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INTRODUÇÃO: Sendo a alimentação um fator de risco modificável significativo para a incapacidade e morte prematura, urge a promoção de ambientes alimentares saudáveis incluindo sistemas que promovam uma dieta diversificada, equilibrada e saudável nos setores público e privado. A correta intervenção alimentar pode representar um importante reflexo na saúde dos clientes de uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição, visto que, para muitos, a alimentação recebida na empresa/organização onde trabalha representa a grande refeição do dia e pode representar a base de uma alimentação saudável, com reflexos positivos para a saúde, podendo servir de exemplo para a criação de hábitos alimentares adequados nos comensais.
OBJETIVOS: Elaborar ferramenta de avaliação qualitativa de ementas destinada à população adulta e saudável, com base nas necessidades energéticas totais e distribuição de porções por dia e por refeição segundo as recomendações nacionais e hábitos alimentares da população nacional.
METODOLOGIA: Foram identificadas as necessidades energéticas totais de acordo com as recomendações da Roda dos Alimentos Portuguesa e distribuídas as porções de alimentos para a refeição do almoço. Foram compilados e analisados os critérios referentes a cinco documentos de avaliação qualitativa de ementas e adaptados para a população alvo.
RESULTADOS: Obteve-se uma lista de verificação/grelha para avaliação qualitativa de ementas, constituída por 55 pressupostos divididos por 8 grupos. As ementas serão avaliadas segundo uma classificação de “muito boa”, “boa”, “aceitável” e “não aceitável” consoante os valores percentuais obtidos.
CONCLUSÕES: A lista de verificação/grelha obtida com os principais critérios de alimentação saudável para aplicação aquando da elaboração de ementas pretende representar uma ferramenta que auxilie os responsáveis pela elaboração de ementas e os nutricionistas num processo de melhoria da qualidade nutricional das ementas.
INTRODUCTION: As diet is a significant modifiable risk factor for disability and premature death, there is an urgent need to promote healthy food environments including systems that promote a diversified, balanced, and healthy diet in the public and private sectors. The correct food intervention can represent an important reflection on the health of the clients of a Food and Nutrition Unit, since, for many, the food received in the company/organization where they work represents the big meal of the day and can represent the basis of a healthy diet, with positive consequences for health, and can serve as an example for the creation of adequate eating habits in diners. OBJECTIVES: To develop a qualitative assessment tool for menus aimed at the healthy adult population, based on total energy needs and distribution of portions per day and per meal according to national recommendations and eating habits of the national population. METHODOLOGY: The total energy needs were identified, according to the recommendations of the Portuguese food wheel and the food portions were distributed for the lunch meal. Criteria referring to five qualitative assessment documents of menus were compiled and analyzed and adapted for the target population. RESULTS: A checklist/grid was obtained for the qualitative evaluation of menus, consisting of 55 assumptions divided into 8 groups. The menus will be evaluated according to a classification of “very good”, “good”, “acceptable” and “not acceptable” depending on the percentage values obtained. CONCLUSIONS: The checklist/grid obtained with the main healthy eating criteria for application when preparing menus is intended to represent a tool that helps those responsible for preparing menus and nutritionists in a process of improving the nutritional quality of the menus.
INTRODUCTION: As diet is a significant modifiable risk factor for disability and premature death, there is an urgent need to promote healthy food environments including systems that promote a diversified, balanced, and healthy diet in the public and private sectors. The correct food intervention can represent an important reflection on the health of the clients of a Food and Nutrition Unit, since, for many, the food received in the company/organization where they work represents the big meal of the day and can represent the basis of a healthy diet, with positive consequences for health, and can serve as an example for the creation of adequate eating habits in diners. OBJECTIVES: To develop a qualitative assessment tool for menus aimed at the healthy adult population, based on total energy needs and distribution of portions per day and per meal according to national recommendations and eating habits of the national population. METHODOLOGY: The total energy needs were identified, according to the recommendations of the Portuguese food wheel and the food portions were distributed for the lunch meal. Criteria referring to five qualitative assessment documents of menus were compiled and analyzed and adapted for the target population. RESULTS: A checklist/grid was obtained for the qualitative evaluation of menus, consisting of 55 assumptions divided into 8 groups. The menus will be evaluated according to a classification of “very good”, “good”, “acceptable” and “not acceptable” depending on the percentage values obtained. CONCLUSIONS: The checklist/grid obtained with the main healthy eating criteria for application when preparing menus is intended to represent a tool that helps those responsible for preparing menus and nutritionists in a process of improving the nutritional quality of the menus.
Alimentação coletiva Avaliação qualitativa Ementas Nutrição Food Service Qualitative evaluation Menus Nutrition
Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição