IPS - ESTB - SEQB - Capítulos em livros
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- Evaluation of tree root depth and piezometric level in a historical botanical urban garden in Lisbon city, Portugal.Publication . Mendes, Maria Paula; Falcão, Ana Paula; Afonso, Nuno; Esteves, Miguel; Paz, Maria Catarina
- Large Scale H2 Production by Electrolysis Based on Renewable ElectricityPublication . Franco, Flávia; Borges, R. P.; Serralha, F. N.; Martins, Paulo; Aguiar, Ricardo; Cabrita, Isabel; Partidário, PauloIn the framework of preliminary assessments for a European Strategic Project of Common Interest, Portugal has been discussing the setup and operation of a large-scale facility, of ca. 1 GW, for H2 production from water electrolysis, at the Sines region. The operational requirements of such a facility were analysed. Electricity is expected to be mostly supplied by dedicated wind and solar PV farms, but using excess renewable electricity available from the grid at low price under future expected conditions is likely to be an option as well. Under these assumptions, the H2 facility and associated renewable power plants were modelled using the energyPLAN software. The behaviour of this model, and in particular the electricity exchanges of the H2 facility with the grid, was analysed for periods of one year with hourly resolution, under various climatic, energy demand, and plant sizing scenarios. It is estimated that an optimal operation of the H2 facility can be achieved with a 2:1 ratio between the capacity of dedicated renewable power farms and the capacity of the electrolysers. The operation must minimize coincidence of periods of excess electricity available from the grid with the output of the dedicated renewable power farms. The main conclusions are twofold: (i) methodologically, it is shown that energyPLAN provides a useful tool for modelling the operation of such large scale H2 production facilities; and (ii) operationally, when looking forward to achieving optimal plant design and operation conditions, its electricity supply should rely on an appropriate mix of renewable sources and include interactions with the grid
- Relevance of sulfur content from waste feedstock for biodiesel productionPublication . Dias, N. B.; Serralha, F. N.; Venâncio, N.E.; Lee, W.H.; Pereira, F.S.
- Co-creation design thinking process: learning with Demola approachPublication . PICOITO, CÉLIA; Caria, Helena; Angelino, F J A; Velho Dourado Da Silva, Maria Alcina; Pereira, Nuno; Serralha, F. N.; Ruivo, Maria Alice Gois; Vinagre, João; Pires, José
- Contribution of sustainable fuels for the future of the energy sectorPublication . Serralha, F. N.; Dias, Nilmara; Duarte, Raquel; Borges, Rui PedroThe main driving forces of the development of alternative energy are growing energy demand combined with the search for energy independence and environmental issues, such as global warming. Throughout this chapter, the sustainability of the currently most used alternative fuels, their characteristics, applica- tions, global consumption, and demand data will be discussed. The different strategies and policies for the adoption of renewable energies also will be discussed. Fuels are compared by their contributions to the development of the circularity of the energy sector, by the feedstock and process efficiency. The advantages, disadvantages, and barriers that each one presents are evaluated to better understand which are the most promising and how their production and consumption can be increased. The aim of this chapter is to present the potential alternative fuels within their applications and analyze their contribu- tion to make the energy sector more circular and sustainable.
- Avaliação da utilização da metodologia PBL em Otimização de ProcessosPublication . Serralha, F. N.A metodologia de trabalho de projeto (PBL do inglês Project Based Learning) foi aplicada como metodologia de ensino/aprendizagem na Unidade Curricular de Otimização de Processos do Mestrado de Engenharia Química e Biológica da Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Barreiro do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, no ano letivo 2020/2021. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se apresentar como a metodologia foi implementada e o impacto que a mesma teve na aprendizagem dos estudantes. O objetivo da implementação é os estudantes ficarem capacitados para a resolução estruturada de problemas complexos. A avaliação dos estudantes foi feita tendo em conta o registo das observações por parte do docente ao longo do desenvolvimento do trabalho e a matriz de avaliação elaborada para o efeito. A perceção dos estudantes foi tida em conta para o estudo do impacto da metodologia de PBL na aprendizagem nos estudantes. Os resultados obtidos pelos estudantes foram excelentes, bem como a perceção deles sobre o impacto da metodologia de PBL nas suas aprendizagens e contributo para o resultado obtido na avaliação.
