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- Vitamin D in food supplements: labeling surveyPublication . Figueiredo, Alexandra; Auxtero, Maria Deolinda; Moutinho, Maria Guilhermina; Neves, Inês; Inez, Raquel; Reis Costa, IsabelAn adequate vitamin D (vitD) intake (Recommended Daily Allowance, RDA= 5μg) is crucial for health maintenance and its deficiency is associated with several health problems. The increase in hypovitaminosis D cases and the proliferation of food supplements (FS) that are easily accessible by the population, have led to an unrestrained chronic consumption of FS. VitD may accumulate in the body and originate toxicity (Tolerable Upper Limit, UL=100 μg). The aim of this study was to evaluate if daily vitD doses mentioned in FS labels are in conformity with RDA. 210 solid and liquid FS (for pediatrics and adults) sold in Portuguese pharmacies, supermarkets, health shops and on the internet were examined for indicated daily intake of vitD and compared to RDA and UL values. 51.43% of FS have values higher than RDA, 8.57% higher than UL. The average vitD daily dose in FS is 24.48 μg, with a high variability between samples (0.25 - 250 μg). Majority of FS labels recommend vitD daily doses above RDA and some even above UL, regardless of being for adults or children. Therefore, it is crucial that vitD dose in FS is reviewed to ensure the safety of these products.
- Terapêuticas fotossensibilizantes em idosos : uma realidade subvalorizadaPublication . Auxtero, Maria Deolinda; Brito, José; Costa, Isabel Margarida
- Suplementos alimentares com minerais : quais os desvios aos limites segurosPublication . Figueiredo, Alexandra; Torres, Edite Oliveira; Costa, Isabel Margarida
- Polimedicação no idoso : uma equação com muitas variáveisPublication . Barata, Natália; Prisal, Pedro; Próspero, Tatiana; Reis Costa, Isabel; Auxtero, Maria Deolinda
- Interações associadas a polimedicação no idosoPublication . Inocêncio, Daniel Varela; Reis Costa, Isabel; Auxtero, Maria Deolinda
- Sunscreening and photosensitizing therapy in the elderlyPublication . Auxtero, Maria Deolinda; Brito, José; Reis Costa, IsabelPeople aged 65+ are generally polymedicated. In this age group, it is important to be aware of the potential for drug-induced photosensitivity. Sunscreen use is an effective way to prevent sun damage to the skin. Our study aimed to evaluate sunscreen use habits in 104 non-institutionalized elderly people aged 65 years and older and the taking/use of photosensitizing medications. It was concluded that all but one of the elderly take photosensitizing drugs but do not use sunscreen regularly. Although all therapies were prescribed or advised by health professionals, virtually all the elderly stated that they did not receive advice on this matter.
- Terapêutica do idoso : uma mão cheia de perigosPublication . Fernandes, Matilde; Gaspar, Carolina; Reis Costa, Isabel; Auxtero, Maria Deolinda
- As aparências iludemPublication . Fernandes, Margarida; Reis Costa, Isabel; Auxtero, Maria Deolinda
- Risco de interações medicamentosas em idosos em ambiente familiarPublication . Auxtero, Maria Deolinda; Brito, José; Reis Costa, Isabel
- Objective Structured Clinical/Practical Examination (OSC/PE) in Pharmaceutical Sciences Education: a pilot studyPublication . Cavaco-Silva, Patrícia; Ribeiro, Ana Clara; Figueiredo, Alexandra; Guerreiro, Daniela; Torres, Edite Oliveira; Costa, Isabela Margarida; Couvaneiro, João; Aguiar, João Pedro; Inez, Raquel; Branco, Vasco; Fernandes, Ana Isabel