Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2011-08"
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- Mobile Service Experience Prototyping: A Holistic View of the Service ExperiencePublication . Sarmento, Teresa; Patrício, LiaPrototyping is a well-established practice in New Product Development. The increasing importance of New Service Development [NSD] and customer experiences has created a significant interest in Service Experience prototyping [SXP]. However, further research is still needed to better define SXP and how it differs from traditional views. This paper presents the results of an empirical study comparing traditional interface prototyping and SXP. Study results reveal significant differences in the inputs gathered from the two prototyping processes. Mobile Service Experiences bring new challenges to NSD and require an awareness of all the mobility aspects, especially for customer-journeys within self-service situations. Designers cannot control the entire experience as they cannot control all the service process. Some authors propose to take social interaction as a starting point and explore co-experience with prototypes. Though experience prototyping is a rather new method with relevant potential its application to services has not been fully explored. There is also authors who advocate that companies can promote trial experiences, involving simulated activity in a simulated setting, thus enabling customers to assess value-in-service. SXP is a form for testing that enables developers and customers to gain first-hand appreciation of a future service. It differs from the conventional prototyping tools, as service experiences should be seen through a holistic outlook, considering the different service encounters in space and time. This paper presents the results of an empirical where two prototyping processes were implemented and compared - Service Experience Prototype and Interface Experience Prototype. This exploratory study was made with five groups of students from NPD/NSD courses. The experiment consisted on prototyping and testing, the same mobile service with the same set of tasks. Participants worked in groups over two related storyboards, where the same tasks of the mobile service were sketched with the different focus. Participants had to decode service tasks into service experience factors, and over the storyboards create a movie script. Subsequently participants were invited to develop the screenplay and perform it. One group evaluated the service experience focusing on the service interface and the other tested the service experience from a more holistic perspective, involving the service process, people and serviscape, and the different service encounters. Study results indicate that no prototype is best to evaluate all service experience components. The qualitative results revealed that SXP participants were able to create an overall representation of the service experience, highlighting service design issues that could not be so easily discovered by the UXP groups, such as people and social context within which the mobile service is used. On other hand participants of the UXP group could test and evaluate in more depth the tangible dimensions of the service interface. The quantitative results corroborated the qualitative results, as the different experimental situations also provided different inputs to the process. Whereas UXP groups we better able to evaluate and indentify improvements regarding ease of use and learn-ability, ‘SXP groups were felt more able to evaluate and identify improvements regarding the overall service offering, involving physical and social context aspects of the service experience. These results show that the SXP does not substitute, but rather complements UXP, as it considers different goals. The resulting feedback helps to determine advantages and disadvantages of each method on assessing a more holistic approach to SXP and helps designers and service developers to enhance superior service experiences. Prototyping the mobile service experience requires testing the service mobile interface, but it should consider all the elements of the service offering in a continuous contextual change. This research provides a new perspective on SXP, highlighting its contributions to the NSD process, in particular to the increasingly pervasive mobile services where customer experience, is a crucial differentiator.
- Measurement of the Transverse Momentum Distribution of $W$ Bosons in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV with the ATLAS DetectorPublication . ATLAS collaboration (3024 authors); Aguilar-Saavedra, Juan Antonio; Amaral, Pedro; Anjos, Nuno; Carvalho, Joao; Castro, Nuno Filipe; Conde Muino, Patricia; Do Valle Wemans, Andre; Fiolhais, Miguel; Gomes, Agostinho; Goncalo, Ricardo; Jorge, Pedro; Lopes, Lourenco; Machado Miguens, Joana; Maio, Amelia; Maneira, Jose; Oliveira, Miguel Alfonso; Onofre, Antonio; Palma, Alberto; Pina, Joao Antonio; Pinto, Belmiro; Santos, Helena; Saraiva, Joao; Silva, Jose; Soares, Mara; Veloso, Filipe; Wolters, HelmutThis paper describes a measurement of the W boson transverse momentum distribution using ATLAS pp collision data from the 2010 run of the LHC at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 31 pb^-1. Events from both W -> e nu and W -> mu nu are used, and the transverse momentum of the W candidates is measured through the energy deposition in the calorimeter from the recoil of the W. The resulting distributions are unfolded to obtain the normalized differential cross sections as a function of the W boson transverse momentum. We present results for pTW < 300 GeV in the electron and muon channels as well as for their combination, and compare the combined results to the predictions of perturbative QCD and a selection of event generators.
