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- Genetic Risk Analysis of Coronary Artery Disease in a Population-based Study in Portugal, Using a Genetic Risk Score of 31 VariantsPublication . Pereira, Andreia; Mendonça, Maria Isabel; Borges, Sofia; Freitas, Sónia; Henriques, Eva; Rodrigues, Mariana; Freitas, Ana Isabel; Sousa, Ana Célia; Brehm, António; Palma dos Reis, RobertoBackground: Genetic risk score can quantify individual’s predisposition to coronary artery disease; however, its usefulness as an independent risk predictor remains inconclusive. Objective: To evaluate the incremental predictive value of a genetic risk score to traditional risk factors associated with coronary disease. Methods: Thirty-three genetic variants previously associated with coronary disease were analyzed in a case-control population with 2,888 individuals. A multiplicative genetic risk score was calculated and then divided into quartiles, with the 1st quartile as the reference class. Coronary risk was determined by logistic regression analysis. Then, a second logistic regression was performed with traditional risk factors and the last quartile of the genetic risk score. Based on this model, two ROC curves were constructed with and without the genetic score and compared by the Delong test. Statistical significance was considered when p values were less than 0.05. Results: The last quartile of the multiplicative genetic risk score revealed a significant increase in coronary artery disease risk (OR = 2.588; 95% CI: 2.090-3.204; p < 0.0001). The ROC curve based on traditional risk factors estimated an AUC of 0.72, which increased to 0.74 when the genetic risk score was added, revealing a better fit of the model (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: In conclusion, a multilocus genetic risk score was associated with an increased risk for coronary disease in our population. The usual model of traditional risk factors can be improved by incorporating genetic data.
- Additional value of a combined genetic risk score to standard cardiovascular stratificationPublication . Pereira, Andreia; Mendonca, Maria Isabel; Borges, Sofia; Sousa, Ana Célia; Freitas, Sónia; Henriques, Eva; Rodrigues, Mariana; Freitas, Ana Isabel; Guerra, Graça; Freitas, Carolina; Pereira, Décio; Brehm, António; Palma dos Reis, RobertoThe utility of genetic risk scores (GRS) as independent risk predictors remains inconclusive. Here, we evaluate the additive value of a multi-locus GRS to the Framingham risk score (FRS) in coronary artery disease (CAD) risk prediction. A total of 2888 individuals (1566 coronary patients and 1322 controls) were divided into three subgroups according to FRS. Multiplicative GRS was determined for 32 genetic variants associated to CAD. Logistic Regression and Area Under the Curve (AUC) were determined first, using the TRF for each FRS subgroup, and secondly, adding GRS. Different models (TRF, TRF+GRS) were used to classify the subjects into risk categories for the FRS 10-year predicted risk. The improvement offered by GRS was expressed as Net Reclassification Index and Integrated Discrimination Improvement. Multivariate analysis showed that GRS was an independent predictor for CAD (OR = 1.87; p<0.0001). Diabetes, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and smoking status were also independent CAD predictors (p<0.05). GRS added predictive value to TRF across all risk subgroups. NRI showed a significant improvement in all categories. In conclusion, GRS provided a better incremental value in intermediate subgroup. In this subgroup, inclusion of genotyping may be considered to better stratify cardiovascular risk.
- Genetic risk score and cardiovascular mortality in a southern european population with coronary artery diseasePublication . Pereira, Andreia; Mendonca, Maria Isabel; Sousa, Ana Célia; Borges, Sofia; Freitas, Sónia; Henriques, Eva; Rodrigues, Mariana; Freitas, Ana Isabel; Guerra, Graça; Ornelas, Ilídio; Pereira, Décio; Brehm, António; Palma dos Reis, RobertoSeveral genetic risk scores (GRS) have been associated with cardiovascular disease; their role, however, in survival from proven coronary artery disease (CAD) have yielded conflicting results. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate long- term cardiovascular mortality according to the genetic risk score in a Southern European population with CAD. Methods: A cohort of 1464 CAD patients with angiographic proven CAD were followed up prospectively for up to 58.3 (interquartile range: 25.8- 88.1) months. Genotyping of 32 single- nucleotide polymorphisms previously associated with CAD was performed using oligonucleotides probes marked with fluorescence for each allele. GRS was constructed according to the additive model assuming codominance and categorised using the median (=26). Cox Regression analysis was performed to determine independent multivariate predictors of cardiovascular mortality. Kaplan- Meier survival curves compared high vs low GRS using log- rank test. C- index was done for our population, as a measure of discrimination in survival analysis model. Results: During a mean follow- up of 58.3 months, 156 patients (10.7%) died, 107 (7.3%) of CV causes. High GRS (≥26) was associated with reduced cardiovascular survival. Survival analysis with Cox regression model adjusted for 8 variables showed that high GRS, dyslipidemia, diabetes and 3- vessel disease were independent risk factors for cardiovascular mortality (HR=1.53, P=.037; HR=3.64, P=.012; HR=1.75, P=.004; HR=2.97, P<.0001, respectively). At the end of follow- up, the estimated survival probability was 70.8% for high GRS and 80.8% for low GRS (Log- rank test 5.6; P=.018). C- Index of 0.71 was found when GRS was added to a multivariate survival model of diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking, hypertension and 3 vessel disease, stable angina and dual antiplatelet therapy. Conclusions: Besides the classical risk factors management, this work highlights the relevance of the genetic profile in survival from CAD. It is expected that new therapies will be dirsected to gene targets with proven value in cardiovascular survival.
