do nosso país nalguns recursos, em particular, matérias primas e inovação. Este estudo conseguiu atingir os seus objetivos, tendo efetuado a caraterização do setor farmacêutico exportador português, uma sólida revisão bibliográfica sobre a internacionalização, obtendo e definindo, um modelo de investigação de identificação dos fatores que mais influenciam a atitude e estratégias de internacionalização das empresas farmacêuticas portuguesas fabricantes e exportadoras de medicamentos. Este modelo será testado empiricamente em investigação a desenvolver e a ser apresentada futuramente.
- Labour Flexibility as Management PracticePublication . Dionísio, António Luís