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Learning marketing in a multicultural context: a pedagogical case study

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There has been an increasing degree of internationalization of several higher education institutions mainly under the ERASMUS context. Those mobility programs bring important gains in terms of students’ competences to the Higher Education Institutions and to the employers, but there are also many constraints associated with the student’s mobility process. The Setubal Brand Management is a multicultural pedagogical project that also promotes interpersonal skills and encourages a greater integration in the region and with local students. It includes students with diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. In this chapter, several specific pedagogical approaches were taken into account, such as: development of specific contents; implementation of different team-building actions; the inclusion of facilitating elements of communication; and the constitution of multicultural groups. A critical analysis of student perceptions and the sharing of the project with colleagues and with the academic community allowed implementation of several improvements.




Xara-Brasil, D., Carvalho, M. & Nunes, S. (2020). Learning Marketing in a Multicultural Context: A Pedagogical Case Study. In Learning Styles and Strategies for Management Students. pp. 131 – 156. IGI-Global, Pensilvânia, USA.

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