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Ribeiro Santos, Vasco

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  • Academic Tourism and Transport Services: Student Perceptions from a Social Responsibility Perspective
    Publication . Santos, Vasco
    Firms aim at achieving their economic interests without neglecting the needs of local and regional communities and the environment itself. The process involves defining and implementing Social Responsibility strategies that leverage organizational competitiveness and sustainability. In this context, the current study purposes to demonstrate how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and a sustainable orientation influence the satisfaction and loyalty of academic tourists to the Metro of Porto (in Portugal). More specifically, our study aims to assess the satisfaction of academic tourists with the Metro of Porto and, additionally, to analyze the variables that determine the satisfaction and loyalty of these tourists to this specific transport company, which has never been achieved before. Our proposed research model seeks to determine how CSR and a sustainable orientation influence academic tourists’ loyalty to the Metro of Porto transport services as well as their link to Service Quality, Perceived Value, Corporate Image and Tourist Satisfaction. From a sample of 256 academic tourists, customers of the Metro of Porto, a quantitative analysis was carried out using the structural equation model (SEM-PLS). The results obtained allow us to conclude that CSR and Service Quality have an impact on academic tourists’ satisfaction and loyalty to the Metro of Porto. The development of a region is intrinsically linked to transport networks that promote the integration and growth of productive systems. Our results demonstrate the relationship between regional development and business sustainability strategies that integrate Social Responsibility practices. We show the importance that Social Responsibility policies have for companies as a precursor to customer satisfaction and loyalty to a company. Hence, as a guarantee of obtaining economic results, firms must simultaneously contribute to the sustainable development of territories.
  • Chapter 7 The Impact of River Tourism on the Development of the Demarcated Regions in Specific (Post-pandemic Crisis) Contexts: The Case of Cruise Ships
    Publication . Santos, Vasco
    One of the fastest-growing segments of the tourism industry in recent years has been cruise tourism. By boarding a cruise ship, river or sea, it is possible to explore various tourist destinations without changing accommodation or means of transport. By encompassing virtually all the customer’s facilities, this type of tourism is becoming increasingly popular around the world (Macleod & Selwyn, 2002). With the opening of the Douro River’s navigability in its entire length in the 1990s, this type of tourism has grown in Portugal, with the Douro river being increasingly used by curious tourists from all over the world. Thus, the choice of the problem addressed in this chapter arose from the meager existence of studies carried out so far. However, COVID-19 triggered an unprecedented global health and economic crisis with severe, and potentially structural, consequences for the cruise world (Papachristou, Pallis, & Vaggelas, 2020). According to Farzanegan, Gholipour, Feizi, Nunkoo, and Andargoli (2021), key cruise industry players such as Carnival, Royal Caribbean and Norwegian have witnessed a rapid rise in COVID-19 cases among passengers and crew members. This study’s main objective is to understand the impact of river tourism, particularly cruise ships, on the (post-pandemic crisis) development of the Alto Douro Wine Region. For this theme’s development, we chose to use a qualitative methodology, conducting four semi-structured interviews with participants directly or indirectly linked to the Douro River’s cruise ship industry.
  • Employer Branding Applied to SMEs: A Pioneering Model Proposal for Attracting and Retaining Talent
    Publication . Santos, Vasco; Pinto dos Reis, Isabel; Martinho, Filipa
    Most business enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and many of them are without a human resource and recruitment department. Thus, one of the challenges that organizations currently face is to find a strategy to retain and attract talent. To overcome this difficulty, enterprises must invest in employer branding policies and be aware of the factors that differentiate them from others when attracting employees. This study aims to develop an employer branding model applicable to SMEs, to increase and enhance the attraction and retention of talents. An exploratory approach based on a quantitative perspective was adopted to develop an employer branding model applied to SMEs, with two major reference employer branding models and frameworks used as the main support. The model of employer branding was applied to SMEs regarding four dimensions, whereby essential questions are asked, namely (1) organizational culture (e.g., do employees have a job description aligned with the corporate culture?), (2) company strategy (e.g., what is the strategy if business volume decreases?), (3) company reputation (e.g., how do you perceive and treat negative feedback?), and (4) reward systems (e.g., do you feel that your employees are motivated intrinsically or extrinsically or both?), ordered by layers based on a logical sequence. The new proposed model is expected to serve as a useful strategic tool and as a basis for attracting, retaining and managing talent, specifically in the SMEs context. This new model provides a set of strategic and competitiveness benefits for SMEs, while contributing to making enterprises more profitable. The model also contributes to SMEs having a better image and reputation, enabling them to stand out from others in the war for talent.
