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Pinto, Verónica Carolina Mendes
No contexto do programa de estudos da Academia Militar, como parte do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Militares, na especialização de Segurança da Guarda Nacional Republicana, surge esta Dissertação de Mestrado com o tema "UAS em missões de vigilância, reconhecimento e seguimento de alvos – estudo comparativo entre a GNR e a Guardia Civil". A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo apoiar o contínuo desenvolvimento e modernização da Guarda, analisando o uso de UAS nas atividades policiais da GNR e da Guardia Civil, examinando até que ponto a implementação e expansão destes meios representa uma vantagem para o serviço policial e para as operações da GNR.
Devido às grandes mudanças que ocorrem no mundo é crucial repensar a segurança e Portugal está gradualmente a adaptar-se a esta realidade, tendo como resultado novas demandas para o serviço policial diário. A convergência de ameaças internas e externas, juntamente com o aumento do sentimento de insegurança à escala global, são fatores emergentes que exigem abordagens distintas, pelo que diante do contexto atual e os novos tipos de criminalidade ocorrentes, fica evidente a necessidade de uma evolução nas estratégias das forças de segurança, especialmente no que diz respeito às ferramentas de apoio utilizadas.
Assim, houve a necessidade de analisar o panorama legal dos UAS utilizados nas missões policiais, militares e aduaneiras verificando a classificação destas como aeronaves de Estado, verificando a doutrina vigente (civil, militar e policial) tendo em conta a análise destes cenários no caso espanhol (Guardia Civil). Para tal foi adotada uma metodologia assente no método indutivo que permitiu generalizar os dados recolhidos através da análise dos dados sobre os UAS da Guardia Civil apreciando as suas características e emprego, com o intuito de compreender e comparar o seu modus operandi quanto ao uso dos UAS na GNR.
Em suma, foi possível verificar a importância e as potencialidades dos UAS em missões de vigilância, reconhecimento e seguimento de alvos tendo sido produzidas conclusões produtivas e importantes para a edificação da capacidade dos UAS na GNR.
In the context of the Military Academy's study program, as part of the Integrated Master's Degree in Military Sciences, in the Security specialization of the National Republican Guard, this Master's Dissertation appears with the theme " UAS in surveillance, reconnaissance and target tracking missions – comparative study between the GNR and the Guardia Civil". The present research aims to support the continuous development and modernization of the Guard, analysing the use of UAS in the police activities of the GNR and Guardia Civil, examining the implementation and expansion of these means and represent the advantage for the police service and operations of the GNR. Due to the great changes taking place in the world, it is crucial to rethink security and Portugal is gradually adapting to this reality, resulting in new demands for daily police service. The convergence of internal and external threats, together with the increase in the feeling of insecurity on a global scale, are emerging factors that require different approaches and strategies of the security forces, especially with regard to the support tools used. Thus, there was a need to analyze the legal panorama of the UAS used in police, military and customs missions, verifying their classification as state aircraft, verifying the current doctrine (civil, military and police) taking into account the analysis of these scenarios in the Spanish case (Civil Guard). To this end, a methodology based on the inductive method was adopted, which made it possible to generalize the data collected through the analysis of data on the UAS of Civil Guard, appreciating their characteristics and use, with the aim of understanding and comparing their modus operandi regarding the use of UAS in the GNR. In short, it was possible to verify the importance and potential of UAS in surveillance, reconnaissance and target tracking missions, producing productive and important conclusions for building the capacity of UAS in the GNR
In the context of the Military Academy's study program, as part of the Integrated Master's Degree in Military Sciences, in the Security specialization of the National Republican Guard, this Master's Dissertation appears with the theme " UAS in surveillance, reconnaissance and target tracking missions – comparative study between the GNR and the Guardia Civil". The present research aims to support the continuous development and modernization of the Guard, analysing the use of UAS in the police activities of the GNR and Guardia Civil, examining the implementation and expansion of these means and represent the advantage for the police service and operations of the GNR. Due to the great changes taking place in the world, it is crucial to rethink security and Portugal is gradually adapting to this reality, resulting in new demands for daily police service. The convergence of internal and external threats, together with the increase in the feeling of insecurity on a global scale, are emerging factors that require different approaches and strategies of the security forces, especially with regard to the support tools used. Thus, there was a need to analyze the legal panorama of the UAS used in police, military and customs missions, verifying their classification as state aircraft, verifying the current doctrine (civil, military and police) taking into account the analysis of these scenarios in the Spanish case (Civil Guard). To this end, a methodology based on the inductive method was adopted, which made it possible to generalize the data collected through the analysis of data on the UAS of Civil Guard, appreciating their characteristics and use, with the aim of understanding and comparing their modus operandi regarding the use of UAS in the GNR. In short, it was possible to verify the importance and potential of UAS in surveillance, reconnaissance and target tracking missions, producing productive and important conclusions for building the capacity of UAS in the GNR
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Aeronaves de Estado Guarda Nacional Republicana Guardia Civil State Aircraft