- Polimorfismos Genéticos Associados ao Aparecimento de Hipertensão Arterial Numa População PortuguesaPublication . Sousa, Ana Célia; Palma dos Reis, Roberto; Pereira, Andreia; Borges, Sofia; Freitas, Ana Isabel; Guerra, Graça; Gouveia, Sara; Góis, Teresa; Nóbrega, Lino; Rodrigues, Mariana; Henriques, Eva; Freitas, Sónia; Ornelas, Ilídio; Pereira, Décio; Brehm, António; Mendonça, Maria IsabelIntrodução: A hipertensão arterial é uma doença complexa, multifatorial, controlada por fatores genéticos e ambientais. Objetivo: Avaliar a susceptibilidade genética no aparecimento de hipertensão arterial e sua associação com os fatores de risco tradicionais na eclosão desta patologia. Material e Métodos: Estudo caso-controlo com 1712 indivíduos, idade média de 51,0 ± 7,9 anos (860 hipertensos e 852 controlos). Avaliaram-se os fatores tradicionais, bioquímicos e as variantes genéticas: ACE I/D rs4340, ACE A2350G rs4343, AGT T174M rs4762, AGT M235T rs699 AGTR1 A1166C rs5186, CYP11B2 -344 C/T rs1799998, ADRB1 R389G rs1801253, ADRB2 R16G rs1042713, ADD1 G460W rs4961, SCNN1G G173A rs5718, GNB3 C825T rs5443, ATP2B1 A/G rs2681472, CYP17A1 T/C rs11191548, SLC4A2 C/T rs2303934. Calculámos o risco de cada gene para a hipertensão, pelos modelos dominante, recessivo, co-dominante e multiplicativo. Através da regressão logística, avaliámos as variáveis associadas à hipertensão. Elaboraram-se curvas ROC com os fatores tradicionais e posteriormente adicionando as variantes genéticas associadas com hipertensão. Analisámos os dados através do SPSS for Windows 19.0 e MedCalc v. Resultados: As variantes genéticas ADD1 G460W, GNB3 C825T, ACE I/D e ACE A2350G associaram-se à hipertensão. A curva ROC com os factores de risco tradicionais e estas variantes mostrou um incremento na capacidade preditiva de hipertensão (p = 0,018). Discussão: Segundo os resultados do nosso estudo as variantes genéticas que após análise univariada se associaram à hipertensão arterial foram a ACE I/D rs4340, ACE A2350G rs4343, ADD1 G460W rs4961, GNB3 C825T rs5443. As duas primeiras variantes relacionam-se com a hipertensão arterial por interferirem no sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona, que tem um importante papel na regulação da pressão arterial. Salienta-se o facto dos genes que codificam os componentes do sistema renina-angiotensinaaldosterona serem candidatos naturais ao desenvolvimento e progressão da hipertensão arterial. Também na nossa população os polimorfismos da alfa-aducina (ADD1 G460W rs4961), associaram-se à hipertensão arterial. Nesta população portuguesa, conhecida por ter elevado consumo de sal, faz sentido que estes polimorfismos, sejam relevantes na gestão do sal e da água e consequentemente, no aparecimento de hipertensão arterial. A variante genética GNB3 C825T rs5443 que interfere na sinalização intracelular também constituiu uma forte candidata à hipertensão arterial. Com a elaboração da curva ROC e cálculo das AUC inicialmente só com os fatores de risco tradicionais e posteriormente adicionando as variantes ADD1 G460W, GNB3 C825T, ACE I/D e ACE A2350G aos fatores de risco tradicionais, verificámos ter havido um incremento no risco preditivo de hipertensão arterial, relativamente ao existente só com os fatores de risco tradicionais, com significado estatístico (p = 0,018). Isto sugere que a hipertensão arterial é uma doença multifatorial, que resulta da interação de fatores ambientais, genéticos e estilos de vida que interagem entre si e levam ao aparecimento desta importante patologia. Conclusão: No nosso estudo os polimorfismos associados à hipertensão, estão ligados ao eixo renina-angiotensina-aldosterona (ACE I/D, ACE A2350G), bem como à gestão de sal e água (ADD1 G460W, GNB3 C825T). Através de uma análise multivariada, concluiuse que estas duas últimas variantes genéticas conjuntamente com quatro dos fatores tradicionais (tabagismo, hábitos alcoólicos, obesidade e diabetes) se associam de forma significativa e independente à hipertensão arterial essencial. Num modelo preditivo de hipertensão arterial, a introdução das variantes genéticas aumenta ligeiramente o valor preditivo do modelo.
