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Ainda que o currículo nacional do ensino básico apresente um conjunto de objetivos nos quais está integrado o desenvolvimento em sala de aula de atividades experimentais e de exploração, nem sempre os professores do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) dedicam o seu tempo a este tipo de atividades. A razão mais defendida é a falta de tempo para o desenvolvimento destas atividades e, sobretudo, a pressão da instituição de ensino e dos encarregados de educação para uma utilização quase exclusiva do manual escolar.
No entanto, a utilização destas atividades pode ser benéfica para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, sendo defendido por alguns autores que o desenvolvimento de determinadas capacidades associadas ao processo de experimentação pode apoiar o desenvolvimento cognitivo dos alunos, promovendo autonomia, independência e uma posição ativa na criação de um processo de aprendizagem individualizado.
O presente relatório foi elaborado com o intuito de compreender se existe realmente uma evolução na autonomia das crianças ao longo da exploração deste tipo de atividades, tanto a nível individual como social. A investigação foi dinamizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, realizado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.
Esta investigação fez parte integrante da Unidade Curricular Estágio IV, cuja prática decorreu numa turma do 3.º ano de escolaridade da Escola Básica n.º 3 da Quinta do Conde. Esta turma é constituída por vinte e cinco alunos, sendo estes os elementos participantes nesta investigação. Com estes alunos foram realizadas seis atividades experimentais, sendo realizada uma auto e heteroavaliação sobre cada tarefa após a realização da mesma, posteriormente comparadas.
Com esta investigação pode-se afirmar que a prática de atividades experimentais em sala de aula influencia de forma positiva a autonomia dos alunos durante o desenvolvimento destas atividades. Foi possível observar uma maior evolução na autonomia social comparativamente à autonomia individual,existindo uma extensão destes resultados a outras atividades que não as atividades experimentais. O desenvolvimento do trabalho em grupo promoveu uma melhor comunicação, mais respeitosa e natural, entre os vários elementos da turma. A necessidade de respeitar as opiniões e necessidades dos colegas durante o trabalho em grupo refletiu-se na convivência diária, social e lúdica. Ainda assim, foi possível verificar uma evolução na autonomia individual dos alunos, que desenvolveram a capacidade de desenvolvimento das atividades experimentais de forma mais independente.
Although the national curriculum of basic education presents a set of objectives on which is integrated the development into the classroom of experimental and exploration activities, not always the teachers of the first cycle of basic education spend their time with this type of activities. The most used reason is the lack of time to the development of this type of activities and, especially, the pressure of the educational institution and the guardians for use almost exclusively the school manual. However, the use of these activities can be beneficial to the teaching-learning process, being championed by some authors that the development of specific capabilities associated with the process of experimentation can support the cognitive development of the students, promoting autonomy, independence and an active position in the creation of an individualized learning process. The present report has been prepared in order to understand if is actually an evolution in autonomy of children along the exploration of this type of activities, both individually and socially.The investigation was led for Master's degree in Preschool Education and 1st Cycle of Basic Education Teaching, provided at the Escola Superior de Educação of Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. This research was part of the Curricular Unit Stage IV, whose practice took place in the class of the 3rd grade level from Escola Básica n.º 3 da Quinta do Conde. This class consists of 25 students, who are the elements participants in this investigation. With these students were developed six experimental activities, being performed self-evaluation and hetero-evaluation on each task after the accomplishment of the same, later compared With this research it is possible to state that the practice of experimental activities in classroom influences positively the autonomy of the students during the development of these activities. It was possible to observe greater evolution in social autonomy compared to individual autonomy, with an extension of these results to other activities than the experimental activities. The development of group work has promoted better communication, more respectful and natural between the various elements of the class. The need of respect the opinions and needs of colleagues during group work was reflected in daily living, social and playful. Still, it was possible to verify an evolution in individual autonomy of the students, who developed the ability to develop experimental activities more independently.
Although the national curriculum of basic education presents a set of objectives on which is integrated the development into the classroom of experimental and exploration activities, not always the teachers of the first cycle of basic education spend their time with this type of activities. The most used reason is the lack of time to the development of this type of activities and, especially, the pressure of the educational institution and the guardians for use almost exclusively the school manual. However, the use of these activities can be beneficial to the teaching-learning process, being championed by some authors that the development of specific capabilities associated with the process of experimentation can support the cognitive development of the students, promoting autonomy, independence and an active position in the creation of an individualized learning process. The present report has been prepared in order to understand if is actually an evolution in autonomy of children along the exploration of this type of activities, both individually and socially.The investigation was led for Master's degree in Preschool Education and 1st Cycle of Basic Education Teaching, provided at the Escola Superior de Educação of Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. This research was part of the Curricular Unit Stage IV, whose practice took place in the class of the 3rd grade level from Escola Básica n.º 3 da Quinta do Conde. This class consists of 25 students, who are the elements participants in this investigation. With these students were developed six experimental activities, being performed self-evaluation and hetero-evaluation on each task after the accomplishment of the same, later compared With this research it is possible to state that the practice of experimental activities in classroom influences positively the autonomy of the students during the development of these activities. It was possible to observe greater evolution in social autonomy compared to individual autonomy, with an extension of these results to other activities than the experimental activities. The development of group work has promoted better communication, more respectful and natural between the various elements of the class. The need of respect the opinions and needs of colleagues during group work was reflected in daily living, social and playful. Still, it was possible to verify an evolution in individual autonomy of the students, who developed the ability to develop experimental activities more independently.
Investigação sobre a prática Ensino das ciências Atividades experimentais Trabalho em grupo Autonomia Research on practice Teaching of sciences Experimental activities Group work Autonomy