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Neste estudo, investiga-se a integração da diversidade cultural em escolas portuguesas,
especificamente com crianças de 2, 3 e 4 anos, e explora-se como a educação intercultural
pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa para promover inclusão.
O objetivo principal é compreender como a abordagem intercultural impacta as
crianças e quais as estratégias que ajudam a adaptá-las à diversidade cultural, dentro do
referencial de educação intercultural da Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE), que promove
a cidadania nas escolas.
A revisão bibliográfica centra-se sobretudo na abordagem intercultural na educação.
São, também, destacados alguns programas, estratégias e meios que podem ser utilizados
nas escolas para promover a educação intercultural. Neste sentido, realizou-se um estudo
prático que teve a duração de 3 meses. Foram realizadas 10 atividades, em 13 sessões,
centradas em temas relacionados com a diversidade cultural, como a exploração da
cultura angolana e chinesa. As atividades incluíram a exploração de bandeiras, vídeos de
práticas culinárias, histórias culturais e confeção de um prato típico. Por meio destas
experiências, foi analisado como as crianças se adaptaram com a implementação da
diversidade cultural, a opinião da educadora da creche, através de um questionário, e os
constrangimentos e desafios encontrados relativamente ao tema ao longo do estudo. A
análise dos resultados permitiu compreender que a implementação da educação
intercultural nas escolas é um meio de promoção do respeito mútuo e de um ambiente
educativo, acolhedor e inclusivo.
This study investigates the integration of cultural diversity in Portuguese schools, specifically with children aged 2, 3 and 4, and explores how intercultural education can be a powerful tool to promote inclusion. The main objective is to understand how the intercultural approach impacts children and what strategies help them adapt to cultural diversity, within the intercultural education framework of the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), which promotes citizenship in schools. The central literature review is mainly on the intercultural approach in education. Some programs, strategies and means that can be used in schools to promote intercultural education are also highlighted. In this sense, a practical study was carried out that lasted 3 months. 10 activities were carried out, in 13 sessions, focused on themes related to cultural diversity, such as the exploration of Angolan and Chinese culture. In addition, activities included exploring flags, videos of culinary practices, cultural stories and making a typical dish. Through these experiences, it was investigated how the children adapted to the implementation of cultural diversity, the opinion of the daycare educator, through a questionnaire, and the constraints and challenges encountered regarding the topic throughout the study. The analysis of the results allowed us to understand that the implementing of intercultural education in schools is a means of promoting mutual respect and an educational, welcoming and inclusive environment.
This study investigates the integration of cultural diversity in Portuguese schools, specifically with children aged 2, 3 and 4, and explores how intercultural education can be a powerful tool to promote inclusion. The main objective is to understand how the intercultural approach impacts children and what strategies help them adapt to cultural diversity, within the intercultural education framework of the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), which promotes citizenship in schools. The central literature review is mainly on the intercultural approach in education. Some programs, strategies and means that can be used in schools to promote intercultural education are also highlighted. In this sense, a practical study was carried out that lasted 3 months. 10 activities were carried out, in 13 sessions, focused on themes related to cultural diversity, such as the exploration of Angolan and Chinese culture. In addition, activities included exploring flags, videos of culinary practices, cultural stories and making a typical dish. Through these experiences, it was investigated how the children adapted to the implementation of cultural diversity, the opinion of the daycare educator, through a questionnaire, and the constraints and challenges encountered regarding the topic throughout the study. The analysis of the results allowed us to understand that the implementing of intercultural education in schools is a means of promoting mutual respect and an educational, welcoming and inclusive environment.
diversidade cultural, educação intercultural, inclusão escolar, cidadania, educação pré-escolar, práticas pedagógicas Cultural diversity, intercultural education, school inclusion, citizenship, preschool education, pedagogical practices