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Rodrigues, Paulo Daniel Saraiva
Em pleno século XXI, a tomada de decisão cada vez mais se revela extremamente importante para o sucesso de qualquer organização. Neste âmbito, o Business Intelligence assume-se como um conjunto de ferramentas e processos que irão auxiliar uma organização a gerar perceções que pode ser usado para tomar as decisões mais acertadas.
Desta forma, é intenção verificar o estado atual do sistema Business Intelligence na Guarda Nacional Republicana através do Modelo de Maturidade de Gartner, demonstrando até que ponto os processos estão articulados numa arquitetura de Business Intelligence, como também identificar possíveis oportunidades de melhoria considerando o diagnóstico efetuado na organização e através da técnica de investigação benchmarking com o repositório partilhado Business Intelligence do Orçamento.
Metodologicamente, e para alcançar este objetivo foi seguida uma abordagem indutiva, tendo sido adotado o método qualitativo.
Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, embora, a Guarda Nacional Republicana utilize ferramentas Business Intelligence, fica patente que nem todas as áreas funcionais se encontram vinculadas. Neste sentido, salienta-se a tentativa de implementação do Sistema de Business Intelligence Policial com a finalidade de chegar às várias áreas funcionais.
Relativamente às estruturas de Business Intelligence, observou-se que existem componentes que necessitam de aperfeiçoamento nomeadamente, a implementação de soluções que possam vir a potenciar a utilização de elementos de Data Warehouse, bem como, a construção de um espelho de dados.
Conclui-se que, a Guarda Nacional Republicana tem assumido uma postura de desenvolvimento, estando no rumo certo para se articular numa arquitetura Business Intelligence, e considerando o Modelo de Maturidade Gartner pode-se afirmar que alcançou um nível intermédio de maturidade.
In the twenty-first century, decision-making is increasingly extremely important for the success of any organization. In this context, Business Intelligence is assumed as a set of tools and processes that will help an organization to generate insights that can be used to make the right decisions. In this way, it is intended to verify the current state of the Business Intelligence system in the Republican National Guard through the Gartner Maturity Model, demonstrating the extent to which the processes are articulated in a Business Intelligence architecture, as well as identifying possible opportunities for improvement considering the diagnosis made in the organization and through the benchmarking research technique with the Budget Business Intelligence shared repository. Methodologically, and to achieve this objective, an inductive approach was followed, and the qualitative method was adopted. The results show that, although the Republican National Guard uses Business Intelligence tools, it is clear that not all functional areas are linked. In this sense, we highlight the attempt to implement the Police Business Intelligence System in order to reach the various functional areas. Regarding the Business Intelligence structures, it was observed that there are components that need improvement namely, the implementation of solutions that could enhance the use of Data Warehouse elements, as well as construction of a data mirror. It is concluded that the Republican National Guard has assumed a development posture, being on the right track to articulate itself in a Business Intelligence architecture, and considering the Gartner Maturity Model it can be said that it has reached an intermediate level of maturity.
In the twenty-first century, decision-making is increasingly extremely important for the success of any organization. In this context, Business Intelligence is assumed as a set of tools and processes that will help an organization to generate insights that can be used to make the right decisions. In this way, it is intended to verify the current state of the Business Intelligence system in the Republican National Guard through the Gartner Maturity Model, demonstrating the extent to which the processes are articulated in a Business Intelligence architecture, as well as identifying possible opportunities for improvement considering the diagnosis made in the organization and through the benchmarking research technique with the Budget Business Intelligence shared repository. Methodologically, and to achieve this objective, an inductive approach was followed, and the qualitative method was adopted. The results show that, although the Republican National Guard uses Business Intelligence tools, it is clear that not all functional areas are linked. In this sense, we highlight the attempt to implement the Police Business Intelligence System in order to reach the various functional areas. Regarding the Business Intelligence structures, it was observed that there are components that need improvement namely, the implementation of solutions that could enhance the use of Data Warehouse elements, as well as construction of a data mirror. It is concluded that the Republican National Guard has assumed a development posture, being on the right track to articulate itself in a Business Intelligence architecture, and considering the Gartner Maturity Model it can be said that it has reached an intermediate level of maturity.
Business Intelligence Bases de Dados Gestão do Conhecimento Mineração de Dados Sistemas de Apoio à Decisão Sistemas Visuais Modelo Maturidade Dashboards Data Mining Data Warehouse Decision Supports Systems Knowledge Management Maturity Model