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As mídias sociais assumem um papel notório na forma como as pessoas cooperam e
realizam tarefas colaborativas. Uma análise da aplicação WhatsApp permitiu identificar padrões
no comportamento dos utilizadores. Dessa análise, nasceu a oportunidade de conceber uma
nova aplicação na área de programação e coordenação de grupos. Este trabalho apresenta a
conceção de um novo produto de software, idealizado para marcar encontros pessoais entre
amigos e guardar as recordações desses encontros. Trata-se de um produto de mídia social
denominado Tizito, uma aplicação móvel para os sistemas operativos Android e iOS, cujo
desenvolvimento utilizou a ferramenta Figma para a criação do protótipo de interface, a
linguagem Dart para a escrita do código-fonte com suporte do framework Flutter, e os serviços
de infraestrutura oferecidos pela plataforma Firebase. Após o desenvolvimento, um teste
supervisionado permitiu validar a consistência dos dados e comportamento da aplicação. Por
fim, um teste não supervisionado com 50 indivíduos mostrou pontos de melhoria no produto
antes do seu lançamento. Por exemplo, criar mecanismos para que o utilizador possa adicionar
um amigo; comunicar de forma eficiente as formas de adicionar um amigo; permitir a
publicação de mais fotos, vídeos e comentários. A aplicação desenvolvida ilustra a
possibilidade de criação de um novo mercado e apresenta um conjunto de tecnologias que
podem servir de referência para o desenvolvimento de produtos com características
Social media plays a significant role in the way people cooperate and perform collaborative tasks. An analysis of the WhatsApp application allowed us to identify patterns in user behavior. This analysis led to the opportunity to design a new application in the area of programming and group coordination. This paper presents the design of a new software product, designed to schedule personal meetings between friends and save memories of these meetings. This is a social media product called Tizito, a mobile application for the Android and iOS operating systems, whose development used the Figma tool to create the interface prototype, the Dart language to write the source code with support from the Flutter framework, and the infrastructure services offered by the Firebase platform. After development, a supervised test allowed us to validate the consistency of the data and behavior of the application. Finally, an unsupervised test with 50 individuals showed areas for improvement in the product before its launch. For example, creating mechanisms for the user to add a friend; efficiently communicating the ways to add a friend; allowing the publication of more photos, videos and comments. The developed application illustrates the possibility of creating a new market and presents a set of technologies that can serve as a reference for the development of products with similar characteristics.
Social media plays a significant role in the way people cooperate and perform collaborative tasks. An analysis of the WhatsApp application allowed us to identify patterns in user behavior. This analysis led to the opportunity to design a new application in the area of programming and group coordination. This paper presents the design of a new software product, designed to schedule personal meetings between friends and save memories of these meetings. This is a social media product called Tizito, a mobile application for the Android and iOS operating systems, whose development used the Figma tool to create the interface prototype, the Dart language to write the source code with support from the Flutter framework, and the infrastructure services offered by the Firebase platform. After development, a supervised test allowed us to validate the consistency of the data and behavior of the application. Finally, an unsupervised test with 50 individuals showed areas for improvement in the product before its launch. For example, creating mechanisms for the user to add a friend; efficiently communicating the ways to add a friend; allowing the publication of more photos, videos and comments. The developed application illustrates the possibility of creating a new market and presents a set of technologies that can serve as a reference for the development of products with similar characteristics.
Mídia social Aplicação móvel Figma Dart Flutter Firebase Social Media Mobile App