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  • A organização aprendente e os seus efeitos nas atitudes, comportamentos e clima organizacional
    Publication . Pires, Maria Leonor Abrantes
    Objetivo: O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as perceções de organização aprendente e os seus efeitos nas atitudes, no caso o comprometimento organizacional afetivo, nos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional e no clima de serviço, assim como das relações que se estabelecem entre estes constructos. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi realizada recorrendo a uma amostra de 93 indivíduos, inquiridos através de um questionário auto-administrado. Utilizou-se a análise fatorial confirmatória para aferir da validade dos construtos. O estudo das relações entre as variáveis foi efetuado com recurso à análise de equações estruturais. Resultados: Esta pesquisa mostrou que existe um efeito direto, positivo e estatisticamente significativo entre as perceções de organização aprendente e o comprometimento organizacional afetivo, assim como com o clima de serviço; a relação entre a organização aprendente e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional é totalmente mediada pelo comprometimento organizacional afetivo. Limitações: Foi utilizada uma amostra de conveniência, com uma reduzida dimensão e composta maioritariamente por homens o que não permite considerá-la como representativa. Outra limitação é o facto de ser um estudo transversal, não permitindo a inferência de relações causais entre as variáveis, sendo estas estabelecidas de acordo com a literatura. Originalidade: Pouca atenção tem sido prestada aos efeitos internos das perceções de organização aprendente. Esta pesquisa centra-se nos fatores internos que ao serem afetados pelas perceções de organização aprendente poderão potencialmente explicar uma melhor adaptação às mudanças e assim induzir um melhor desempenho.
  • Subsidiarity in management & business activity: the two sides of the phenomenon
    Publication . Swiatkiewicz, Olgierd
    This study is devoted to the analysis of the concept of subsidiarity, which allowed the formulation of the subsidiarity principle, acting in various spheres of collective human activity. Systematization of the literary sources and approaches to the management of business activities proved that the ethical principle of subsidiarity aims to develop the well-being of collective human life, but it also has its limitations. On the one hand, numerous positive examples of mutual support, cooperation, help, mentoring, and employee development are known in business activity, as well as in management theory and practice. On the other hand, there have always been conflicts, rivalry, and competition at certain times. Besides that, not all businessmen and managers have always behaved following generally accepted principles. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the features of the application of the principle of subsidiarity in management and business in general and in specific examples. The methodological tools of the research are methods of critical analysis of literature and praxeological analysis of human actions. The article presents the results of the analysis of the function and features of the application of the concept of subsidiarity, including functional attributes specific to the principle of subsidiarity and the attributes that contradict it. The examples for the use of the concept of subsidiarity in management and business offered in this paper are not exhaustive. The Motivator-Hygiene theory and job enrichment, workers participation in organization or participation in decision making, corporate social responsibility and microfinance, initiated by M. Yunus as microcredit, Grameen Bank and Grameen Movement, were used as tools for the illustration of attributes characteristic of the principle of subsidiarity. The analysis of functional attributes opposed to the principle of subsidiarity or simulating it was carried out on the example of the theory of bureaucracy dysfunctions, discrimination, corruption, mobbing/bullying, paternalism, Taylorism, or the Scientific Management. The article presents the results of the analysis, which proved that the application of the subsidiarity principle is a specific case of the Aristotelian principle of the golden mean, the pursuit of balance, harmony, equilibrium, i.e., individual, and collective human development and practice of virtues, distributive justice. In this case, however, there is no external criterion that could be used to establish this balance or equilibrium. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves the existence of an intersubjective and historical evaluation (criterion) subject to manipulation. This situation creates a practical problem for the effectiveness of this principle because people with insufficient knowledge, weak in spirit (weak character), or bad intentions can use this principle for their purposes, explaining their behaviors by ignorance, good intentions, etc
  • The wine sector management in Portugal: an overview on its three-dimensional sustainability.