  • The influence of Web Summit attendees' age and length of stay on leisure activity preferences and city image
    Publication . Santos, Vasco
    Purpose – Web Summit is an annual technological event which takes place annually in November and has great worldwide impact. The event fits into the MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) typology and has mega-event proportions, not only due to the number of participants but also in relation to its media coverage. The aim of this study is to analyse the participation of Web Summit participants in leisure activities outside the event, namely regarding entertainment and culture and heritage. It was also intended to know their perception of the city’s brand image, according to the participants’ age and the number of days they stay in the city. Design/methodology/approach – This investigation is anchored in a quantitative methodology. Data were collected during the four days of the event from a convenience sample of 410 participants. For this purpose, a 15-item questionnaire was used, specifically designed to meet the study’s objectives, assessing three dimensions: entertainment, culture and heritage and brand image. Findings – Entertainment and culture and heritage positively influence tourists’ perception of brand image. It was also possible to ascertain that the age of the tourists and their interest in culture and heritage are correlated. Finally, it was found that tourists’ perception of entertainment varies depending on the number of days they stay in Lisbon. Research limitations/implications – The main limitation of the study is related to the fact that a convenience sample was used in a single destination, which does not allow generalization to other contexts. Therefore, it would be interesting to apply the study in other geographical and cultural contexts, particularly in Rio de Janeiro, where the event will also take place next year (2023).This research contributes to extending the reflection on the role that events play in the brand image of a tourist destination. This study also highlights the importance of understanding consumer behaviour in MICE typology events. Practical implications – The MICE sector plays an important role in the tourism industry as it constitutes a driving force of the global economy. Thus, it is considered that this research draws attention to the importance of the regions invested in this sector (e.g. expansion of facilities, ease of access to the site). Thus, in practical terms, the findings allow the authorities and the different stakeholders to better understand the impact of the event on the city’s image and, at the same time, adapt the services according to the attendees’ preferences. The influence of Web Summit on bleisure The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at: Received 8 August 2022 Revised 24 November 2022 18 February 2023 16 April 2023 Accepted 16 April 2023 International Journal of Event and Festival Management © Emerald Publishing Limited 1758-2954 DOI 10.1108/IJEFM-07-2022-0060 Social implications – Considering the results, the study may have an impact on the organization of tours and events related to local culture and heritage, particularly in old quarters, where there is a greater lack of resources and the standard of living of the inhabitants is more precarious. Originality/value – This research contributes to extending the reflection on the role that mega-events play in the brand image of a tourist destination. This study also highlights the importance of understanding the behaviour of consumers of different ages in events of the MICE typology, in leisure activities outside the event.
  • Atas do V Encontro Científico da UI&D (ecUI&D´19)
    Publication . Martinho, Filipa; Santos, Vasco; Martinho, Domingos
  • The Importance of International Volunteering for the Tourist Destination Image: Case Study in Barcelos (Portugal)
    Publication . Santos, Vasco
    This research investigates the significant role of international volunteering, particularly through the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), in shaping the image of Barcelos as a tourist destination. The study specifically examines various volunteer programs in Barcelos, such as construction projects, teaching, and agricultural assistance. It focuses on the volunteers’ perceptions and motivations and on the impact of their experiences on the city’s touristic recognition. Using a mixed-methods approach, this research analyzes responses from electronic surveys with 92 former ESC volunteers and interviews with four local organizations that host these participants. The findings reveal that international volunteering through specific programs enhances Barcelos’ image as a welcoming, culturally rich, and civically engaged tourist destination. This research highlights the importance of integrating such initiatives into the city’s tourism management strategy, suggesting that such efforts can significantly enrich the tourist experience and the overall image of the destination. Furthermore, the study identifies areas for future research, including the need for a more in-depth analysis of the long-term impact of these volunteering activities on the local economy and cultural sustainability. The limitations of the study, such as the use of a convenience sample and the reliance on self-reported data, which may influence the results and their generalizability, are also discussed. In conclusion, this work provides valuable insights for tourism managers and policymakers, demonstrating how international volunteering can be a strategic component in enhancing the image of tourist destinations. Through careful and strategic management, Barcelos can continue to develop and promote its identity as a destination for solidarity tourism and cultural vibrancy.
  • Wine and wine tourism experience: a theoretical and conceptual review
    Publication . Santos, Vasco
    Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to provide a theoretical and conceptual analysis of wine and wine tourism experiences evidencing the current state of the art and providing some directions for future research. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an in-depth literature review and content analysis of prior work. Findings – The experience focussed on wine and wine tourism requires further exploration. The boundaries of the wine and wine tourism experience were identified, together with highlights and strategic agenda for future actions. Originality/value – Based on some key prior literature on the topic of wine and tourism experience, future research directions and approaches were proposed.
  • A EXPERIÊNCIA ENOTURÍSTICA: uma definição e revisão do conceito
    Publication . Santos, Vasco
    Este estudo tem como objetivo fazer uma descrição do estado da arte sobre a experiência em enoturismo. A problemática mais relevante desta revisão teórica e conceitual de pesquisa reside na caracterização da experiência que o enoturismo proporciona aos turistas. O artigo está estruturado da seguinte forma: primeiro é feita uma revisão global relacionada com a construção da experiência, bem como do modelo de experiências turísticas e do sistema de enoturismo. Posteriormente é feita uma análise global da experiência do enoturismo e a caracterização da experiência enoturística. Finalmente são apontadas novas definições de sínteses, as conclusões e implicações para a gestão e novos rumos de pesquisas são igualmente apontados.
    Publication . Santos, Vasco; Pinto dos Reis, Isabel; Cardoso, Jorge Rio; Martinho, Filipa
    This study performs a literature review into employer branding, from a traditional perspective to a current digital approach. As we are now living in a Digital Age, and the new work generations are already born digital it is crucial to find ways to communicate with them. Employer Branding concept, although it has been around for a few years, it is still a concept with a lot to explore, in the sense of strengthening the relationship between the departments that deal with it and, above all, the search for tools needed to disseminate it. This study intends to facilitate that path, by presenting an exhaustive literature review of both, concept and models of Employer Branding, as a way to promote the research in the area.