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No âmbito do projeto SAGA (Sistema de Apoio à Gestão Portuária) surgiu o
interesse de implementar um modelo de circulação costeira (Delft3D-WAVE) com o
principal objetivo de desenvolver um serviço operacional de previsão das condições
meteo-oceanográficas, contribuindo para a avaliação diária da praticabilidade das
barras da responsabilidade da Autoridade Marítima Nacional.
Para que a aplicação do modelo seja fiável é necessário que os resultados
produzidos pelo mesmo transmitam um elevado nível de confiança. Deste modo,
procedeu-se à comparação entre os dados registados pelas boias pertencentes à rede
de observação sistemática do Instituto Hidrográfico, fundeadas ao longo da costa
portuguesa, com os dados calculados pelo modelo nos pontos das malhas mais
próximos das respetivas estações.
Assim, o presente trabalho consistiu na validação das condições de forçamento
do modulo de agitação marítima do modelo Delft3D, correspondentes às soluções
obtidas pelo modelo WWIII, para aplicação às áreas portuárias de Portugal Continental.
Como objeto de estudo foram observadas três plataformas no processo de validação: a
boia costeira de Leixões, a boia costeira da Nazaré e a boia oceânica de Faro, cujos
parâmetros de caracterização da onda registados serão comparados aos calculados
pelo modelo, através de parâmetros estatísticos, com o intuito de quantificar a precisão
do mesmo.
Os resultados indicaram uma ligeira tendência de subestimação dos parâmetros
da onda, identificando-se uma boa performance do modelo na previsão dos estados do
mar mais moderados. Por outro lado, denotou-se o aumento do erro nas previsões dos
fenómenos mais energéticos, justificado pela insuficiente resolução temporal e espacial
dos campos de vento usados no forçamento das condições de fronteira do modelo
Delft3D, que resulta na suavização da solução numérica.
Within the scope of the SAGA project (Sistema de Apoio à Gestão Portuária) the interest arose to implement a coastal circulation model (Delft3D-WAVE) with the main objective of developing an operational service for forecasting meteo-oceanographic conditions, contributing to the daily assessment of the practicability of bars, which is the responsibility of the National Maritime Authority. In order for the application of the model to be reliable, it is necessary that the results produced by the model convey a high level of confidence. Thus, we compared the data recorded by the buoys belonging to the systematic observation network of the Hydrographic Institute, anchored along the portuguese coast, with the data calculated by the model at the points closest to the respective stations. Thus, this work consisted in the validation of the forcing conditions of the wave modulus of the Delft3D model, corresponding to the solutions obtained by the WWIII model, for application to the port areas of mainland Portugal. As study object, three platforms were observed in the validation process, the coastal buoy of Leixões, the coastal buoy of Nazaré and the ocean buoy of Faro, whose wave characterization parameters recorded will be compared to those calculated by the model, through statistical parameters in order to quantify its accuracy. The results show there was a slight tendency of underestimation of the wave parameters, identifying a good performance of the model in the prediction of the most moderate sea states. On the other hand, it was denoted the increase of error in the forecasts of more energetic phenomena, justified by the insufficient temporal and spatial resolution of the wind field used in forcing the boundary conditions of the Delft3D model, which results in the smoothing of the numerical solution.
Within the scope of the SAGA project (Sistema de Apoio à Gestão Portuária) the interest arose to implement a coastal circulation model (Delft3D-WAVE) with the main objective of developing an operational service for forecasting meteo-oceanographic conditions, contributing to the daily assessment of the practicability of bars, which is the responsibility of the National Maritime Authority. In order for the application of the model to be reliable, it is necessary that the results produced by the model convey a high level of confidence. Thus, we compared the data recorded by the buoys belonging to the systematic observation network of the Hydrographic Institute, anchored along the portuguese coast, with the data calculated by the model at the points closest to the respective stations. Thus, this work consisted in the validation of the forcing conditions of the wave modulus of the Delft3D model, corresponding to the solutions obtained by the WWIII model, for application to the port areas of mainland Portugal. As study object, three platforms were observed in the validation process, the coastal buoy of Leixões, the coastal buoy of Nazaré and the ocean buoy of Faro, whose wave characterization parameters recorded will be compared to those calculated by the model, through statistical parameters in order to quantify its accuracy. The results show there was a slight tendency of underestimation of the wave parameters, identifying a good performance of the model in the prediction of the most moderate sea states. On the other hand, it was denoted the increase of error in the forecasts of more energetic phenomena, justified by the insufficient temporal and spatial resolution of the wind field used in forcing the boundary conditions of the Delft3D model, which results in the smoothing of the numerical solution.
Áreas portuárias Boias da rede de observação sistemática do IH Comparação Modelo de circulação costeira Precisão do modelo