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  • Health Literacy among Older Adults in Portugal and Associated Sociodemographic, Health and Healthcare-Related Factors
    Publication . Costa, Andreia; Feteira-Santos, Rodrigo; Alarcão, Violeta; Henriques, Maria Adriana; Madeira, Teresa; Virgolino, Ana; Arriaga, Miguel; Nogueira, Paulo
    Although the health literacy level of the general population was described recently, little is known about its specific levels among older adults in Portugal. Therefore, this cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the levels of health literacy demonstrated by older adults in Portugal and explore associated factors. Using a randomly generated list of telephone numbers, adults aged 65 years or more living in mainland Portugal were contacted in September and October 2022. Sociodemographic, health and healthcare-related variables were collected, and the 12-item version of the European Health Literacy Survey Project 2019–2021 was used to measure health literacy. Then, binary logistic regression models were used to investigate factors associated with limited general health literacy. In total, 613 participants were surveyed. The mean level of general health literacy was (59.15 ± 13.05; n = 563), whereas health promotion (65.82 ± 13.19; n = 568) and appraising health information (65.16 ± 13.26; n = 517) were the highest scores in the health literacy domain and the dimension of health information processing, respectively. Overall, 80.6% of respondents revealed limited general health literacy, which was positively associated with living in a difficult household financial situation (4.17; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.64–10.57), perceiving one’s own health status as poorer (7.12; 95% CI: 2.02–25.09), and having a fair opinion about a recent interaction with primary healthcare services (2.75; 95% CI: 1.46–5.19). The proportion of older adults with limited general health literacy in Portugal is significant. This result should be considered to inform health planning according to the health literacy gap of older adults in Portugal
  • Effectiveness of Social Prescribing Programs in the PrimaryHealth-Care Context:
    Publication . Costa, Andreia; Sousa, Carla Joana; Seabra, Paulo; Virgolino, Ana; Santos, Osvaldo; Lopes, Joaquim Manuel de Oliveira; Henriques, Maria Adriana; Nogueira, Paulo; Alarcão, Violeta
    Social prescribing (SP) is an approach that promotes the use of local non-clinical activities by people. The referral is usually made by primary health-care professionals, in a process wherein local providers play a pivotal role. The main objective of this study was to identify domains of intervention and evidence about the effectiveness of SP programs regarding health-related outcomes. A systematic literature review was carried out following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A literature search was conducted in PubMed, CINHAL, and SCOPUS. Inclusion criteria of the reviewed papers were as follows: (i) effectiveness studies of interventions designated as SP or interventions entailing SP conceptual components; (ii) interventions with adults. Quality assessment was performed with the Cochrane tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials; an assessment tool developed by the US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute was applied to observational studies. Overall, 13 articles were included for analysis, with a total of 4603 patients. Although three studies comprised a control group, only two followed a randomized controlled trials (RCT) design. Nine principal domains of intervention within SP were identified, with three categories of outcome measures: Physical and psychological wellbeing; Health behaviors and self-efficacy; and Health care resources end economic evaluation. SP is an emergent and promising health-care intervention, and it has been used to promote different health behaviors. Evidence of SP effectiveness on patient’s health and wellbeing is not strong. Further research is needed for understanding how SP can be applied efficiently.
