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A IWPS-R foi desenvolvida para ser uma ferramenta importante no fornecimento de informações necessárias para formular intervenções que visam melhorar a perceção dos enfermeiros sobre a sua carga de trabalho e, consequentemente, o ambiente da prática de enfermagem, promovendo, assim, a segurança e a qualidade dos cuidados. Em Portugal não existia uma escala válida e fiável que avaliasse a satisfação dos enfermeiros com a sua carga de trabalho. Desta forma, o estudo teve como objetivo adaptar culturalmente/linguisticamente e validar a escala IWPS-R, dando origem à versão portuguesa da mesma. A Escala de Perceção Individual da Carga de Trabalho (EPICT) é composta por 5 dimensões, com um total de 21 itens. As dimensões são: Suporte do Enfermeiro Gestor, Suporte da Equipa, Recursos da Organização, Carga de Trabalho e Intenção de Permanecer. A EPICT apresenta um alfa de Cronbach de 0,88. É um instrumento de recolha de dados pertinente para o contexto da gestão em enfermagem. Nesta linha, oferece contributos fundamentais, não só para a investigação futura, como para a prática de enfermagem, nomeadamente na promoção de ambientes de trabalho favoráveis nos mais variados contextos
Background: In Portugal, there is no scale to assess nurses’ satisfaction with their workload. Therefore, this study aimed to culturally/linguistically adapt and validate the IWPS-R scale, with 29 items, to produce a Portuguese version. (2) Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in two phases: translation and adaptation of the IWPS-R into Portuguese, following the steps recommended by Beaton; and evaluation of its psychometric properties in a non-probability sample of 323 nurses working in a hospital centre of reference in Portugal. (3) Results: The final scale obtained a total explained variance of 62.3% and a KMO of 0.88. The reliability was assured through the determination of an internal consistency of 0.88. The construct validity was determined through confirmatory factor analysis. The factorial model presented a good quality fit (X2/df = 2.118; CFI = 0.925; GFI = 0.900; RMSEA = 0.059; p (RMSEA ≤ 0.05) = 0.041; RMR = 0.078; MECVI = 1.525; SRMR = 0.0631) with five factors. (4) Conclusions: The Individual Workload Perception Scale-Revised-Portuguese version (IWPS-R-PT) is a 21-item tool with five dimensions: Nurse Manager Support, Team Support, Workload, Organizational Resources and Intent to Stay. The IWPS-R-PT was found suitable for hospital-based nurses and may be useful in other settings where nurses work.
Background: In Portugal, there is no scale to assess nurses’ satisfaction with their workload. Therefore, this study aimed to culturally/linguistically adapt and validate the IWPS-R scale, with 29 items, to produce a Portuguese version. (2) Methods: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in two phases: translation and adaptation of the IWPS-R into Portuguese, following the steps recommended by Beaton; and evaluation of its psychometric properties in a non-probability sample of 323 nurses working in a hospital centre of reference in Portugal. (3) Results: The final scale obtained a total explained variance of 62.3% and a KMO of 0.88. The reliability was assured through the determination of an internal consistency of 0.88. The construct validity was determined through confirmatory factor analysis. The factorial model presented a good quality fit (X2/df = 2.118; CFI = 0.925; GFI = 0.900; RMSEA = 0.059; p (RMSEA ≤ 0.05) = 0.041; RMR = 0.078; MECVI = 1.525; SRMR = 0.0631) with five factors. (4) Conclusions: The Individual Workload Perception Scale-Revised-Portuguese version (IWPS-R-PT) is a 21-item tool with five dimensions: Nurse Manager Support, Team Support, Workload, Organizational Resources and Intent to Stay. The IWPS-R-PT was found suitable for hospital-based nurses and may be useful in other settings where nurses work.
Carga de Trabalho Ambiente de Trabalho Estudos de Validação Instrumentos de Medição Gestão em Enfermagem
Cabrita, C., Lucas, P., Teixeira, G. & Gaspar, F. (2022). Translation and Validation of the Individual Workload Perception Scale - Revised for Portuguese Nurses. Healthcare, 10(12), 2476.