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- Competências transversais, técnicas ou morais: um estudo exploratório sobre as competências dos trabalhadores que as organizações em Portugal mais valorizamPublication . Swiatkiewicz, OlgierdNeste artigo, aborda-se em termos gerais a problemática das competências e habilidades dos trabalhadores: um tema confuso e controverso com diversos resultados empíricos e muitas inconsistências, mas que continua a proporcionar oportunidades de pesquisa. Por meio do binômio soft skill e hard skill, almeja-se identificar o papel que as competências morais desempenham. No estudo empírico realizado com uma amostra de conveniência de trabalhadores estudantes portugueses, buscou-se responder a seguinte pergunta: “Dos três tipos de competências (transversais, técnicas ou morais), qual é mais valorizado nas organizações em Portugal, segundo a percepção dos trabalhadores e não dos gestores?”. Por isso, e com base em revisão da literatura, foram primeiramente caracterizados os traços dominantes da cultura portuguesa. Para categorizar as respostas dos entrevistados a uma questão aberta, recorreu-se à análise de conteúdo/redução fenomenológica. Os resultados obtidos, além de sua finalidade exploratória, indicam claramente a preferência pelas competências transversais e um interesse secundário e marginal nas competências morais. Essa conclusão, no entanto, demanda confirmações mais robustas por futuros estudos.
- Delta cafés (Portugal): sustainable business development.Publication . Swiatkiewicz, OlgierdIn the case study of Delta Cafés we discuss the sustainable development of the Portuguese company and brand over the 55 years of their existence. Delta Cafés has already been analyzed in terms of marketing activity, social responsibility, management control systems, etc. In this paper, we refer to these studies, and we reach the sources, i.e. the information provided by the Delta Cafés itself. Due to the nature of the coffee market and the use of case study methodology, we start the presentation of this case from a broader context, describing the coffee market in the world and characterizing the coffee market in Portugal as well. Then we present the history of the development of the company and the brand Delta Cafés. The paper ends with concluding remarks in which we discuss the issues of social and environmental responsibility in the light of the development of Delta Cafés business and brand strategies.
- Diferenças de percepção do assédio sexual em PortugalPublication . Swiatkiewicz, Olgierd
- Inércia organizacionalPublication . Swiatkiewicz, OlgierdUltimamente muitas investigações têm sido levadas a cabo em diferentes áreas das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, nas quais o fenómeno de inércia, suas causas e resultados têm sido estudados, a saber: na Filosofia (Ética e Praxeologia), na Psicologia ou na Teoria Organizacional. Todavia, parece que a literatura científica das Ciências Sociais, maioritariamente baseada em estudos empíricos, nos quais a inércia é uma das variáveis independentes, carece de reflexão teórica. O problema de inércia organizacional é analisado no presente artigo como um caso específico da inércia do comportamento humano. Este artigo aborda apenas algumas questões relacionadas com a inércia do comportamento humano: o problema da aplicação directa do princípio mecânico para a área psicossocial, algumas concepções deste fenómeno nas Ciências Sociais com especial enfoque na Teoria organizacional, bem como a avaliação deste fenómeno. Por estas razões, o texto concentra-se nos aspectos conceptuais do fenómeno, levantando mais questões do que dando respostas. Tem um carácter introdutório a futuras investigações.
- Linking CRS to strategy: a practical viewPublication . Swiatkiewicz, OlgierdThe purpose of this paper is to present a basic compendium of how companies can integrate social responsibility into their strategies. The paper analyzes and synthesizes ideas and proposals based on the literature review from different fields. It proposes a practical approach that does not highlight the differences but the positive and mutual synergy of social responsibility with firm’s strategy. There are many practical proposals in the literature and a lot of successful examples from business practice that show how organizations can or have made the implementation of social responsibility into their strategy to work efficiently, but their strategic, social, and environmental importance differs and is limited by many factors. The paper presents different means of connecting social responsibility with organizational strategy to make it work, which can be useful for practitioners, students, and wider public. The paper adds the praxiological or practical perspective to deal with a small but persisting organizational problem and a great social expectation, how to link efficiently social responsibility with organizational strategy into one coherent stream of purposes.
