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No âmbito da Pós-graduação em Intervenção Social e Práticas Artísticas (PGISPA) promovida pela Escola
Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, procurou-se, a partir de necessidades identificadas nos contextos de ação pessoal, profissional e/ou comunitária dos formandos, construir a centralidade da formação.
Ao considerarmos este objetivo como eixo central do processo formativo, procurámos ultrapassar os tradicio nais currículos fragmentados que impõem as Unidades Curriculares como barreiras ao trabalho coletivo entre docentes e entre estes e os estudantes. Trata-se, numa primeira parte, e de acordo com o mote lançado pelo MEXE, de analisar a forma como se construiu o “comum” no próprio processo formativo. Numa segunda par te, numa lógica próxima da meta-análise, procurámos analisar o “comum” em três dos projetos efetivamente desenvolvidos e concluídos pelos formandos, identifican do o que os aproxima e distancia enquanto processos de intervenção artística nesses contextos.
Within the scope of the Postgraduate Program in Social Intervention and Artistic Practices (PGISPA) promoted by the Higher School of Education of the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute, we sought, from the needs identified in the contexts of personal, professional and/or community action of the trainees, build the centrality of formation. In considering this objective as the central axis of the formative process, we sought to overcome the tradition al fragmented curricula that impose Curricular Units as barriers to collective work between teachers and between teachers and students. In the first part, according to the motto launched by MEXE, it is about analyzing how the “common” was built in the formative process itself. In a second part, in a logic close to meta-analysis, we sought to analyze the “common” in three of the projects effective ly developed and completed by the trainees, identifying what approached and distanced them as processes of artistic intervention in these contexts.
Within the scope of the Postgraduate Program in Social Intervention and Artistic Practices (PGISPA) promoted by the Higher School of Education of the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute, we sought, from the needs identified in the contexts of personal, professional and/or community action of the trainees, build the centrality of formation. In considering this objective as the central axis of the formative process, we sought to overcome the tradition al fragmented curricula that impose Curricular Units as barriers to collective work between teachers and between teachers and students. In the first part, according to the motto launched by MEXE, it is about analyzing how the “common” was built in the formative process itself. In a second part, in a logic close to meta-analysis, we sought to analyze the “common” in three of the projects effective ly developed and completed by the trainees, identifying what approached and distanced them as processes of artistic intervention in these contexts.
Práticas Artísticas Comunidades Formação Artistic Practices Communities Training
Figueiredo, C. C., Vasconcelos, A. A., & Felício, P. M. (2020). Formação académica e projetos de práticas artísticas: Uma fonte entre o ensino superior e os contextos de intervenção pessoal e/ou profissional dos formandos. In C. Cruz, H. Cruz, I. Bezelda, M. Falcão, & R. Aguiar (Coord.), A busca do comum: Práticas artísticas para outros futuros possíveis (pp. 29-36). Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade – i2ADS.
Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade