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- Influence of Pedestrian Trajectories on School Children Exposure to PM10Publication . Garcia, João; Cerdeira, Rita; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Kumar, P.; Carvalho, Maria da Graça
- Analysis of temporal lag in the impact of air quality on the health of children, in BarreiroPublication . Garcia, João; Cerdeira, Rita; Coelho, Luis Manuel RodriguesThe aim of this work was to study the impact of temporal lag between the exposition to air pollutants and the children admitted to the emergency room of Hospital Na Sra Rosário pediatric service, in Barreiro, Portugal, with symptoms of respiratory problems. The two variables were recorded by the medical staff and by an air quality monitoring station, in the same periods. From the results, a moderate correlation between different symptoms of respiratory diseases (sdr, cough, and asthma) and pollutants was found, reaching maximum values after temporal lags of 2 to 6 days. The strongest correlation for lag 0 (consequences on the same day) rises for the symptomatology of asthma, reaching the highest values for COmax (ρ = 0.26) and COpeak (ρ = 0.25). Also, an important correlation was found for NOx, NOx med and peak NOx (ρ = 0, 21). The correlation with PM10 shows an unrepresentative value (ρ = 0.09), being negative for O3max (ρ = 0.23) and O3peak (ρ = 0.22), as well as for SO2med (ρ = 0.12). Considering temporal lags of 1 to 8 and 15 days, overall, the maximum correlations between symptoms and NO, NO2, NOx, CO, and PM10 occur after temporal lags of 2 to 6 days, being constant or negative to SO2 and O3.
- A case study for decentralized heat storage solutions in the agroindustry sector using phase change materialsPublication . Simão, Carlos; Murta-Pina, João; Oliveira, João Pedro; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Pássaro, João; Ferreira, Diogo; Reboredo, Fernando; Jorge, Tiago; Figueiredo, PedroThe development of thermal energy storage solutions (TES) in agroindustry allows reduc- tion of production costs and improvement of operation sustainability. Such solutions require high storage capacity and the ability to adapt to existing equipment. The use of phase change materials (PCMs), which are able to store thermal energy as latent heat, creates new opportunities for heat storage solutions (LHS, latent heat storage) with higher energy density and improved performance when compared to sensible heat storage. New architectures are envisaged where heat storage is distributed throughout the production chain, creating prospects for the integration of renewable generation and recovery of industrial heat waste. This work aims to investigate the benefits of decentralized thermal storage architecture, directly incorporating PCM into the existing equipment of an agroindustry production line. To assess the feasibility and potential gain in the adoption of this TES/LHS distributed solution, a tempering and mixing equipment for food granules is selected as a case study, representing a larger cluster operating under the operation paradigm of water jacket heating. The behavior of the equipment, incorporating an inorganic PCM, is modeled and analyzed in the ANSYS Fluent software. Subsequently, a prototype is instrumented and used in laboratory tests, allowing for data collection and validation of the simulation model. This case study presents a demonstration of the increase in storage capacity and the extension of the discharge process when compared to a conventional solution that uses water for sensible heat storage.
