Perdigão Silva Mendes Andrade, Maria Cláudia
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- A voz dos estudantes no ensino superiorPublication . Andrade, C.; Fernandes, J.L.; Coimbra, Susana; Fonseca, Sunana
- Gender, Age, and Cross-Cultural Invariance of Brief Inventory of Thriving Among Emerging AdultsPublication . Sorgente, Angela; Tagliabue, Semira; Andrade, C.; Oliveira, José Egidio; Duan, Wenjie; Lanz, MargheritaThis study tested factorial structure, reliability as well as gender, age, and cultural measurement invariance of the Brief Inventory of Thriving (BIT). Data were collected from 981 Italian, Portuguese, and Chinese emerging adults. Results showed that BIT scores were reliable, mono-dimensional, and suitable to assess thriving across different populations.
- Telework and Work–Family Conflict during COVID-19 Lockdown in Portugal: The Influence of Job-Related FactorsPublication . Andrade, C.; Petiz Lousã, EvaEven though research has been showing that telework, under regular circumstances, could benefit the integration of work and family life, mandatory telework during the COVID-19 lockdown brought additional challenges, with potential to create conflicts between work and family spheres. Using regression analysis, this study examined the contribution of demographic and jobrelated variables to the prediction of work–family conflict among a sample of 213 workers who were involved in mandatory telework during the first lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results revealed that role overload, after-hours work-related technology use, and low job autonomy accounted for the prediction of work–family conflict. Support from the supervisors and coworkers did not have an impact in easing the perception of work–family conflict but presented a moderation effect between after-hours work-related technology use and work–family conflict. Implications of the study for management practices related to telework, limitations of the study, and directions for future research are discussed.
- Plans to combine work and family in portuguese and polish emerging adults : effects of gender and work experiencePublication . Andrade, C.; Żyłkiewicz-Płońska, Emilia; Konaszewski, KarolEmerging adulthood is a critical developmental phase for planning future adult roles, such as the professional and familial role. Current research concerning plans to combine work and family roles in emerging adults enrolled in higher education has focused mainly on gender differences with few studies devoted to cross-cultural comparisons. This study aims to explore plans to combine work and family roles with a sample of 239 Portuguese and Polish emerging adults enrolled in higher education. Country comparisons revealed that Polish emerging adults present a more clear perspective on how to combine work and family in the future. Further, findings suggested that working students perceptions of being able to successfully manage work and family roles are higher when compared with those who were only students. No evidence was found for gender differences in future plans to combine work and family roles.
- Citizenship Fatigue as Mediator between Compulsory Citizenship Behavior and Work-Family ConflictPublication . Costa Neves, Paula Maria; Andrade, C.Framed by the conservation of resources theory, we investigated the mediating role of citizenship fatigue in the relationship between compulsory citizenship behavior and work-family conflict. Using a sample of 171 women (M = 41.16, SD = 10.18) working in facilities for the elderly in Portugal, we examined the direct and indirect relationship between compulsory citizenship behavior and work-family conflict. The data, collected using a selfreported questionnaire, shows that compulsory citizenship behavior influences work-family conflict with citizenship fatigue as a mediator. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
- Emotional exhaustion in female health support workers in elderly care facilitiesPublication . Andrade, C.; Costa Neves, Paula MariaThe current study aims to analyze the emotional exhaustion of female health care workers working in elderly care facilities. Using structural equation modelling we tested the effects of organizational support, coworkers' support, supervisor support and work-family conflict in predicting emotional exhaustion with a sample of 171 female health support workers. Findings showed that organizational support was directly linked with coworkers' support and supervisor support, and indirectly linked, via work-family conflict with emotional exhaustion. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
- A qualitative study on emotional labor and work-family conflict in caregivers working in nursing homesPublication . Andrade, C.; Costa Neves, Paula MariaA pesar de la evidencia que sugiere que el trabajo de cuidado implica la realización de trabajo emocional y experiencias de conflicto trabajo-familia, la relación de estas dos experiencias de trabajo sigue sin ser examinada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las experiencias de desempeño del trabajo emocional y el conflicto trabajo-familia y sus vínculos entre los cuidadores que trabajan en hogares de ancianos. Para abordar la pregunta de investigación, utilizamos entrevistas semiestructuradas con una muestra de 24 mujeres cuidadoras que trabajan a tiempo completo en residencias de ancianos en el centro y norte de Portugal. Los resultados revelaron la presencia de trabajo emocional, Conflicto TrabajoFamilia y un impacto del trabajo emocional en Conflicto Trabajo-Familia basado en la tensión. En general, los resultados sugirieron que el trabajo emocional tiene efectos en Conflicto Trabajo-Familia, lo que apunta a la necesidad de que los directores de las instituciones de cuidado de ancianos consideren formas de reducir estos efectos nocivos en los trabajadores.
- Igualdade de género nas profissões da comunicação : as representações das jovens estudantesPublication . Sobreira, Rosa; Andrade, C.Partindo das perspetivas das jovens estudantes de comunicação, o presente estudo pretende conhecer as representações sobre a igualdade de género nas profissões de comunicação. Recorrendo-se a um questionário com questões abertas, junto de uma amostra de estudantes do sexo feminino a frequentar o primeiro ano de uma licenciatura em ciências da comunicação, foi possível obter as representações das mesmas em torno de três temas principais: igualdade de género no acesso às profissões de comunicação, igualdade de género no exercício das profissões de comunicação e igualdade de género na gestão do trabalho e da vida pessoal e familiar. Os resultados, que apontam para a persistência de estereótipos de género em todas as dimensões analisadas evidenciam, também que as participantes no estudo sentem que o facto de serem mulheres condiciona o acesso às profissões da comunicação, a progressão na carreira e a conciliação entre o trabalho e vida familiar. Os resultados são analisados à luz da importância da promoção da igualdade de género tanto ao nível da formação como ao nível das práticas em contexto de trabalho.
- Role boundary management during Covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of focus group data with working-student mothersPublication . Andrade, C.; Fernandes, J.L.This qualitative study explores the experiences of role boundary management of workingstudent mothers during COVID-19 pandemic shelter in place order. A thematic analysis was used to examine the experiences and consequences of role blurring due to remote work, school closures, and remote learning and the strategies used to cope with the demands of three roles – being a mother, a worker, and a student. Eight participants enrolled in higher education programs participated in a focus group using Zoom technology. Several experiences of role blurring and barriers to satisfactorily manage all the roles emerged from the analysis. Strategies to cope with permanent demands seemed to have had only a small effect on working-student mothers' adjustment and well-being as they navigated through the days of shelter in place order. Implications for a better understanding of the experience and impacts of role boundary management during COVID-19 are discussed.
- School-Family and Family-School Enrichment: A Study with Portuguese Working Student ParentsPublication . Andrade, C.; Fernandes, J.L.In recent years, higher education institutions have progressively undertaken efforts to attract more diversified populations to their programs, both in the first and second cycles. These new groups include students who work professionally and who are parents. The literature that aims to address the management of multiple roles of higher education students has mainly devoted its attention to the potential conflict of roles, with a scarcity of studies focused on the positive aspects that may result from this articulation. The present study aims to analyze the relationships between satisfaction with social support (in the academic/school, work, and family domain), satisfaction with role management and academic performance and school-family and family-school enrichment experiences. The study was carried out using a questionnaire, with 155 students working fathers/mothers allowed to identify predictors of school-family and family-school enrichment. The results provide a better understanding of the factors that contribute to a student role having a positive impact on other life roles, namely the professional role and the role of father/mother.