IPS - ESCE – DML - Capítulos em livros
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- Assessment of open-source ERP online solution in logistics education during and after covid-19Publication . Batista, Carlos; Catarino, João; Nabais, João Lemos; Pereira, Raquel
- Simulation Library for sustainable transport decisions in supply chainsPublication . Batista, Carlos; Nabais, João Lemos; Pereira, Raquel
- Improving urban food markets as a local sustainable meeting pointPublication . Xara-Brasil, Duarte; Pardal, Pedro; Cordeiro, João Pedro Pina; Carvalho, Luísa Margarida CagicaUrban food markets are considered as catalyzers of regional development and central places for promoting sustainability through the short cycles between the farm and the plate. This paper aims to identify mechanisms for improving the performance of an urban food market, considering an extended internal and external analysis. This includes competitive pressure and opportunities and their specific constraints on maximizing its relations with the region's inhabitants and simultaneously promoting the local economy and sustainable behaviors and policies in the community. This is a case study carried out using a qualitative approach with different key players from one of the most important fish markets in the world – Mercado do Livramento in Setúbal (Portugal). The conclusions reinforce the need to preserve its authenticity, through the attraction, satisfaction, and improvement of loyalty rates of local customers, while also reaching a different public and increasing its regional, national, and international attractiveness. To a large extent, this action will involve investing in improving the value proposition of merchants and promoting exclusive experiences, focused on products and people, which is in line with the goals of sustainable development.
- Learning marketing in a multicultural context: a pedagogical case studyPublication . Xara-Brasil, Duarte; Carvalho, Manuela; Nunes, Sandra Cristina DiasThere has been an increasing degree of internationalization of several higher education institutions mainly under the ERASMUS context. Those mobility programs bring important gains in terms of students’ competences to the Higher Education Institutions and to the employers, but there are also many constraints associated with the student’s mobility process. The Setubal Brand Management is a multicultural pedagogical project that also promotes interpersonal skills and encourages a greater integration in the region and with local students. It includes students with diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. In this chapter, several specific pedagogical approaches were taken into account, such as: development of specific contents; implementation of different team-building actions; the inclusion of facilitating elements of communication; and the constitution of multicultural groups. A critical analysis of student perceptions and the sharing of the project with colleagues and with the academic community allowed implementation of several improvements.
- Os destinos turísticos e a influência da marcaPublication . Duarte, Isabel; Xara-Brasil, Duarte; Nunes, Sandra Cristina Dias; Correia, Anabela
- Wines of Portugal - Live Business Case: práticas pedagógicas em contexto internacionalPublication . Xara-Brasil, Duarte; Hanza, KavitaO Live Business Case – Wines of Portugal foi desenvolvido e aplicado em contexto internacional e pretendeu partilhar com os alunos de MBA no Brasil um problema presente sentido por uma organização portuguesa na abordagem ao mercado Brasileiro. O formato pedagógico incluiu a conceção de um documento escrito e a dinamização de uma sessão, presencial – em São Paulo - e de participações a partir de Portugal, através de videoconferência. Os alunos pesquisaram, questionaram, propuseram e discutiram as suas soluções, obtendo feedback do seu desempenho pelos professores e pela organização. Obtiveram-se excelentes respostas – propostas dos alunos - e os inquéritos pedagógicos mostraram grande satisfação por parte destes alunos envolvidos, evidenciando o potencial desta pratica pedagógica e das parcerias entre pesquisadores e instituições de ensino superior.
