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O presente relatório de estágio tem como objeto de estudo compreender a construção de uma marca sustentável e a divulgação dos seus valores, através de experiências reais e digitais, abordando um estudo de caso real de uma identidade visual corporativa desenvolvida em contexto de estágio curricular, no âmbito do Mestrado em Design de Identidade Digital (DID), da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (ESTG-IPP). Realizou-se a introdução ao tema, onde foi possível entender o seu enquadramento, a justificação, escolha e pertinência do mesmo, bem como a referência ao local de estágio, durante o período de quase quatro meses. A marca de moda sustentável, inserida no projeto de investigação, procura combater os desperdícios industriais, tornando-os matéria-prima da identidade, onde o upcycling se destaca neste setor. Após a definição dos objetivos gerais, objetivos específicos e das hipóteses a serem estudadas, procuraram-se metodologias adequadas para a análise das temáticas, através de um estudo exploratório com base na observação participante ativa e numa investigação intervencionista, com recurso a inquéritos por entrevista. Recorrendo a autores das áreas em estudo, de outras dissertações, teses, livros e pesquisa online, abordaram-se três temas fulcrais: marca, design emocional e divulgação e plataformas digitais. Através de uma metodologia qualitativa, procedeu-se a uma análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos, permitindo, consequentemente, obter valores mais específicos para as conclusões do presente relatório. A investigação ajudou a compreender, mais aprofundadamente, a criação de uma marca, a construção de uma identidade visual corporativa; sentimentos, preocupações, valores, contribuições e influências da indústria de moda sustentável; importância das plataformas digitais e divulgação da identidade e valores de uma marca
This internship report has the aim of understanding the construction of a sustainable brand and the promotion of its values, through real and digital experiences, addressing a real case study of a corporate visual identity developed in the context of a curricular internship, within the scope of the Master’s degree in Digital Identity Design (DID), from the Technologic and Management Superior School of the Portalegre Polytechnic Institute (ESTG-IPP) An introduction to the theme was carried out, in which it was possible to understand its framework, the reason why this theme was chosen and its pertinence, as well as the reference to the place where the internship took place, for almost four months. The sustainable fashion brand, part of the research project, aims to fight industrial waste, turning them into identity raw materials, upcycling standing out in this sector. After establishing the overall and specific objectives, as well as the hypo- theses being studied, suitable methods for the analysis of these thematic áreas were investigated, through an exploratory study based on active participant observation and on interventional investigation, using interview surveys. Based on authors of the areas in question, dissertations, theses, books and online research, three key themes were addressed: brand, emotional designand promotion and digital platforms. Through qualitative methodology, an analysis of the data obtained was carried out, consequently allowing to obtain more specific and quantitativevalues for the conclusions of this report. The investigation helped to unders-tand, in more detail, the process of creating a brand, the construction of acorporate visual identity; feelings, concerns, values, contributions and influences of the sustainable fashion industry; the importance of digital platforms and promotion of the identity of a brand and its values.
This internship report has the aim of understanding the construction of a sustainable brand and the promotion of its values, through real and digital experiences, addressing a real case study of a corporate visual identity developed in the context of a curricular internship, within the scope of the Master’s degree in Digital Identity Design (DID), from the Technologic and Management Superior School of the Portalegre Polytechnic Institute (ESTG-IPP) An introduction to the theme was carried out, in which it was possible to understand its framework, the reason why this theme was chosen and its pertinence, as well as the reference to the place where the internship took place, for almost four months. The sustainable fashion brand, part of the research project, aims to fight industrial waste, turning them into identity raw materials, upcycling standing out in this sector. After establishing the overall and specific objectives, as well as the hypo- theses being studied, suitable methods for the analysis of these thematic áreas were investigated, through an exploratory study based on active participant observation and on interventional investigation, using interview surveys. Based on authors of the areas in question, dissertations, theses, books and online research, three key themes were addressed: brand, emotional designand promotion and digital platforms. Through qualitative methodology, an analysis of the data obtained was carried out, consequently allowing to obtain more specific and quantitativevalues for the conclusions of this report. The investigation helped to unders-tand, in more detail, the process of creating a brand, the construction of acorporate visual identity; feelings, concerns, values, contributions and influences of the sustainable fashion industry; the importance of digital platforms and promotion of the identity of a brand and its values.
Marca Marca de Moda Sustentável Sustentabilidade, Identidade Visual Corporativa Design Emocional Valor Emocional Valor Social Comunidade Divulgação, Plataformas Digitais Experiências Brand, Fashion Sustainable Brand Sustainbility Corporate Visual Identify Emotional Design Emotional Value Social Value Community, Promotion Digital Platforms Experiences