Browsing by Author "Marques, Rui"
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- Comparando anotações linguísticas na Gramateca: filosofia, ferramentas e exemplosPublication . Santos, Diana; Marques, Rui; Freitas, Cláudia; Mota, Cristina; Simões, Alberto
- Edificação do destacamento de unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)Publication . Marques, RuiOs Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), são um dos sistemas de armas com maior expansão, sendo assim imprescindível à Marinha Portuguesa adquirir veículos UAV e obter a capacidade como está escrito no Conceito Estratégico Militar de 2014. A investigação, tendo como objeto a edificação da capacidade UAV no Comando Naval (COMNAV), materializou-se num trabalho dividido em quatro capítulos. Foi baseada nos vetores DOTMPLII e com recurso a uma estratégia qualitativa utilizando o desenho de pesquisa do estudo de caso no tipo coletivo. No primeiro capítulo, almejou-se caraterizar a metodologia e os procedimentos utilizados na investigação. No segundo foi feito um resumo do estado da arte e elencados os vetores para a implementação da capacidade na estrutura do COMNAV. No terceiro estudou-se a estrutura e organização de três países referenciados, analisando as suas melhores práticas e exemplos a seguir. No quarto foi elaborado um modelo para a implementação da capacidade, sustentada nas dimensões genética, organizacional e operacional em consonância com as práticas ao nível da NATO. Conclui-se que a solução para a implementação da capacidade está no aproveitamento das valências existentes na Esquadrilha de Helicópteros. Procurou-se desta forma dar um contributo para o desígnio da Marinha. Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), is one of the arms systems with larger expansion, therefore, acquiring UAV vehicles, by the Portuguese Navy, is essential to obtain the capacity as it is written in the Military Strategic Concept of 2014. The investigation, having as object the implementation of the UAV capacity in the Naval Command (COMNAV), is materialized in four chapters. It was based on the DOTMPLII vectors, with resource to a qualitative strategy using the collective case study research method. In the first chapter, the methodology used in the investigation was defined. In the second, a summary of the state of the art is presented and the vectors necessary for capacity implementation were defined. In the third, the structure and organization of three model countries was investigated and their best practices analyzed. In the fourth a model was designed for capacity implementation, supported by genetics, organizational and operational dimensions, following NATO’s best practices. It was concluded that, the best solution for capacity implementation, is to use the existent valences of the Helicopters Squadron. This work tries to contribute to the Navy’s purpose.
- Proposta de valor para restaurante temático na cidade do PortoPublication . Marques, Rui; Alves, CaetanoPortugal vive hoje uma situação de crise económica e social que se agrava de dia para dia. É fundamental responder-lhe com energia, com ações de efeito no imediato, com soluções excecionais e temporárias, e com uma visão de futuro a médio e longo prazo. Sobretudo, é crucial responder à crise com verdade, porque só com seriedade é que se constrói a cumplicidade e a confiança entre governantes e governados, que é imprescindível para vencer as dificuldades pelas quais estamos a lutar. Da mesma forma, só com o reforço da competitividade das empresas e o aumento do empreeendorismo será possível criar condições para a defesa e o crescimento sustentado do emprego e da economia, e do aparecimento de novos negócios únicos que façam validar novas propostas de valor para a economia. O agravamento do desemprego, que caminha para o meio milhão de portugueses, é uma das principais consequências da atual situação económica não só Portuguesa mas também mundial, sendo fundamental promover políticas públicas e incentivos que possam contrariar a tendência verificada nos últimos anos de degradação das condições de funcionamento do mercado de trabalho. Este estudo pretende exatamente isso, ser um contributo valioso na gastronomia portuguesa, não só pela diferenciação que pretende criar, mas como um novo conceito e linha de orientação para outros projetos na mesma área e como incentivo ao empreeendorismo. O principal objetivo deste estudo visava entender os hábitos gastronómicos dos portugueses, com especial incidência na cidade do Porto. Com o intuito de criar uma marca única e uma proposta de valor associada e diferenciadora baseada na qualidade do serviço, qualidade, que serão objeto de estudo. Os resultados que se obtiveram foram de encontro ao que se pretendia saber, ou seja os hábitos gastronómicos dos frequentadores de restaurantes temáticos na cidade do Porto de forma a apresentar proposta de valor para novo restaurante temático.
