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O lúpus eritematoso sistémico é uma doença de natureza autoimune que apresenta maior prevalência em mulheres e em certos grupos étnicos. Assim como outras doenças autoimunes não se sabe ao certo a etiologia desta patologia, mas vários mecanismos fisiopatológicos já foram estudados e constatou-se que são vários os fatores que contribuem para o seu desenvolvimento, nomeadamente a desregulação de mecanismos imunológicos, fatores genéticos, hormonais e ambientais.
Os mecanismos desencadeados por esses fatores permitem que haja uma diversidade de manifestações clínicas que podem afetar diferentes tecidos e órgãos, o que contribui para o aparecimento de sinais e sintomas leves, intermédios, graves e muito graves. O diagnóstico do lúpus eritematoso sistémico não é fácil devido a diversidade das manifestações, mas o desenvolvimento de critérios para esse fim têm facilitado este processo. As manifestações clínicas juntamente com meios complementares como exames laboratoriais são elementos fundamentais para um diagnóstico assertivo e adequado.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that is more prevalent in women and in certain ethnic groups. As with other autoimmune diseases, the aetiology of this pathology is not known for sure, but several pathophysiological mechanisms have already been studied and it was found that there are several factors that contribute to its development, namely the deregulation of immunological mechanisms, genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. The mechanisms triggered by these factors allow for a variety of clinical manifestations that can affect different tissues and organs, which contributes to the appearance of mild, intermediate, severe, and very severe signs and symptoms. The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus is not easy due to the multiformity of manifestations, but the development of criteria for this purpose has facilitated this process. Clinical manifestations along with complementary means such as laboratory tests are fundamental elements for an assertive and adequate diagnosis.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that is more prevalent in women and in certain ethnic groups. As with other autoimmune diseases, the aetiology of this pathology is not known for sure, but several pathophysiological mechanisms have already been studied and it was found that there are several factors that contribute to its development, namely the deregulation of immunological mechanisms, genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. The mechanisms triggered by these factors allow for a variety of clinical manifestations that can affect different tissues and organs, which contributes to the appearance of mild, intermediate, severe, and very severe signs and symptoms. The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus is not easy due to the multiformity of manifestations, but the development of criteria for this purpose has facilitated this process. Clinical manifestations along with complementary means such as laboratory tests are fundamental elements for an assertive and adequate diagnosis.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz
Lúpus eritematoso sistémico Fisiopatologia Manifestações clínicas Diagnóstico