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O vinho é das bebidas mais consumidas por todo o mundo e, para Portugal, representa um forte impacto na economia. O aumento do consumo do vinho, a evolução do mercado, e as novas tendências e preferências, apresentam uma
forte oportunidade de negócio na criação de um novo vinho de luxo, com um grupo de apreciadores deste tipo de produto, dispostos a consumir novos néctares que transmitam experiências únicas.
O vinho é um produto com um processo de produção bastante complexo, e
para que ele esteja posicionado na categoria de luxo, deve apostar em recursos e capacidades diferenciadoras para posicionar-se num patamar superior às
opções de mercado já existentes. Neste sentido, é através de uma análise aos
atributos de um vinho de luxo, aos consumidores e aos recursos e capacidades, que este negócio tem a capacidade de atrair um potencial investidor. A real vila de Mafra tem uma tradição histórica na vinicultura, e vinhas com
potencial para a criação de um vinho de luxo. Neste sentido, este projeto
apresenta os antecedentes e uma proposta estratégica que refletem o potencial
de negócio de um vinho de luxo proveniente da região de Mafra.
A abordagem da teoria dos recursos, o paradigma das capacidades, os fatores chave de sucesso e as capacidades distintivas são o garante da viabilidade e sustentabilidade qualitativa do projeto. A análise económica com o uso de indicadores de risco e rentabilidade certificam a viabilidade e sustentabilidade económica de um vinho de luxo com o berço na região de Mafra.
Wine is one of the most consumed beverages around the world and, for Portugal, it represents a strong impact on the economy. The increase in wine consumption, the evolution of the market, and new trends and preferences, present a strong business opportunity in the creation of a new luxury wine, with a group that appreciates this type of product, willing to consume new nectars that transmit unique experiences. Wine is a product with a very complex production process, and for it to be positioned in the luxury category, it must invest in differentiating resources and capabilities to position itself at a higher level than the existing market options. In this sense, it is through an analysis of the attributes of a luxury wine, the consumers and the resources and capacities, that this business has the capacity to attract a potential investor. The royal village of Mafra has a historic tradition in viniculture, and vineyards with the potential to create a luxury wine. In this sense, this project presents the background and a strategic proposal that reflect the business potential of a luxury wine from the Mafra region. The resource theory approach, the capabilities paradigm, the key success factors, and distinctive capabilities guarantees the project's viability and qualitative sustainability. The economic analysis using risk and profitability indicators certifies the viability and economic sustainability of a luxury wine that originated in the Mafra region.
Wine is one of the most consumed beverages around the world and, for Portugal, it represents a strong impact on the economy. The increase in wine consumption, the evolution of the market, and new trends and preferences, present a strong business opportunity in the creation of a new luxury wine, with a group that appreciates this type of product, willing to consume new nectars that transmit unique experiences. Wine is a product with a very complex production process, and for it to be positioned in the luxury category, it must invest in differentiating resources and capabilities to position itself at a higher level than the existing market options. In this sense, it is through an analysis of the attributes of a luxury wine, the consumers and the resources and capacities, that this business has the capacity to attract a potential investor. The royal village of Mafra has a historic tradition in viniculture, and vineyards with the potential to create a luxury wine. In this sense, this project presents the background and a strategic proposal that reflect the business potential of a luxury wine from the Mafra region. The resource theory approach, the capabilities paradigm, the key success factors, and distinctive capabilities guarantees the project's viability and qualitative sustainability. The economic analysis using risk and profitability indicators certifies the viability and economic sustainability of a luxury wine that originated in the Mafra region.
Vinho Luxo Recursos Capacidades Vantagem competitiva Investidor Consumidor Rentabilidade