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O relatório Projetos de Design para o FabLab Lisboa descreve
e reflete sobre o estágio curricular que realizei na empresa
municipal FabLab Lisboa, no âmbito do Mestrado em Design e
Cultura Visual, no IADE - Universidade Europeia. Durante
quatro meses tive a oportunidade de estagiar no FabLab Lisboa
onde contactei e participei num ambiente de trabalho original
no qual adquiri experiência relativos aos desafios da
comunicação visual de trabalho colaborativo e criativo
desenvolvido numa estrutura municipal. Os projetos realizados
durante o estágio foram: a criação de uma nova identidade
visual para o FabLab Lisboa, proposta de imagem para o Nerd
Brunch e a conceção de um protótipo em micélio de uma
handplane. Analisado o conceito Fab Lab, estes projetos
assentam no âmbito da cultura Do It Yourself (DIY) e abraçam
a área do rebranding cada vez mais relevante na comunicação
visual atual.
The report Design Projects for FabLab Lisboa describes and reflects on the curricular internship I undertook at the municipal company FabLab Lisboa, as part of the Master’s Degree in Design and Visual Culture at IADE - Universidade Europeia. For four months I had the opportunity to do an internship at FabLab Lisboa, where I came into contact with and participated in an original working environment, in which I gained experience of the challenges of visual communication in the collaborative and creative work carried out in a municipal structure. The projects carried out during the internship were: the creation of a new visual identity for FabLab Lisboa, an image proposal for Nerd Brunch and the design of a mycelial prototype of a handplane. Having analyzed the Fab Lab concept, these projects are based on the Do It Yourself (DIY) culture and embrace the area of rebranding, which is increasingly relevant in today’s communication.
The report Design Projects for FabLab Lisboa describes and reflects on the curricular internship I undertook at the municipal company FabLab Lisboa, as part of the Master’s Degree in Design and Visual Culture at IADE - Universidade Europeia. For four months I had the opportunity to do an internship at FabLab Lisboa, where I came into contact with and participated in an original working environment, in which I gained experience of the challenges of visual communication in the collaborative and creative work carried out in a municipal structure. The projects carried out during the internship were: the creation of a new visual identity for FabLab Lisboa, an image proposal for Nerd Brunch and the design of a mycelial prototype of a handplane. Having analyzed the Fab Lab concept, these projects are based on the Do It Yourself (DIY) culture and embrace the area of rebranding, which is increasingly relevant in today’s communication.
FabLab Lisboa DIY Design de comunicação Identidade visual Comunicação digital