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A presente investigação, intitulada “A aplicabilidade do Manual das 72 Horas nos processos de Violência Doméstica”, visa averiguar se os procedimentos estipulados no Manual das 72 Horas se encontram a ser efetivamente aplicados na atuação funcional em contexto de Violência Doméstica.
Desta forma, tornou-se relevante analisar as perspetivas daqueles que intervêm nas 72 horas subsequentes à denúncia por maus-tratos em contexto de violência doméstica, incidindo não só nos que encaminham e dirigem os processos tanto a nível policial como judicial, mas também nos que são responsáveis por estabelecer o primeiro contacto, muitas das vezes sem especialização nesse âmbito.
Para tal, foi adotada a metodologia do estudo de caso dirigida aos Comandos Territoriais/Metropolitanos de Lisboa, Coimbra e Guarda da GNR e da PSP. As técnicas de recolha de informação incidiram sobre a análise documental e sobre a aplicação de inquéritos sob a forma de questionário (em que se obtiveram 419 respostas) e sob a forma de entrevista (em que se concretizaram 9).
Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que, de facto, a maioria das disposições do Manual das 72 Horas estão a ser aplicadas, e que esta ferramenta foi uma mais-valia na sistematização, clarificação e uniformização de procedimentos. Contudo, existem limitações em pontos que foram considerados críticos, tais como o facto de o primeiro inquérito ser suficiente para o processo, a aplicação do teste de alcoolemia e despiste de substâncias psicotrópicas, as detenções fora de flagrante delito, o cumprimento da mobilização probatória em ambiente domiciliário, e ainda, a aplicação de processos sob a forma especial. Verificou-se também uma carência de formação sobre o Manual das 72 Horas em direta ligação com o volume de ocorrências de cada Comando. Quanto à formação, foi ainda possível comprovar o papel significativo que esta tem na compreensão das disposições contidas no Manual, bem como na incorporação destas na atividade operacional (devendo ser mais abrangente e reciclada com regularidade).
Conclui-se que o Manual das 72 Horas é uma importante ferramenta na padronização e clarificação de procedimentos. Algumas das suas disposições, porém, demonstram ser de difícil implementação no âmbito operacional.
The aim of the current investigation entitled “The practical application of the 72-hour Handbook in the Domestic Violence cases” is to ascertain whether the procedures laid down in the 72-hour Handbook are being applied in the operational scenario. For this purpose, it became relevant to analyse the perspectives of the stakeholders in the 72 hours following the report of mistreatment in the context of Domestic Violence, focusing not only on those who lead and forward the cases, including the police and the judicial officers, but also, those who are responsible for establishing the first contact with the occurrence, often lacking any specific training. In this regard, the Case Study methodology comprehending the Territorial/Metropolitan Units of Lisboa, Coimbra and Guarda was used. The information collection techniques fell on documental analyses and on the application of questionnaires, in which 419 answers were obtained, as well interviews, with 9 participants. The results obtained allowed to conclude that most procedures laid down in the 72-hour Handbook are, in fact, being applied and that this tool was beneficial for the systematization, clarification and standardization of procedures. However, there are limitations in aspects that were considered critical, such as the fact that the first inquiry is enough to stand in trial, the alcohol and drug tests, the collection of evidence in the house environment, and the application of the procedures in their special form. A lack of training regarding the 72-hour Handbook was also ascertained, in direct correlation with each Unit´s workload. With regard to training, it was also possible to confirm the significant role it has on the understanding of the Handbook, as well as on its incorporation in the operational activity (as it should be more embracing and regular). One can conclude that the 72-hour Handbook is an important tool in the uniformization and clarification of procedures, however, some of its provisions have proved difficult to implement in the operational context.
The aim of the current investigation entitled “The practical application of the 72-hour Handbook in the Domestic Violence cases” is to ascertain whether the procedures laid down in the 72-hour Handbook are being applied in the operational scenario. For this purpose, it became relevant to analyse the perspectives of the stakeholders in the 72 hours following the report of mistreatment in the context of Domestic Violence, focusing not only on those who lead and forward the cases, including the police and the judicial officers, but also, those who are responsible for establishing the first contact with the occurrence, often lacking any specific training. In this regard, the Case Study methodology comprehending the Territorial/Metropolitan Units of Lisboa, Coimbra and Guarda was used. The information collection techniques fell on documental analyses and on the application of questionnaires, in which 419 answers were obtained, as well interviews, with 9 participants. The results obtained allowed to conclude that most procedures laid down in the 72-hour Handbook are, in fact, being applied and that this tool was beneficial for the systematization, clarification and standardization of procedures. However, there are limitations in aspects that were considered critical, such as the fact that the first inquiry is enough to stand in trial, the alcohol and drug tests, the collection of evidence in the house environment, and the application of the procedures in their special form. A lack of training regarding the 72-hour Handbook was also ascertained, in direct correlation with each Unit´s workload. With regard to training, it was also possible to confirm the significant role it has on the understanding of the Handbook, as well as on its incorporation in the operational activity (as it should be more embracing and regular). One can conclude that the 72-hour Handbook is an important tool in the uniformization and clarification of procedures, however, some of its provisions have proved difficult to implement in the operational context.
Violência Doméstica Manual das 72 Horas Ministério Público Órgãos de Polícia Criminal Domestic Violence 72-hour Handbook Public Prosecution Service Law Enforcement Agencies