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O transporte da pessoa em situação crítica é uma realidade nos serviços de
saúde em Portugal e resulta da necessidade de prestação de cuidados no momento
imediato, devido a realização de exames complementares de diagnóstico ou para
tratamento definitivo. Transversal aos diversos tipos de transporte e contextos, desde
o pré-hospitalar, o intra-hospitalar e o inter-hospitalar está a necessidade de assegurar
a continuidade de cuidados.
A continuidade de cuidados é assegurada através do estabelecimento de uma
relação interpessoal, não inviabilizada pela dimensão temporal que caracteriza o
contexto da prestação de cuidados à pessoa em situação crítica, suportada pelo
quadro teórico Nursing as Caring. Este descreve o cuidado de enfermagem como
autêntico e intencional adaptado às necessidades no momento em
complementaridade com o quadro teórico do College and Association of Registered
Nurses of Alberta de continuidade de cuidados, definida por três dimensões: a
informativa, gestão e a relacional, assumido como um fator diretamente relacionado
com a promoção da segurança e aumento da qualidade dos cuidados prestados.
O presente relatório descreve o percurso realizado norteado pelo tema da
intervenção especializada de enfermagem na continuidade de cuidados no transporte
da pessoa em situação crítica, que se desenvolveu em dois contextos, um serviço de
urgência e uma unidade de cuidados intensivo, espelhando a forma como me foi
possível alcançar as competências de perito, baseado no modelo de Dreyfus
adaptado por Patrícia Benner (2001), através de um processo reflexivo da prestação
de cuidados suportado pela evidência.
Critical patient transport is a reality in health services in Portugal and is necessary in order to provide immediately care for patients who need complementary diagnostic tests or even treatment. Therefore, it is important to ensure continuity of care in pre-hospital, intra-hospital and inter-hospital transport. Continuity of care is ensured through the establishment of an interpersonal relationship, not limited by the temporal dimension that characterizes the context of providing care to the person in a critical situation and supported by the theoretical framework Nursing as Caring. This describes nursing care as authentic and intentional, adapted to the moment needs, in complementarity with the theoretical framework of the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta of continuity of care, defined by three dimensions: informational, management and relational, assumed as a factor directly related to the promotion of safety and increase in the quality of care provided. This report describes the course carried out guided by the theme of specialized nursing intervention in the continuity of care in critical patients transport, which was developed in two contexts, an emergency service and an intensive care unit, mirroring the way it was possible to achieve expert skills, based on the Dreyfus model adapted by Patrícia Benner (2001), through a reflective process of deliver care supported by evidence.
Critical patient transport is a reality in health services in Portugal and is necessary in order to provide immediately care for patients who need complementary diagnostic tests or even treatment. Therefore, it is important to ensure continuity of care in pre-hospital, intra-hospital and inter-hospital transport. Continuity of care is ensured through the establishment of an interpersonal relationship, not limited by the temporal dimension that characterizes the context of providing care to the person in a critical situation and supported by the theoretical framework Nursing as Caring. This describes nursing care as authentic and intentional, adapted to the moment needs, in complementarity with the theoretical framework of the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta of continuity of care, defined by three dimensions: informational, management and relational, assumed as a factor directly related to the promotion of safety and increase in the quality of care provided. This report describes the course carried out guided by the theme of specialized nursing intervention in the continuity of care in critical patients transport, which was developed in two contexts, an emergency service and an intensive care unit, mirroring the way it was possible to achieve expert skills, based on the Dreyfus model adapted by Patrícia Benner (2001), through a reflective process of deliver care supported by evidence.
Enfermagem de cuidados intensivos Cuidados continuados Transporte de doentes Cuidados de enfermagem