- Relatório de estágio profissionalPublication . Santos, Sara Patrícia Pedro dos
- Relatório de estágio profissionalPublication . Santos, Vanessa Sofia Cunha Loureiro dos
- A escola às cores - multiculturalidade/interculturalidade e necessidades educativas especiaisPublication . Borges, Sandra Samúdio FerreiraOs fluxos migratórios têm sido uma marca permanente na História de Portugal. Primordialmente país de emigrantes, nos últimos anos Portugal passou a ser um destino apetecido das migrações internacionais. Para isso, muito contribuíram a nossa adesão à União Europeia, o desenvolvimento económico do país nas últimas décadas e a existência de políticas de imigração menos restritivas. A escola, neste contexto, surge como um dos primeiros locais onde as crianças estabelecem os laços afectivos, aprendem a relacionar-se um com as outras, decepcionamse e aprendem a traçar as estratégias tanto a nível emocional, afectivo, relacional e de aprendizagem que lhes permitem ultrapassar estas primeiras dificuldades. Este trabalho de investigação procura evidenciar o papel da escola na promoção de valores de tolerância, solidariedade, cooperação e respeito pela diferença, procurando contribuir para a existência de justiça social tendo a nossa atenção concentrada nas crianças de origem emigrante que tantas vezes são “confundidas” com crianças com necessidades educativas especiais.
- Cement based fiber-reinforced mortar: the fiber influence on the mortar performancePublication . Pereira, Cristiana Gonilho; Faria, Paulina; Fangueiro, Raul; Vinagre, Pedro; Martins, Ana Isabel G.
- Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic application of Water Stable η3-Allyl Dicarbonyl Complexes of Molybdenum(II)Publication . Gamelas ou Carla A. Gamelas, Carla; Gomes, Ana C.; Bruno, Sofia; Valente, Anabela; Pillinger, Martyn; Romão, Carlos C.; Gonçalves, Isabel S.
- Imigrantes em regiões de fronteira: um estudo exploratório sobre o caso da fronteira Luso/EspanholaPublication . Rego, Conceição; Mendes, Maria Filomena; Santos, José; Magalhães, Maria da GraçaO fenómeno da imigração em Portugal, país tradicionalmente emissor de emigrantes para os mais diversos continentes, ao longo dos séculos, conheceu novos contornos, nos últimos anos, após a integração do país na União Europeia e, particularmente após a instituição do Espaço Schengen. Tradicionalmente, as regiões de fronteira são espaços que apresentam características de menor intensidade em termos dos níveis de desenvolvimento e de ocupação demográfica. Este facto é particularmente verdadeiro nas regiões da fronteira portuguesa e espanhola. Contudo, com a integração dos países ibéricos na C.E.E., actual União Europeia, estas regiões ganharam uma centralidade nova, do ponto de vista da geografia, ainda que as suas características sócio-económicas e demográficas pouco se tenham alterado. O nosso objectivo, neste estudo, é perceber em que medida estes territórios de transição entre os países ibéricos são, ou não, atractivos do ponto de vista da fixação de imigrantes e, além disso, procurar avaliar se estes indivíduos apresentam características diferentes dos que se fixam nas áreas litorais com níveis de dinamismo económico mais intenso. Para tal iremos usar dados disponíveis do Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF), particularmente os relativos a stocks por nacionalidades e concelhos, bem como dados do INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatística) procedendo à identificação dos respectivos concelhos de acolhimento, e testando, estatisticamente, as diferenças verificadas entre as zonas com maiores e menores níveis de desenvolvimento. Posteriormente, procuraremos verificar se a situação existente na fronteira lusoespanhola é comparável com outras verificadas em fronteiras internas no espaço da União Europeia.
- Imigrantes Angolanos em Portugal: breve caracterização e contributos para a dinâmica populacionalPublication . Mendes, Maria Filomena; Santos, José Rebelo; Rego, Conceição
- Contributos dos imigrantes Guineenses em Portugal para a dinâmica populacionalPublication . Santos, José; Mendes, Maria Filomena; Rego, Conceição