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Dias, Gonçalo Nuno Figueiredo

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  • A(s) Ciências do Desporto e o corpo : entre as Ciências Naturais e as Ciências Sociais
    Publication . Cabral Mendes, Pedro; Dias, Gonçalo; Morais, Filipa Maria Paula Coelho Caldeira Canavarro de
    O discurso epistemológico que enaltece o estatuto de cientificidade das Ciências Naturais e Ciências Sociais tem sido motivo de particular atenção por parte de vários investigadores (Bachelard 1958; Kuhn, 1962, Castro, 1976, Piaget, 1980; Nunes 1982; Sayer, 1984, Santos, 1989; Popper 1989; Boudon, 1990, Silva & Pinto, 1990 e 1999). A Ciência do Desporto debate-se com a necessidade de se afirmar como uma teoria integrativa de carácter interdisciplinar, capaz de partilhar as contribuições de outras áreas “ciências-mãe” (Marques, 1990; Bento & Marques, 1993, Gaya, 2001). Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento do Desporto e da Ciência do Desporto parece seguir uma nova orientação centrada na emergência do “estudo do corpo” enquanto fenómeno global (Dunning, 1992; Knop, Engsbom, Skirestad & Weiss, 1996; Andrieu, 2004; Reid, Stewart & Thorne, 2004; Bento, 2007; Lippi, Gudi, Nevill & Boreham, 2008). O presente trabalho teve como objectivo principal apresentar os motivos que estão subjacentes à tensão latente que existe nestas áreas de saber. Os objectos de estudo, a esfera de acção, bem como os factores de convergência e divergência são elementos a considerar neste artigo. Conclui-se que a Ciência do Desporto enquanto “estudo do corpo”, nas suas mais diversas vertentes, deverá assumir uma atitude aberta e cooperante no seio das Ciências Naturais e das Ciências Sociais. A interdisciplinaridade que resulta destas ciências aponta para a utilização de abordagens múltiplas direccionadas para a actividade prática de intervenção e transformação da sociedade.
  • New technologies to the study the golf putting
    Publication . Fernandes, Orlando; Dias, Gonçalo; Couceiro, Micael; Manuel Clemente, Filipe; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Luz, Miguel; Mendes, Rui
    The technology evolution, especially in the last decade, allowed major advances in golf putting analysis. This scientific advance benefited from multidisciplinary interaction, such as: biomechanics, engineering, mathematics and motor control. Utilizing digital cameras along automatic tracking techniques, it is possible to obtain valuable and accurate information about the putting gesture and/or ball trajectory. This can provide relevant feedback to athletes and coaches. In this work, we present several golf putting studies conducted on laboratorial environment. We believe that this work may contribute to a deeper analysis of human motor behavior and performance, not limited to this motor skill, but that can be applied to other motor patterns.
  • Estudos em desporto e atividade física I
    Publication . Gomes, Ricardo; Martins, Fernando M. L.; Dias, Gonçalo; Mendes, Rui
  • Livro de resumos do 3º Forum REDESPP : desporto para um futuro sustentável - território e comunidades
    Publication . Damásio, António Sérgio; Martins, Artur; Rebelo Leandro, Cristina; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Campos, Francisco; Dias, Gonçalo; Mendes, Pedro; Gomes, Ricardo; Melo, Ricardo; Mendes, Rui
  • Technical performance and aerobic fitness in padel amateurs players with different practice levels
    Publication . Mendes, Pedro Cabral; Gomes, Ricardo; Furtado, Guilherme Estáquio; Amoroso, José; Lemos, Samuel; Dias, Gonçalo; Mendes, Rui
    . The aim of this study is to compare the precision of low and high-level padel players in a closed task and its relationships with the heart rate responses to the exercise. A sample of 49 male players of two practice levels (age, 36.73±1.50) was selected to participate in this study. Technical performance was analysed through the Groundstroke Padel Accuracy Test (GPA) and heart rate during and after the task was monitored. There were no statistically significant differences in the GPA test, but even so the results showed a heart rate recovery at 60 and 120 sec were significantly higher for the high-level group [HRR1, U = 189, p = 0,026, d = 0,32 (moderate effect); HRR2, U = 186,50, p = 0,023 d = 0,32 (moderate effect)]. We conclude that it would be relevant to measure other product variables in order to make this field test (GPA) even more effective in the evaluation the real technical level of padel players. Additionally, high-level players recuperate faster after the effort, which appear to indicate that they may be better aerobically prepared.
  • Visual Patterns of U16 athletes and professional basketball players
    Publication . Marques, Rui; Dias, Gonçalo; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Gomes, Ricardo; Mendes, Rodrigo; Martinho, Diogo V.; Coelho-e-Silva, M. ou Coelho-e-Silva, M.J. ou Coelho-Silva, M ou Silva, M.; Mendes, Rui
    This work aimed to compare the visual patterns of under 16 (U16) athletes and professional basketball players. The sample was composed of 10 U16 (aged 15.2 ± 0.4 years; 7.1 ± 2.5 years of experience) and 10 professional (aged 27.6 ± 3.7 years; 18.4 ± 4.6 years of experience) basketball players. All athletes were males and right-handed. Each participant performed 50 jump shots from 10 different positions and 5 different angle shots (0°, 45°, 90°, 135° and 180°). Number of fixations, time of first and last fixation, total fixation duration and Quiet Eye (QE) time of all shots were analysed. Overall, results indicated that the U16 group showed greater within-group differences regarding shot positions, last fixation times, shot angles, and first and last fixation times. Additionally, the U16 group presented different visual strategies than those of professional players, with significant differences found for shooting positions and shot angles, particularly for shots performed on the left side of the field, and for QE times. In conclusion, our results add to the understanding that longer fixation times and longer QE time are associated with better jump-shot efficacy, and this relation is evident when comparing players of different age groups.
