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Translation and adaptation of the scale The Parents`Evaluation of Aural/Oral Perfomance of Children (PEACH) into European Portuguese

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Background, The Parents'Evaluation of Aural / Oral Performance of Children (PEACH) scale is a tool used in re (h) auditory habilitation based on parents' observations that allows us to determine how the child is evolving with the use of auxiliary hearing aids. The present study aims to translate and adapt the PEACH scale for European Portuguese as well as to verify its internal consistency. Material and Methods, In collaboration with the "Center for Studies and Research in Health of the University of Coimbra", a translation into European Portuguese and adaptation to the Portuguese population of PEACH was carried out. After this process, the translated and adapted scale (P-PEACH) was applied to 42 parents of children who used hearing aids. The internal consistency of P-PEACH was verified through Cronbach's Alpha. RESULTS, The P-PEACH scale has a very good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.943). CONCLUSION, P-PEACH has an internal consistency similar to that of the original scale (0.88). We can consider P-PEACH as a reliable instrument for monitoring the re(h)abilitation of children from the observation of their parents.



P-PEACH Parents Escalas Pais


Research Projects

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Journal Issue


Journal of Hearing Science