  • Public health nursing and public health policies:
    Publication . Cunha, Carmen; Henriques, Maria Adriana; Costa, Andreia
    Objectives: to characterize the interventions of specialist nurses of community health and public health of a Group of Health Centers, to identify the main facilitating factors for the performance of competences, and the contribution to public health policies. Method: this is a case study carried out with nurses specialized in community health and public health nursing. Data were collected through interviews from October to December 2019. Analysis was guided by two strategies: starting from the theoretical propositions and working the data from the ground up; and two techniques: pattern matching and explanation building. Results: from the constructed matrix, ten theoretical propositions, ten emerging evidences, five patterns and five explanatory hypotheses emerged. There are interventions for epidemiological surveillance, planning and project management. Personal training and communication stand out as facilitating factors. Conclusion and implications for practice: the intervention of the nurses of these specialties presents a dimension centered on project planning and management identifies and reflects the facilitating factors of the performance of their competencies, as an applicator of public health policies
  • Nursing Trends: research for a better health – Lisbon 2022
    Publication . Lopes, Joaquim Manuel de Oliveira; Baixinho, Cristina Lavareda; Henriques, Maria Adriana; Costa, Andreia
  • A literacia digital em saúde na capacitação dos cuidadores informais
    Publication . Águas, Dominique; Paço, Marisa; Henriques, Maria Adriana; Costa, Andreia
  • Enfermagem de saúde comunitária e de saúde pública:
    Publication . Cunha, Carmen; Costa, Andreia; Henriques, Maria Adriana
  • Cochrane Corner - Intervenções telefónicas para apoio educacional e psicossocial a cuidadores informais
    Publication . Henriques, Adriana; De Oliveira Ferreira, Ricardo Jorge; Costa, Andreia; Vaz Carneiro, António
    O telefone é um meio fácil de prestação de apoio educacional e psicossocial por profissionais de saúde a cuidadores informais. Esta revisão sistemática Cochrane avaliou 21 ensaios clínicos aleatorizados, envolvendo 1.690 cuidadores e comparando a eficácia das intervenções de apoio telefónico com cuidados habituais, na prestação de apoio educacional e psicossocial. Concluiu-se existir um ligeiro benefício destas intervenções para alguns outcomes (resultados), como por exemplo, na redução da ansiedade e melhoria da preparação para cuidar. Contudo, para a maioria dos resultados avaliados, o efeito adicional da utilização de intervenções telefónicas foi pouco ou nenhum. A maior parte dos estudos possuíam elevado risco de viés e amostras reduzidas.
  • Promoção da saúde dos adolescentes no âmbito da educação sexual:
    Publication . Ermitão, Vanessa; Gonçalves, Maria do Céu; Costa, Andreia
    Introdução: A adolescência é uma fase da vida marcada por rápidas mudanças desenvolvimentais e, por isso, um período crucial para aumentar as capacidades para comportamentos de promoção de saúde. No âmbito da educação sexual e afetiva, o enfermeiro pode desempenhar um papel relevante na promoção da saúde dos adolescentes, contribuindo para os conhecimentos e atitudes dos mesmos, acerca da sexualidade. Objetivo: O objetivo geral do projeto foi contribuir para o aumento do conhecimento sobre sexualidade, de adolescentes do 9º ano de escolaridade de uma escola da área de intervenção de uma Unidade de Cuidados na Comunidade (UCC) do Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde (ACES) Almada/Seixal. Método: O projeto foi desenvolvido seguindo as fases da Metodologia do Planeamento em Saúde. O diagnóstico de situação foi realizado com recurso ao Questionário Perceção dos Alunos acerca da Educação Sexual. A amostra, obtida de forma não probabilística por conveniência, foi constituída por 16 adolescentes. O projeto foi sustentado pelo referencial teórico do Modelo de Promoção de Saúde de Nola Pender. Resultados e discussão: O diagnóstico de situação revelou conhecimento sobre a saúde comprometido e comportamento de procura de saúde comprometido. De modo a resolver os problemas de saúde prioritários, recorreu-se à educação para a saúde, como estratégia. Após a intervenção, mais de 80% dos estudantes responderam corretamente às questões sobre a temática, cerca de 72% dos estudantes identificaram dois comportamentos sexuais de risco, e 53% dos estudantes privilegiaram os profissionais de saúde como fontes de informação em assuntos relacionados com a sexualidade. Conclusões: Este projeto, alicerçado na Metodologia do Planeamento em Saúde e no Modelo de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender, permitiu contribuir para o conhecimento dos adolescentes, no âmbito da educação sexual, através da intervenção de enfermagem em contexto comunitário.
  • Editorial
    Publication . Costa, Andreia