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Este artigo surge como oportunidade de analisar uma atividade desenvolvida por
uma estudante e dois professores constituída pela conceção, desenvolvimento e
aplicação de um conjunto de propostas de carácter lúdico, num contexto não formal de educação, com crianças de 1.º e 2.º ciclo. As atividades foram desenvolvidas no âmbito de uma Unidade Curricular de Licenciatura, designada Carteira de
Competências que tem por objetivo creditar aprendizagens e competências adquiridas e/ou desenvolvidas pelos/as estudantes em situações e contextos não-letivos.
A atividade em estudo foi concebida para trabalhar o sistema digestivo e consiste
em tabuleiros sobre os quais as crianças tinham de traçar percursos para resolver
desafios que eram testados com a ajuda de um robô de solo. A análise dos resultados da experiência indicia que, para além do significativo envolvimento das crianças na atividade desenvolvida, esta parece ter contribuído para um melhor entendimento dos conceitos nela tratados. De notar, também, os aspetos relacionados
com a autonomia e criatividade que a estudante em formação revelou, aspetos
valorizados na Carteira de Competências.
This article configures an opportunity to analyse an activity developed by a student with the collaboration of two teachers consisting in the conception, development and application of a set of challenges of a playful nature, in a non-formal context of education, with pupils from 6 to 12 years old. The activities were developed within the scope of the curricular unit Competencies Portfolio, from the Education course, which aims to credit learning and skills acquired and / or developed by students in non-academic situations and contexts. The activity under study was designed to work on the digestive system and consists of trays on which children had to draw paths to solve challenges that were tested with the help of a soil robot. The analysis of the results of the experience indicates that, in addition to the significant involvement of the children in the activity developed, this seems to have contributed to a better understanding of the concepts treated in it. It is also worth noting the aspects related to the autonomy and creativity that the student in training revealed, aspects valued in the Competencies Portfolio unit.
This article configures an opportunity to analyse an activity developed by a student with the collaboration of two teachers consisting in the conception, development and application of a set of challenges of a playful nature, in a non-formal context of education, with pupils from 6 to 12 years old. The activities were developed within the scope of the curricular unit Competencies Portfolio, from the Education course, which aims to credit learning and skills acquired and / or developed by students in non-academic situations and contexts. The activity under study was designed to work on the digestive system and consists of trays on which children had to draw paths to solve challenges that were tested with the help of a soil robot. The analysis of the results of the experience indicates that, in addition to the significant involvement of the children in the activity developed, this seems to have contributed to a better understanding of the concepts treated in it. It is also worth noting the aspects related to the autonomy and creativity that the student in training revealed, aspects valued in the Competencies Portfolio unit.
Formação inicial de professores Pensamento computacional Robôs e aprendizagem Initial teacher training Computational thinking Robots and learning
Simas, M., Rodrigues, M.R. & Felício, P. (2020). Robôs na formação inicial de professores: Uma experiência em contexto não formal. Mediações, 8 (2), 4-14.