- Mini-Project of Ethanol Production from Waste as a Teaching MethodologyPublication . Dias, Nilmara; Carvalho, Teresa; Reis, Alexandre L. S.; Serralha, F. N.The development of sustainable alternative fuel, energy and chemical products is happening all over the world. Some of the main reasons for this increase are the increasing demand for fuel and energy due to population growth and economic development; climate change and the need for decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; enhancement of waste recovery efforts to redirect waste away from landfills and decrease the reliance on primary raw materials. Thus, it is important to make students aware of these aspects and explore the development of alternative fuels, while giving them the tools to be creative and autonomous. The aim of this paper is to show how the implementation of a mini-project can improve not only students’ knowledge about the production of a biofuel from waste, but also their development of the theoretical and basic skills needed to carry out the mini-project. This paper presents in addition to the methodology used, some results to the implementation of the mini project, specifically the students’ points of view.
- Aprendizagem com base em processos de cocriação: o exemplo do DEMOLA® no Instituto Politécnico de SetúbalPublication . Silva, Maria Alcina Velho Dourado da; Ruivo, Maria Alice Gois; Ramos, Bernardo; PICOITO, CÉLIA; Serralha, F. N.; Angelino, F J A; Caria, Helena; Vinagre, João; Pires, José; Pereira, NunoAssistimos, atualmente a inúmeras parcerias e projetos de âmbito nacional e internacional na área da formação ativa, com recurso à utilização de ferramentas digitais e assentes em processos de cocriação entre diferentes parceiros, com o objetivo de se obterem processos/percursos mais criativos e adequados, que respondam de forma eficaz aos desafios científicos que vivemos e se avizinham. Neste artigo procede-se à apresentação, de forma sumária, da participação de um grupo de docentes do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal no Projeto DEMOLA®. Apresentamos os objetivos, a constituição das equipas e a metodologia de trabalho estabelecida. Descrevemos as principais fases que constituem o desenvolvimento do projeto no âmbito do IPS e os resultados que obtivemos da análise de todas componentes (formação estudantes, docentes, desafios com as empresas/ organizações e perceções de toda a equipa). Salientam-se o desenvolvimento de competências instrumentais (Canva, Miro, PESTLE, Portefólio); competências científicas/pedagógicas (Trabalho em Equipa, Abordagem Multiprofissional, Processos de Cocriação, Design Thinking, Pesquisa, Facilitação, Pensamento Disruptivo e Coconstrução, entre outros); e situações de “win-win”, ou melhor “learn-learn” entre facilitadores e estudantes, inovação, intergerações, sustentabilidade e liberdade de pensamento.
- Hydrocarbon bioremediation studies in portuguese soil samplesPublication . Almeida, Sofia; Serralha, F. N.; Coelho, CláudiaExperimental studies were carried out, referring to the verification of the existence and characterization of hydrocarbonoclastic organisms in soil samples obtained in two different areas, one located on the outskirts of the city (Praia da Alburrica), where various anthropocentric activities contribute to the increase in fuel pollutants and the other in a protected wood area, 7 km from the same city, where only leisure activities and environmental education take place (Mata da Machada). Hydrocarbon’s biodegradability studies, colonies morphologically and biochemically characterization of the microorganisms were performed. The values of the bioremediation rate of hexane, toluene and gasoline showed higher bioremediation rates when using consortium cultures which highlight functional potential of the soil microbial community.
- Technology and innovation in teaching genetics: project-based learning in the construction of cloning strategiesPublication . Sousa, A.C.C.; Santos, Sónia A.P.; Osório, N.M.; Justino, Marta CamposProject-based learning (PBL) is an active student-centred form of instruction that uses a project as a central vehicle of knowledge acquisition. Besides its high potential in developing structured thinking, constructive investigations, and improving the students’ responsibility and autonomy, this methodology is not strongly applied in Science degrees, where standardised tests and fixed protocol-driven laboratorial applications are still the dominant ways to assess academic achievement. This research involved the implementation of a PBL in teaching gene cloning strategies to third-year students of the BSc Biotechnology course. The methodology was conducted in four stages, integrating two curricular units, Genetic Engineering, and Integrated-Laboratories VB. Firstly, the project was conceptualised in Genetic Engineering theoretical classes with tutorial support. Secondly, the planned protocol was applied in the laboratory with tutor supervision. Thirdly, collaboration, communication, and reflection skills were emphasized with a poster presentation. Finally, an evaluation questionnaire was applied. The study's main findings were: 1) none of the students have ever had PBL, 2) the majority of students achieved better comprehension and acquired stronger theoretical knowledge, 3) they gained more autonomy in the laboratory, and 4) strongly recommended this methodology. However, students also acknowledged that the PBL approach was more time and study demanding.
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