  • Impact of flexibility on vertical jump, balance and speed in amateur football players
    Publication . Bogalho, Daniel; Gomes, Ricardo; Mendes, Rui; Dias, Gonçalo; Castro, Maria António
    Muscle strength, power, balance and speed assume decisive roles in football performance. This study aims to investigate whether lower limb flexibility, particularly the hip flexors and knee extensor and flexor muscles, are correlated with vertical jump performance, balance and speed in adult football players. A sample of 22 male amateur football players (age: 22.3 ± 3 years; height: 175.4 ± 7.4 cm; weight: 74.9 ± 11.6 kg; BMI: 24.2 ± 2.6 kg/m2) were assessed for lower limb flexibility, vertical jump, balance and speed. Results indicated that vertical jump ability is moderately correlated with left knee extensors flexibility (ρ = −0.426; p = 0.048), which did not occur on the right side. There were no statistically significant correlations between vertical jump and knee flexors flexibility (ρ = 0.330; p = 0.133). In balance, the reaching distance on the right side presented a moderate and statistically significant correlation with the knee flexors flexibility (ρ = 0.411; p = 0.040), which was not observed on the left side. Velocity was not correlated with the knee extensors flexibility (right: ρ = 0.360; p = 0.100; left: ρ = 0.386; p = 0.076), or with the knee flexors flexibility (ρ = −0.173; p = 0.440). In conclusion, the influence of flexibility on vertical jump ability, balance and speed appears to exist. Further research should seek to clarify the associations between these abilities.
  • Posicionamento angular do atacante em relação ao defensor em futebolistas
    Publication . Manuel Clemente, Filipe; Couceiro, Micael; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Dias, Gonçalo; Mendes, Rui
    O presente estudo objetivou analisar as amplitudes angulares do atacante em relação ao defensor ao longo da série temporal de prática, tentando verificar se tal parâmetro contribui para a quebra da estabilidade da díade atacante-defensor. Participaram 11 futebolistas (17,91 ± 1,04 anos de idade) com 8,6 ± 1,52 de anos de prática. De forma a entender a relação da posição entre o atacante e o defensor, procedeu-se ao cálculo do posicionamento angular entre ambos. Para o efeito, considerou-se o ângulo 0º como sendo o ângulo entre o atacante e o defensor quando estes formam uma linha perpendicular à aresta do campo onde se encontra a baliza estando o defensor mais próximo da mesma. Os resultados indicam uma oscilação regular por parte do atacante no sentido de procurar desequilibrar o oponente sendo que, através dessa ação reação o atacante procura encontrar novas soluções que resultem da exploração do meio e do adversário.
  • Video analysis of left and right breaking putts
    Publication . Dias, Gonçalo; Mendes, Rui; Couceiro, Micael; Gomes, Ricardo; Manuel Clemente, Filipe; M. L. Martins, Fernando
    The aim of this study was to investigate how a player responds to external constraints (slope and angle) in a golf putting task. The sample consisted of 10 adult male (33.8 ± 11.89 years), right handed and highly skilled golfers (average handicap of 10.82). The participants performed 30 putts at a distance of two meters with 25 degrees to the left of the hole (Angle 1) and 30 putts at a distance of two meters with 25 degrees to the right of the hole (Angle 2), with a constraint imposed by a slope. The data suggests that the performance of the golf putting may be improved if different situations and difficulty degrees are employed and exploited. In that sense, the manipulation of task related constraints forced the appearance of solutions uniquely adjusted to each player. This brings implications to the area of sports coaching and training, considering that the athlete can optimize his performance if he explores different couplings of information-movement, in different levels of complexity.
  • Benefits of pilates in the elderly population : a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Publication . Pereira, Mário; Mendes, Rodrigo; Mendes, Rui; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Gomes, Ricardo; Gama, José; Dias, Gonçalo; Castro, Maria António
    The aim of this systematic review is to collect and summarize the benefits of Pilates in the elderly population (>60 years old), within the current scientific production, assessing its contribution to Healthy Ageing (HA). We used PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) to select, collect, and analyse this thematic. The methodological procedures were registered in the PROSPERO database. The main results of the studies analysed (n = 30) point to significant differences between the intervention and the control groups in dynamic balance, strength, mobility, functional capacity, risk of falling reduction, and mental and psychological health. Thus, the results showed that Pilates may be beneficial for the health of the elderly. The meta-analysis found statistical differences between means on the dynamic balance (mean difference (MD) = −0.0, 95% CI [−0.71, −0.50]; I2: 0%) and the aerobic capacity and aerobic resistance [(MD) = 38.29, 95% CI [6.82, 69.77]; I2: 0%). Thus, it is concluded that the efficacy of Pilates has been shown in various areas of HA and has proven to be affordable and safe for the majority of people, using just a mat on the floor. Future studies should focus on the analysis of the relationship between the cost and the benefit of a Pilates intervention in the elderly population, to better understand how health costs can be minimized and to contribute to a multidisciplinary and generalized HA. Pilates has practical application for the clinicians, therapists, and health professionals that work with the elderly population.