- Praxeological and ethical limits for incorporation of ethics and CRS into a corporate strategy and operational activitiesPublication . Swiatkiewicz, Olgierd; Michalski, MarekOne can observe in the whole Europe a general trend to include ethics and corporate social responsibility into corporate strategy and operational activities. Institutional, public, corporate and competitors’ pressure reinforce the increasing popularity of the corporate social responsibility concept. It sometimes even happens that it is done without any preoccupation with risks and threats it may have to the business bottom line and to the interests of those stakeholders the company should first attend. We describe the praxeological limits, submitted to the criteria of efficiency and effectiveness, of including ethics and corporate social responsibility into a corporate strategy and operational activities by reviewing the literature on these issues. We also discuss the other side of the problem, namely its ethical limits, in general terms though, focusing on axiological aspects of these matters. The analysis concludes by emphasizing the practical sense of the golden mean.
- Standardy etyczne pracowników przedsiębiorstw polskich i portugalskich: analiza porównawczaPublication . Swiatkiewicz, Olgierd
- Subsidiarity in management & business activity: the two sides of the phenomenonPublication . Swiatkiewicz, OlgierdThis study is devoted to the analysis of the concept of subsidiarity, which allowed the formulation of the subsidiarity principle, acting in various spheres of collective human activity. Systematization of the literary sources and approaches to the management of business activities proved that the ethical principle of subsidiarity aims to develop the well-being of collective human life, but it also has its limitations. On the one hand, numerous positive examples of mutual support, cooperation, help, mentoring, and employee development are known in business activity, as well as in management theory and practice. On the other hand, there have always been conflicts, rivalry, and competition at certain times. Besides that, not all businessmen and managers have always behaved following generally accepted principles. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the features of the application of the principle of subsidiarity in management and business in general and in specific examples. The methodological tools of the research are methods of critical analysis of literature and praxeological analysis of human actions. The article presents the results of the analysis of the function and features of the application of the concept of subsidiarity, including functional attributes specific to the principle of subsidiarity and the attributes that contradict it. The examples for the use of the concept of subsidiarity in management and business offered in this paper are not exhaustive. The Motivator-Hygiene theory and job enrichment, workers participation in organization or participation in decision making, corporate social responsibility and microfinance, initiated by M. Yunus as microcredit, Grameen Bank and Grameen Movement, were used as tools for the illustration of attributes characteristic of the principle of subsidiarity. The analysis of functional attributes opposed to the principle of subsidiarity or simulating it was carried out on the example of the theory of bureaucracy dysfunctions, discrimination, corruption, mobbing/bullying, paternalism, Taylorism, or the Scientific Management. The article presents the results of the analysis, which proved that the application of the subsidiarity principle is a specific case of the Aristotelian principle of the golden mean, the pursuit of balance, harmony, equilibrium, i.e., individual, and collective human development and practice of virtues, distributive justice. In this case, however, there is no external criterion that could be used to establish this balance or equilibrium. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves the existence of an intersubjective and historical evaluation (criterion) subject to manipulation. This situation creates a practical problem for the effectiveness of this principle because people with insufficient knowledge, weak in spirit (weak character), or bad intentions can use this principle for their purposes, explaining their behaviors by ignorance, good intentions, etc
- Sustainability in the Portuguese wine sector management: An overviewPublication . Swiatkiewicz, Olgierd
- The wine sector management in Portugal: an overview on its three-dimensional sustainability.Publication . Swiatkiewicz, OlgierdThe paper scrutinizes wine sector sustainability management in Portugal, which is a traditional wine producer. In Portugal, wine is strategic to its agri-food industry. As the wine market faced changes in consumption and an increase in the quality of the wine offered, new green products (organic, biodynamic) appeared for market niches concerned with environmental and health issues, as well as new ways of communication through the Internet and social media. First, we discuss a global wine market that affects wine market in Portugal, and then we present the internal situation and tendencies, including some examples of sustainable management of this sector in the economic, societal, and ecological dimensions. In the present work, the perspective is essentially of an entire economic sector, since in the Portuguese wine market the Old-World model prevails. This situation comprises high market fragmentation, and strong power exercised by distribution and consumers; it also means that wine production is subject to strict national and common market regulations. However, we do not abandon the micro analysis at the level of the company’s relations with its stakeholders. The methodology adopted in this review is qualitative and it consists of critical analysis of the literature from diverse disciplines, but it also uses secondary sources, such as institutional and technical reports, databases, statistics, notes and media news.