    Publication . Swiatkiewicz, Olgierd
    The paper scrutinizes wine sector sustainability management in Portugal, which is a traditional wine producer. In Portugal, wine is strategic to its agri-food industry. As the wine market faced changes in consumption and an increase in the quality of the wine offered, new green products (organic, biodynamic) appeared for market niches concerned with environmental and health issues, as well as new ways of communication through the Internet and social media. First, we discuss a global wine market that affects wine market in Portugal, and then we present the internal situation and tendencies, including some examples of sustainable management of this sector in the economic, societal, and ecological dimensions. In the present work, the perspective is essentially of an entire economic sector, since in the Portuguese wine market the Old-World model prevails. This situation comprises high market fragmentation, and strong power exercised by distribution and consumers; it also means that wine production is subject to strict national and common market regulations. However, we do not abandon the micro analysis at the level of the company’s relations with its stakeholders. The methodology adopted in this review is qualitative and it consists of critical analysis of the literature from diverse disciplines, but it also uses secondary sources, such as institutional and technical reports, databases, statistics, notes and media news.
  • Trouble in the Psychosphere: HBO’s True Detective (2014) as a Hybrid Genre.
    Publication . Lopes, Elisabete
    Recently, many contemporary TV shows have raised the stakes as far as the quality of their contents is concerned. They welcomed certain challenges that contributed to lend them the status of cult series. True Detective (2014) certainly forms part of this selective group. Nic Pizzolatto, the creative mind behind True Detective (2014), decided to take up all these challenges and ended up by creating a hybrid show in the sense that it gathers elements of Gothic genre, weird fiction, criminal investigation, and film noir that, once mixed up, paved the way to the upcoming success. Other feature that fuels True Detective‟s allure lies precisely in the ties that it openly shares with literature, since it purports references that point to well-known oeuvres or authors. In this light, it is the purpose of this essay to examine how Pizzolatto‟s eclectic recipe combine its ingredients that result in a TV show anchored upon the parameters of originality and quality. The undeniable quality of True Detective (2014) goes beyond the well-thought script, Adam Arkapaw‟s mesmerizing photography, the protagonists‟ amazing performance, and the careful direction of Cary Fukunaga. It has become a true postmodern visual monster that unexpectedly came straight from the Lousiana bayous to haunt us, bringing along an aura of cosmic horror that, interlinked with suspense and criminal investigation, will relentlessly take a grip on us.
  • Stranger than Ficition: Thomas Ligotti's Deceptive Realities in Horror Fiction
    Publication . Lopes, Elisabete
    Thomas Ligotti é hoje considerado um escritor de culto no âmbito da chamada weird fiction, sendo o horror o seu terreno literário privilegiado. Levando o Gótico e a escuridão cósmica de H.P. Lovecraft mais longe, os temas de Ligotti envolvem quase sempre a desconstrução da realidade tal como a conhecemos. Esta é-nos apresentada como uma espécie de máscara aceitável que cobre a verdadeira realidade que, segundo as premissas da ficção do autor, se assume como algo de sinistro e hostil face ao ser humano. Nas narrativas de Thomas Ligotti, a realidade das personagens é desestabilizada e as suas crenças e e valores desmoronam-se, dando lugar à dúvida, ao caos,ao desespero e ao pânico. Neste universo pautado pelo horror, as personagens experimentam uma sensação de estranhamento oriunda de uma escuridão cósmica, habitada por criaturas maléficas, cuja função primordial consiste em desacreditar o ser humano, fragilizar as suas crenças e estilhaçar a sua perceção de identidade. Este confronto entre o humano e o Outro modifica completamente a natureza das personagens, trazendo no seu encalço consequências irremediáveis. De uma forma implacável, Ligotti introduz o Real Lacaniano no universo do simbólico, ameaçando aniquilar a sua coerência e fazendo vacilar as suas estruturas, deixando as personagens perdidas num mundo que já não sentem como seu, à beira de um precipício que se projeta sobre uma vastidão cósmica onde o Inferno tem o seu berço.