- A Novel Predictive Control Based Framework for Optimizing Intermodal Container Terminal OperationsPublication . Nabais, João; Negenborn, R. R.; Ayala Botto, MiguelDue to the increase in world-wide containerized cargo transport port authorities are facing considerable pressure to increase effi- ciency of existing facilities. Container vessels with 18, 000 TEUs (twentyfoot equivalent units) are expected soon to create high flow peaks at container terminals. In this paper we propose a new framework for managing intermodal container terminals, based on the model predictive control methodology. A model based on queues and container categorization is used by a model predictive controller to solve the handling resource allocation problem in a container terminal in an optimal way, while respecting constraints on resource availability. The optimization of the operations is performed in an integrated way for the whole terminal rather than only for an individual subprocess. Containers are categorized into empty and full containers, and divided in classes according to their final destination. With more detailed information available, like container fi- nal destination, it is possible to establish priorities for the container flows inside the terminal. The order in which the container classes should be loaded into a carrier can now be addressed taking into account the carrier future route. The model ability to track the number of containers per class makes this framework suitable for describing terminals integrated in an intermodal transport network and a valuable tool for coordinating the transport modal shift towards a more sustainable and reliable transport. The potential of the proposed framework is illustrated with simulation studies based on a high-peak flow scenario and for a long-term scheduled scenario.
- Flexible discrete time state space model for canal pools.Publication . Nabais, João; Ayala Botto, MiguelWater is a vital resource for mankind used in activities such as agriculture, industry and domestic activity. Irrigation is one of the most consuming water resources in human activity. Irrigation canals are characterized for being spatially distributed crossing different administrative regions. As water is becoming a scarce and valuable resource, efficient engineering water conveyance networks are required. In this paper a discrete state space for modeling openchannels is presented. The well known Saint-Venant equations are first linearized for a steady state and then discretized using the Preissmann scheme. The resulting model is shown to be computational simple and flexible to accommodate different type of boundary conditions, in flow, water depth or hydraulic structures dynamics, which are important features for modeling complex water conveyance systems. The hydraulic model also offers monitoring ability along the canal axis and can therefore be integrated in fault diagnosis and tolerant control strategies. The model is validated with experimental data from a real canal property of the Evora University.
- A Multi-agent Control Architecture for Supply Chains Using a Predictive Pull-Flow PerspectivePublication . Nabais, João; Negenborn, R. R.; Carmona Benítez, R. B.; Mendonça, Luís F.; Lourenço, João; Ayala Botto, MiguelSupply chains are large-scale distribution networks in which multiple types of commodities are present. In this paper, the operations management in supply chains is posed as a tracking control problem. All inventory levels in the network should be kept as close as possible to the desired values over time. The supply chain state is disturbed due to client demand at the end nodes. A multiagent control architecture to restore all inventory levels over the supply chain is proposed. First the model for the supply chain is broken down into smaller subsystems using a flow decomposition. The operations management for each subsystem will be decided upon by a dedicated control agent. The control agents solve their problems using a pull-flow perspective, starting at the end nodes and then propagating upstream. Adding new components to the supply chain will have as a consequence the inclusion of more control agents. The proposed architecture is easily scalable to large supply chains due to its modular feature. The multi-agent control architecture performance is illustrated using a supply chain composed of four levels (suppliers, consolidation, distribution, end nodes) using different levels of predictions about client demands. With the increase of prediction demand accuracy the proposed control architecture is able to keep the desired inventory level at the end nodes over time, which makes it suitable for use for just in time production strategies.
- Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Multi-Commodity Transportation NetworksPublication . Nabais, João; Negenborn, R. R.; Carmona Benítez, R. B.Transportation networks are large scale complex systems spatially distributed whose objective is to deliver commodities at the agreed time and at the agreed location. These networks appear in different domain fields, such as communication, water distribution, traffic, logistics and transportation. A transportation network has at the macroscopic level storage capability (located in the nodes) and transport delay (along each connection) as main features. Operations management at transportation networks can be seen as a flow assignment problem. The problem dimension to solve grows exponentially with the number of existing commodities, nodes and connections. In this work we present a Hierarchical Model Predictive Control (H-MPC) architecture to determine flow assignments in transportation networks, while minimizing exogenous inputs effects. This approach has the capacity to keep track of commodity types while solving the flow assignment problem. A flow decomposition of the main system into subsystems is proposed to diminish the problem dimension to solve in each time step. Each subsystem is managed by a control agent. Control agents solve their problems in a hierarchical way, using a so-called push-pull flow perspective. Further problem dimension reduction is achieved using contracted projection sets. The framework proposed can be easily scaled to network topologies in which hundreds of commodities and connections are present.