Introdução: No culminar do percurso formativo do Mestrado em Enfermagem de Saúde
Infantil e Pediátrica emerge a pertinência de realizar uma reflexão sobre as competências
desenvolvidas no decorrer deste percurso, com a finalidade de analisar criticamente e
perceber se os objetivos previamente delineados foram alcançados com sucesso. A Parceria
de Cuidados surge como uma importante competência do Enfermeiro Especialista em
Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica, despertando interesse no percurso prático pelo seu impacto
positivo na prestação de cuidados, pela inserção da família nos cuidados e pela
diferenciação que atribui a esta especialidade.
Objetivos: Realizar uma descrição crítica e reflexiva das experiências vividas e as
intervenções realizadas com base na evidencia científica; Elaborar uma Revisão Integrativa
da Literatura a fim de aumentar os conhecimentos na temática da Parceria de Cuidados;
Desenvolver uma proposta de intervenção que possibilite a resolução das necessidades
Metodologia: Numa primeira fase, utilizou-se uma metodologia critico-reflexiva,
seguindo-se de uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura.
Resultados: O desenvolvimento e aquisição de competências do EESIP decorreu de forma
positiva e enriquecedora, demonstrando-o através de evidencia científica para a reflexão e
justificação sustentada da prática. Relativamente à Revisão Integrativa da Literatura foi
possível identificar particularidades na implementação da Parceria de Cuidados com
potenciais melhorias como a negociação, a comunicação, o estabelecimento de papeis, a
capacitação dos pais e as barreiras à parceria.
Conclusões: O desenvolvimento das competências do Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde
Infantil e Pediátrica demonstra-se fundamental para uma prestação de cuidados de
qualidade e de acordo com as necessidades específicas de cada criança e família, sendo que
os Cuidados Centrados na Família e a Parceria de Cuidados devem nortear toda a prática.
É notória a necessidade de investimento em conhecimentos sobre esta temática, bem como
a definição precisa e protocolada da sua implementação. Desta forma, foi apresentada uma
proposta de intervenção com vista a colmatar as lacunas neste contexto.
Introduction: At the end of the master’s degree in Child and Pediatric Nursing it’s essential to perform a reflection regarding the competencies acquired throughout this course to critically analyze if the objectives initally outlined were successfully achieved. The Care Partnership is an important skill of the Specialist Nurse in Child and Pediatric Health, by increasing the interest in the practical path in the provision of care in a positive way, by including the family in the care provided and diferentiation that it gives to this speciality. Objectives: To perform a critical and reflective description of the experiencies lived throughout the course and the interventions performed with cientific based evidence; To elaborate an Integrative Revision of the Literature to expand the knowledge about the theme of the Care Partnership; To develop an intervention proposal to allow the resolution of the needs identified. Methodology: Initially, a critical-reflexive methodology was used followed by an Integrative Review of the Literature. Results: The development and the acquisition of competencies by the SNCPH occured in a positived and fulfilling way, demonstrating it through cientific evidence to reflect and sustain the justification of the practice. Regarding the Integrative Revision of the Literature, it was possible to identify particularities in the implementation of the Care Partnership with potential improvements such as negotiation, communication, role identification, parents’ training and barriers to the partnership. Conclusion: The development of competencies by the SNCPH is an essential element to the provision of quality care and according to each child’s and family’s specific needs being the Care Centered in the Family and the Care Partnership guides for this practice. The need of investiment in knowledge regarding this subject is clear, as well as the precise and protocolized definition of its implementation. This has led to a presentation of a proposal of intervention to allow the supression of the gaps that were observed in this contex
Introduction: At the end of the master’s degree in Child and Pediatric Nursing it’s essential to perform a reflection regarding the competencies acquired throughout this course to critically analyze if the objectives initally outlined were successfully achieved. The Care Partnership is an important skill of the Specialist Nurse in Child and Pediatric Health, by increasing the interest in the practical path in the provision of care in a positive way, by including the family in the care provided and diferentiation that it gives to this speciality. Objectives: To perform a critical and reflective description of the experiencies lived throughout the course and the interventions performed with cientific based evidence; To elaborate an Integrative Revision of the Literature to expand the knowledge about the theme of the Care Partnership; To develop an intervention proposal to allow the resolution of the needs identified. Methodology: Initially, a critical-reflexive methodology was used followed by an Integrative Review of the Literature. Results: The development and the acquisition of competencies by the SNCPH occured in a positived and fulfilling way, demonstrating it through cientific evidence to reflect and sustain the justification of the practice. Regarding the Integrative Revision of the Literature, it was possible to identify particularities in the implementation of the Care Partnership with potential improvements such as negotiation, communication, role identification, parents’ training and barriers to the partnership. Conclusion: The development of competencies by the SNCPH is an essential element to the provision of quality care and according to each child’s and family’s specific needs being the Care Centered in the Family and the Care Partnership guides for this practice. The need of investiment in knowledge regarding this subject is clear, as well as the precise and protocolized definition of its implementation. This has led to a presentation of a proposal of intervention to allow the supression of the gaps that were observed in this contex
Curso de Mestrado ministrado em parceria com Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. José de Cluny
Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica Parceria de Cuidados Cuidados Centrados na Família Negociação