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O fenómeno de churn, ou perda de clientes, é um paradigma dos operadores de serviços de telecomunicações. Esta ocorrência é muito comum entre as empresas do setor, evidenciado sobretudo pelos relatórios da autoridade reguladora de comunicações em Portugal, a ANACOM, e por diversos artigos científicos sobre o tema. A presente investigação procura compreender as razões desta tendência, ao realizar uma metodologia mista, que permite, através de entrevistas qualitativas, percecionar pela ótica de colaboradores de telecomunicações, quais os principais fatores que impactam o consumidor, nos quatro critérios investigados na revisão da literatura: atração, satisfação, insatisfação e retenção. Posteriormente, verificámos através de questionário quantitativo aos consumidores de operadores de serviços telecomunicações, os fatores mais preponderantes dos critérios supracitados. Seguidamente, realizámos uma comparação de ambas as investigações metodológicas, no sentido de averiguar se os operadores de telecomunicações estão cientes das verdadeiras razões do descontentamento dos clientes. Após isto, analisámos alguns dos fatores nomeados pela investigação mista, como “Rede”, “Necessidades”, “transparência”, “Oferta”, “Apoio” e “Inovação” no “Desempenho” das operadoras de telecomunicações. Com uma amostra de 154 consumidores deste setor, e com recurso às técnicas estatísticas Teste T-Student e Regressão Linear Múltipla, foi possível averiguar os objetivos propostos para esta investigação. Para além disto, foram apresentadas uma discussão sobre os resultados e uma conclusão com contribuições teóricas e práticas, e ainda identificadas algumas limitações e recomendações em futuras investigações.
The churn phenomenon, or loss of customers, is a paradigm of telecommunications service operators, and this occurrence is very common among companies in the sector, evidenced mainly by the reports of the communications regulatory authority in Portugal, ANACOM, and several articles on the subject. This research seeks to understand the reasons for this trend, by performing a mixed methodology, which allows, through qualitative interviews, to perceive from the perspective of telecommunications collaborators, the main factors that impact the consumer, in the four criteria investigated in the literature review: attraction, satisfaction, churn (dissatisfaction), retention. Then we will verify through a quantitative questionnaire, the most preponderant factors of the aforementioned criteria, of the consumer of telecommunications service providers. Performing a comparison of both methodological investigations, to verify if telecom operators know the real reasons for customer discontent, as well as analysing the impact of various variables such as "Network", "Needs", "Transparency", "Supply", "Support" and "Innovation" on the "Performance" of telecommunications operators. With a sample of 154 consumers in this sector, and using the statistical techniques of Consensus and Multiple Linear Regression, it was possible to ascertain the objectives proposed for this investigation. In addition, a discussion of the results, theoretical and practical contributions, and some limitations and recommendations for future investigations were also identified in the conclusion.
The churn phenomenon, or loss of customers, is a paradigm of telecommunications service operators, and this occurrence is very common among companies in the sector, evidenced mainly by the reports of the communications regulatory authority in Portugal, ANACOM, and several articles on the subject. This research seeks to understand the reasons for this trend, by performing a mixed methodology, which allows, through qualitative interviews, to perceive from the perspective of telecommunications collaborators, the main factors that impact the consumer, in the four criteria investigated in the literature review: attraction, satisfaction, churn (dissatisfaction), retention. Then we will verify through a quantitative questionnaire, the most preponderant factors of the aforementioned criteria, of the consumer of telecommunications service providers. Performing a comparison of both methodological investigations, to verify if telecom operators know the real reasons for customer discontent, as well as analysing the impact of various variables such as "Network", "Needs", "Transparency", "Supply", "Support" and "Innovation" on the "Performance" of telecommunications operators. With a sample of 154 consumers in this sector, and using the statistical techniques of Consensus and Multiple Linear Regression, it was possible to ascertain the objectives proposed for this investigation. In addition, a discussion of the results, theoretical and practical contributions, and some limitations and recommendations for future investigations were also identified in the conclusion.
Desempenho Retenção Setor das telecomunicações Churn