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A crise pandémica da COVID-19 que se vive a nível global fez com que nos confrontássemos com inúmeros desafios, obrigando à alteração dos percursos que julgávamos mais planeados. Utilizando a metodologia de “história de vida”, esta investigação traz a narrativa de uma investigadora em educação que, em pleno confinamento, realizou a sua dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Escolas. Procuraremos dar significados para a experiência de transição de uma investigação presencial – com observação direta,
entrevistas e focus group a realizar dentro de escolas, com os seus diretores e líderes – para uma “investigação remota de emergência” – realizada por canais digitais em momentos síncronos e
assíncronos. O objetivo é contribuir para uma reflexão crítica sobre os processos de formação do investigador em tempos de pandemia, evidenciando barreiras e facilitadores encontrados ao longo desta experiência. Esperamos dar corpo para a construção de uma identidade emergente em educação, como é o caso do investigador em confinamento e em distanciamento físico.
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis we are globally living made us face countless challenges, which lead to an alteration of the paths thought to be fully planned. Using the “life history” methodology, this work represents the story of an education researcher that, during the lock-down, performed a Master’s dissertation in School Management and Administration. It seeks to find a meaning for the transition experience of a face-to-face research – using direct observation, interviews and focus group inside schools with their principals and leaders – to an “emergency remote research” – done via digital channels in synchronous and asynchronous moments. The main goal is the contribution for a critical reflection of the researcher’s training processes during the pandemic, pointing the barriers and facilitators found during this experience. It is also intended to find meanings for the construction of an educational emerging identity, as is the case of a locked-down and physical distanced researcher.
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis we are globally living made us face countless challenges, which lead to an alteration of the paths thought to be fully planned. Using the “life history” methodology, this work represents the story of an education researcher that, during the lock-down, performed a Master’s dissertation in School Management and Administration. It seeks to find a meaning for the transition experience of a face-to-face research – using direct observation, interviews and focus group inside schools with their principals and leaders – to an “emergency remote research” – done via digital channels in synchronous and asynchronous moments. The main goal is the contribution for a critical reflection of the researcher’s training processes during the pandemic, pointing the barriers and facilitators found during this experience. It is also intended to find meanings for the construction of an educational emerging identity, as is the case of a locked-down and physical distanced researcher.
Investigação remota de emergência História de vida Narrativa autobiográfica Pandemia COVID-19 Emergency remote research Life history Autobiographical narrative COVID-19 Pandemic
Manuel, M. A., & Lima Rodrigues, L. (2021). “Teve que ser online!”: Percursos e percalços de uma investigação remota de emergência. In J. Grácio, J. V. Torres, M. C. L. Paniago, M. R. Rodrigues, M. Figueiredo, & M. B. Arguelho (Orgs.), Atas / anais do encontro cultural digital e educação na década de 20 (pp. 216-222). Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.
Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal