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Atualmente, com o avanço tecnológico, principalmente da internet, está sendo atualizada a forma de consumir o entretenimento de conteúdo audivisual. As empresas estão sendo pressionadas à adaptarem o seu modelo de negócio para um cenário mais dinâmico, personalizado e flexível que é o serviço de streaming de vídeos. Esse serviço, de acordo com os autores mencionados neste estudo, reproduz o conteúdo de filmes e séries através da internet com transmissão online que não requer o armazenamento de informações, não ocupando assim, espaço no dispositivo do consumidor. Além da praticidade, essa alternativa no consumo de conteúdos audiovisuais de streaming de vídeos permite que o consumidor tenha flexibilidade tanto na escollha dos conteúdos quanto no momento em que irá acessá-los e no dispositivo que lhe for mais acessível. O aumento da dimensão do serviço de streaming de vídeo no segmento audiovisual identificado ao longo do estudo, junto com a forte concorrência gerada pela variedade de players no mercado e o período vivido de pandemia e confinamento gerado pela doença Covid-19, tornou-se necessária a investigação do estudo assim como foi realizado para segmentos mais tradicionais do campo do entretenimento. Para suportar o estudo foi realizada uma revisão da literatura disponível dos estudos relacionados publicados ao longo dos anos e suas principais contribuições. Dessa maneira, o presente estudo pretende responder a seguinte pergunta de investigação: qual o impacto causado pelo confinamento derivado da pandemia do Covid-19 no consumo de serviços de streaming de vídeo e na consequente utilização deste serviços? Foram definidos os seguintes objetivos específicos para o estudo: medir a percepção de enjoyment dos consumidores nas plataformas streaming de vídeo no período da pandemia do Covid-19. A metodologia usada é de natureza quantitativa, aplicada, transversal, explicativa, de campo com realização por meio de survey. Os resultados sugerem que apesar de alto nível de enjoyment atribuído ao consumo de streaming de vídeo e o aumento do próprio consumo, a baixa correlação entre as varáveis, não permitiu a confirmação da relação com as reações cognitivas, afetivas e comportamentais, não sendo possível assim, confirmar as questões de investigação do presente estudo.
Currently, with technological advances, especially the internet, the way to consume audiovisual content entertainment is being updated. Companies are being pressured to adapt their business model to a more dynamic, personalized and flexible scenario that is the video streaming service. This service, according to the authors mentioned in this study, reproduces the content of films and series through the internet with online transmission that does not require the storage of information, thus not occupying space on the consumer's device. In addition to being practical, this alternative in the consumption of audiovisual content for streaming videos allows consumers to have flexibility both in choosing the contents and when they will access them and on the device that is most accessible to them. The increase in the dimension of the video streaming service in the audiovisual segment identified throughout the study, together with the strong competition generated by the variety of players in the market and the lived period of pandemic and confinement generated by the Covid-19 disease, became necessary the investigation of the study as well as it was carried out for more traditional segments of the entertainment field. To support the study, a review of the available literature of related studies published over the years and their main contributions was carried out. Thus, the present study intends to answer the following research question: what is the impact caused by the confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic on the consumption of video streaming services and on the consequent use of these services? The following specific objectives were defined for the study: to measure the perception of enjoyment of consumers on video streaming platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The methodology used is quantitative, applied, transversal, explanatory, in the field, carried out through a survey. The results suggest that despite the high level of enjoyment attributed to the consumption of video streaming and the increase in consumption itself, the low correlation between the variables did not allow confirmation of the relationship with cognitive, affective and behavioral reactions, thus not being possible , confirm the research questions of the present study.
Currently, with technological advances, especially the internet, the way to consume audiovisual content entertainment is being updated. Companies are being pressured to adapt their business model to a more dynamic, personalized and flexible scenario that is the video streaming service. This service, according to the authors mentioned in this study, reproduces the content of films and series through the internet with online transmission that does not require the storage of information, thus not occupying space on the consumer's device. In addition to being practical, this alternative in the consumption of audiovisual content for streaming videos allows consumers to have flexibility both in choosing the contents and when they will access them and on the device that is most accessible to them. The increase in the dimension of the video streaming service in the audiovisual segment identified throughout the study, together with the strong competition generated by the variety of players in the market and the lived period of pandemic and confinement generated by the Covid-19 disease, became necessary the investigation of the study as well as it was carried out for more traditional segments of the entertainment field. To support the study, a review of the available literature of related studies published over the years and their main contributions was carried out. Thus, the present study intends to answer the following research question: what is the impact caused by the confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic on the consumption of video streaming services and on the consequent use of these services? The following specific objectives were defined for the study: to measure the perception of enjoyment of consumers on video streaming platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The methodology used is quantitative, applied, transversal, explanatory, in the field, carried out through a survey. The results suggest that despite the high level of enjoyment attributed to the consumption of video streaming and the increase in consumption itself, the low correlation between the variables did not allow confirmation of the relationship with cognitive, affective and behavioral reactions, thus not being possible , confirm the research questions of the present study.
Pandemia Enjoyment Reação cognitiva Reação comportamental Consumo de streaming de vídeo