- The impact of demographic and clinical characteristics on diabetic painful neuropathyPublication . Assunção, António; Campos, Dina; Marques, Rui; Cunha, Inês; Santos, Patrícia; Martins, Adriana; Gonçalves, Ana Sofia; Rebelo, Ana; Lima, Carolina; Matos, César; Prata, Ana Cristina; Teixeira, José Tiago; Duarte, Luís; Belo, Mariana; Figueiredo, Patrícia; Rosa, Tiago LetrasIntroduction: Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is one of the most devastating complications of diabetes mellitus; however, in contrast to other countries, there are no scientific studies in Portugal evaluating the impact of demographic and clinical characteristics of this pathological entity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of gender, metabolic control, age of diabetic patients, as well as time of disease progression, the appearance of complaints related to neuropathic pain. Material and methods: A multicentre study with a non-probabilistic, convenience sample of 359 patients was performed employing the quantitative method, using the Statistical Package for Social Science 24 software. The p-value of p < 0.05 was defined to consider a result statistically significant. The Spearman correlation coefficient (r) was determined to determine the relationship between categorical variables. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of DN between genders (p = 0.633 and r = 0.025). There was a statistically significant relationship between the value of HbA1c and DN, with p = 0.010 and r = 0.136. There is a relationship between age and complaints of neuropathic pain, with p = 0.034 and r = 0.112. The variable, time of disease progression, is also correlated with the appearance of complaints of neuropathic pain with p = 0.020 and r = 0.112. Conclusion: The prevalence of neuropathic pain in subjects with diabetes is not negligible and is associated with modifiable risk factors that can be identified, possibly modified and prevented. The correct approach for these patients, which involves screening and early treatment, is decisive improving functionality and quality of life.
- The use of eye tracking glasses in basketball shooting : a systematic reviewPublication . Marques, Rui; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Mendes, Rui; Coelho-e-Silva, M. ou Coelho-e-Silva, M.J. ou Coelho-Silva, M ou Silva, M.; Dias, GonçaloSports performance is related to cognitive processes that precede the motor task to be developed. In this way, the coupling between visual information and motor behavior has a major importance in filtering the visual information, necessary to the accomplishment of the motor task to be executed, ignoring ‘accessory’ stimuli. In this field, this essay has the goal of achieving a systematic review about past studies in the context of basketball shooting. We bring to you some evidence that support the applicability and efficiency of Eye Tracking Glasses systems in the analysis of visual attention in basketball shooting, emphasizing the concept of Quiet Eye, interconnected with anxiety and occlusion of vision. The results of the studies demonstrate the importance of the use of Eye Tracking Glasses for the evaluation/intervention in the process of visual attention training related to efficiency in shooting.
- Translation and adaptation of the scale The Parents`Evaluation of Aural/Oral Perfomance of Children (PEACH) into European PortuguesePublication . Faro, Mafalda; Marques, Rui; Serrano, Margarida Maria Fernandes, 1964-Background, The Parents'Evaluation of Aural / Oral Performance of Children (PEACH) scale is a tool used in re (h) auditory habilitation based on parents' observations that allows us to determine how the child is evolving with the use of auxiliary hearing aids. The present study aims to translate and adapt the PEACH scale for European Portuguese as well as to verify its internal consistency. Material and Methods, In collaboration with the "Center for Studies and Research in Health of the University of Coimbra", a translation into European Portuguese and adaptation to the Portuguese population of PEACH was carried out. After this process, the translated and adapted scale (P-PEACH) was applied to 42 parents of children who used hearing aids. The internal consistency of P-PEACH was verified through Cronbach's Alpha. RESULTS, The P-PEACH scale has a very good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.943). CONCLUSION, P-PEACH has an internal consistency similar to that of the original scale (0.88). We can consider P-PEACH as a reliable instrument for monitoring the re(h)abilitation of children from the observation of their parents.
- Visual Patterns of U16 athletes and professional basketball playersPublication . Marques, Rui; Dias, Gonçalo; M. L. Martins, Fernando; Gomes, Ricardo; Mendes, Rodrigo; Martinho, Diogo V.; Coelho-e-Silva, M. ou Coelho-e-Silva, M.J. ou Coelho-Silva, M ou Silva, M.; Mendes, RuiThis work aimed to compare the visual patterns of under 16 (U16) athletes and professional basketball players. The sample was composed of 10 U16 (aged 15.2 ± 0.4 years; 7.1 ± 2.5 years of experience) and 10 professional (aged 27.6 ± 3.7 years; 18.4 ± 4.6 years of experience) basketball players. All athletes were males and right-handed. Each participant performed 50 jump shots from 10 different positions and 5 different angle shots (0°, 45°, 90°, 135° and 180°). Number of fixations, time of first and last fixation, total fixation duration and Quiet Eye (QE) time of all shots were analysed. Overall, results indicated that the U16 group showed greater within-group differences regarding shot positions, last fixation times, shot angles, and first and last fixation times. Additionally, the U16 group presented different visual strategies than those of professional players, with significant differences found for shooting positions and shot angles, particularly for shots performed on the left side of the field, and for QE times. In conclusion, our results add to the understanding that longer fixation times and longer QE time are associated with better jump-shot efficacy, and this relation is evident when comparing players of different age groups.