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O estudo apresentado neste relatório de investigação sobre a
prática, surgiu no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Estágio IV, do Mestrado
em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e tem
como tema e título “Uma experiência de Educação Intercultural através da
Expressão Dramática”.
O seu principal objetivo é: compreender os contributos de um projeto
de expressão dramática e de literatura infantojuvenil para o desenvolvimento
da educação intercultural em sala de aula. Assim, esta investigação
pretende responder a duas questões: “De que modo um projeto de
educação intercultural pode ser desenvolvido através de práticas
pedagógicas relacionadas com a expressão dramática e com a literatura
infantojuvenil?” e “De que forma um projeto de expressão dramática e de
literatura infantojuvenil pode promover o desenvolvimento de competências
interculturais nas crianças?”
A investigação foi desenvolvida numa turma do 3º ano do ensino
básico e a abordagem metodológica escolhida foi de natureza qualitativa.
Desse modo, os instrumentos de recolha e análise de dados passaram pela
observação participante, com as respetivas notas de campo durante o
período de estágio; entrevista semi-estruturada à professora cooperante;
focus-group com as crianças e uma recolha e análise documental de fontes
variadas, como produções dos alunos, fotografias e registos de áudio.
Tendo em conta as diferentes fases do projeto, a estagiária pôde
realizar importantes aprendizagens sobre a prática pedagógica no campo
da educação intercultural. Para além disso, com as intervenções
pedagógicas em sala de aula, os alunos puderam desenvolver, através da
literatura infantojuvenil e expressão dramática, competências ao nível da
educação intercultural.
The study presented in this research report on practice emerged within the scope of the Curricular Unit Internship IV, of the Master’s Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, and has as its theme and title “An Intercultural Education Experience through Dramatic Expression.” Its main objective is to understand the contributions of a project involving dramatic expression and children’s and young adult literature to the development of intercultural education in the classroom. Thus, this research aims to answer two questions: “In what ways can an intercultural education project be developed through pedagogical practices related to dramatic expression and children’s and young adult literature?” and “How can a project of dramatic expression and children’s and young adult literature promote the development of intercultural competences in children?” The research was carried out in a 3rd-year elementary school class, and the chosen methodological approach was qualitative in nature. Thus, data collection and analysis instruments included participant observation with corresponding field notes during the internship period; a semi-structured interview with the cooperating teacher; a focus group with the children; and the collection and analysis of various documentary sources, such as students’ work, photographs, and audio recordings. Considering the different phases of the project, the intern was able to acquire significant learning about pedagogical practice in the field of intercultural education. Moreover, through the pedagogical interventions in the classroom, students were able to develop intercultural education skills through children’s and young adult literature and dramatic expression.
The study presented in this research report on practice emerged within the scope of the Curricular Unit Internship IV, of the Master’s Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, and has as its theme and title “An Intercultural Education Experience through Dramatic Expression.” Its main objective is to understand the contributions of a project involving dramatic expression and children’s and young adult literature to the development of intercultural education in the classroom. Thus, this research aims to answer two questions: “In what ways can an intercultural education project be developed through pedagogical practices related to dramatic expression and children’s and young adult literature?” and “How can a project of dramatic expression and children’s and young adult literature promote the development of intercultural competences in children?” The research was carried out in a 3rd-year elementary school class, and the chosen methodological approach was qualitative in nature. Thus, data collection and analysis instruments included participant observation with corresponding field notes during the internship period; a semi-structured interview with the cooperating teacher; a focus group with the children; and the collection and analysis of various documentary sources, such as students’ work, photographs, and audio recordings. Considering the different phases of the project, the intern was able to acquire significant learning about pedagogical practice in the field of intercultural education. Moreover, through the pedagogical interventions in the classroom, students were able to develop intercultural education skills through children’s and young adult literature and dramatic expression.
Educação Intercultural Literatura infantojuvenil Literatura infantojuvenil Cidadania Intercultural Education Children’s and Young Adult Literature Dramatic Expression Citizenship