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Active citizenship in the classroom : mission impossible

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Focusing on the relation between Education in general and Citizenship Education in particular some key questions come to the surface: Which kind of knowledge, skills and attitudes must be promoted? How can we avoid a dualistic approach? How can we establish bridges between reason and emotion, personal and social development? Are cooperative learning in the classroom and a multi - minded school policy strong pillars to build the bridge over trouble water? Once the conceptual background is established, we’ll present an enquiry conducted with a group of BA students who have been asked what are their ideas regarding work, character, interpersonal relations, values and mindsets. This will help us to recommend a number of pedagogical ideas to encourage students' active citizenship in a global world.



educación para la ciudadanía aprendizaje democrático desarrollo personal y social ciudadanía activa aula Citizenship Education democratic Learning personal and social development active citizenship classroom


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Universidad de Granada

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