- Relationship between ADD1 Gly460Trp gene polymorphism and essential hypertension in Madeira IslandPublication . Sousa, Ana Célia; Palma dos Reis, Roberto; Pereira, Andreia; Borges, Sofia; Freitas, Ana Isabel; Guerra, Graça; Góis, Teresa; Rodrigues, Mariana; Henriques, Eva; Freitas, Sónia; Ornelas, Ilídio; Pereira, Décio; Brehm, António; Mendonça, Maria IsabelEssential hypertension (EH) is a complex disease in which physiological, environmental, and genetic factors are involved in its genesis. The genetic variant of the alpha-adducin gene (ADD1) has been described as a risk factor for EH, but with controversial results.The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of ADD1 (Gly460Trp) gene polymorphism with the EH risk in a population from Madeira Island.A case-control study with 1614 individuals of Caucasian origin was performed, including 817 individuals with EH and 797 controls. Cases and controls were matched for sex and age, by frequency-matching method. All participants collected blood for biochemical and genotypic analysis for the Gly460Trp polymorphism. We further investigated which variables were independently associated to EH, and, consequently, analyzed their interactions.In our study, we found a significant association between the ADD1 gene polymorphism and EH (odds ratio 2.484, P = .01). This association remained statistically significant after the multivariate analysis (odds ratio 2.548, P = .02).The ADD1 Gly460Trp gene polymorphism is significantly and independently associated with EH risk in our population. The knowledge of genetic polymorphisms associated with EH is of paramount importance because it leads to a better understanding of the etiology and pathophysiology of this pathology.
- Synergistic Association of Genetic Variants with Environmental Risk Factors in Susceptibility to Essential HypertensionPublication . Sousa, Ana Célia; Mendonça, Maria I.; Pereira, Andreia; Gouveia, Sara; Freitas, Ana I.; Guerra, Graça; Rodrigues, Mariana; Henriques, Eva; Freitas, Sónia; Borges, Sofia; Pereira, Décio; Brehm, António; Palma dos Reis, RobertoEssential hypertension (EH) is a disease in which both environment and genes have an important role. This study was designed to identify the interaction model between genetic variants and environmental risk factors that most highly potentiates EH development.
- A variante genética c825t da subunidade β3 da proteína G associa‐se com a hipertensão arterial numa população portuguesaPublication . Sousa, Ana Célia; Palma dos Reis, Roberto; Pereira, Andreia; Borges, Sofia; Gouveia, Sara; Spínola, Adelaide; Freitas, Ana Isabel; Guerra, Graça; Góis, Teresa; Rodrigues, Mariana; Henriques, Eva; Ornelas, Ilídio; Freitas, Carolina; Pereira, Décio; Brehm, António; Mendonça, Maria IsabelHypertension is an important public health problem, affecting about 25% of the adult population worldwide.1 Genetic and environmental factors contribute to its pathogenesis. The T allele of the C825T polymorphism of the beta 3 subunit of G protein (rs5443) leads to the production of a truncated variant that enhances intracellular signaling and may interfere with the regulation of blood pressure. This genetic variant has been described as a risk factor for hypertension, although study results are controversial.