- Developing a methodology to predict PM10 concentrations in urban areas using Generalized Linear Models.Publication . Garcia, João; Teodoro, F.; Cerdeira, Rita; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Kumar, Prashant; Carvalho, M. G.A methodology to predict PM10 concentrations in urban outdoor environments is developed based on the generalized linear models (GLMs). The methodology is based on the relationship developed between atmospheric concentrations of air pollutants (i.e. CO, NO2,NOx, VOCs, SO2) and meteorological variables (i.e. ambient temperature, relative humidity (RH) and wind speed) for acity (Barreiro) of Portugal. The model uses air pollution and meteorological data from thePortuguese monitoring air quality station networks. The developed GLM considers PM10 concentrations as a dependent variable, and both the gaseous pollutants and meteorological variables as explanatory independent variables. A logarithmic link function was considered with a Poisson probability distribution. Particular attention was given to cases with air temperatures both below and above 25°C. The best performance for modelled results against the measured data was achieved for the model with values of air temperature above 25°C compared with themodel considering all ranges of air temperatures and with the model considering only temperature below 25°C. The model was also tested with similar data from another Portuguese city, Oporto, and results found to behave similarly. It is concluded that this model and the methodology could be adopted for other cities to predict PM10 concentrations when these data are not available by measurements from air quality monitoring stations or other acquisition means
- Avaliação do potencial de exploração dos recursos hidrominerais e geotérmicos e da sua utilização para temperaturas superiores a 25°CPublication . Madureira, P.; Cerdeira, R.; Lourenço, C.; Francisco, J.; Coelho, Luis Manuel RodriguesEnergy sustainability presents challenges as how to reduce resource consumption and how to make better use of renewable ones. For this purpose, the characterization of the existing endogenous resources is essential. The aim of this project was to evaluate the exploitation potential of hydromineral and geothermal resources and their use for temperatures above 25°C, in 39 concessions. The results allowed verifying that it is possible to optimize the use of energy contained in hydromineral resources in most concessions, namely in space heating, domestic hot water production and swimming pool water heating, as well as in buildings in the surrounding area, such as houses, hotels, swimming pools and greenhouses. This study was carried out as part of a project financed by Fundo de Apoio à Inovação, for and with the support of the DGEG and is intended to be a first approach to allow concessions carry out more detailed studies adapted to their reality.
- Influence of virtual changes in buildingconfigurations of a real street canyon on thedispersion of PM10Publication . Garcia, João; Cerdeira, Rita; Tavares, Nelson; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Kumar, Prashant; Carvalho, M. G.Four geometrical configurations of a real street canyon in Barreirocity (Portugal) are considered to study their influence on the dis-persion of PM10. These configurations include actual architectural layout of the street (Option 1), and three virtual cases (Options1–3). Option 2 includes the modification of real geometry byincluding 4 m gaps between the buildings situated on the southern part of the street canyon. Option 3 considers 6 m gaps betweenbuildings as opposed to 4 m gaps in Option 2. Option 4 assumesthe same height for all buildings on the southern part of the street canyon, with no gaps between buildings. Computational fluid dynamics code (CFD), FLUENT, is used to simulate the detailed flow and turbulence characteristics in three-dimensional domain ofchosen street canyon, together with the PM10 dispersion for both the summer and winter seasons. The modelled PM10 concentra-tions were then compared with the measured data at seven differ-ent locations in the street canyon. Our results indicate up to 23%lower PM10concentrations at 1.5 m above the road level during the along-canyon wind direction due to the channelling of flow,compared with those observed during the cross-canyon wind direction. Detailed inspection of the results obtained from the Options 1–3 indicated that the spacing between the buildings tendto increase particle dilution during the cross-canyon winds resulting in up to 20, and 22% reduced concentrations for options 2,and 3 respectively, compared with the actual configuration (Option1). The largest improvement ( 7%) in the PM10concentrations wasgiven by Option 2, while other options showed modest changes.Possible reasons for these changes under varying meteorological conditions are explained in the context of changing building con-figurations and their implications in city planning.
- Developing a methodology to predict PM10 Urban Concentrations using GLM.Publication . Garcia, João; Teodoro, F.; Cerdeira, Rita; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Carvalho, Maria da Graça
- Relating air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases Occurrences.Publication . Teodoro, F.; Garcia, J.; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Carvalho, Maria da Graça
- Relating air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases OccurrencesPublication . Teodoro, M. F.; Garcia, J. N.; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Carvalho, M. G.In this article we study the impact of air pollution on children's health in Portugal. In particular, we focus our attention on the city of Barreiro. We use the general linear methods (GLM), taking advantage of all the ease of handling and analyzing data in order to relate air quality and health. We relate levels of air pollution and incidence of entries from children with symptoms of respiratory problems in the pediatric urgency service at the hospital of Barreiro. It was not easy to obtain clear and unambiguous relations in particle dispersion, air quality and health. A set of models are estimated by GLM and validated using adequate tests and residual analysis. At the end of this process, we combine the best models. The work is still going on.
- Empirical study of air quality in Barreiro city.Publication . Garcia, João; Teodoro, F.; Coelho, Luis Manuel Rodrigues; Carvalho, Maria da Graça
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