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A cultura empreendedora poderá alavancar o processo de desenvolvimento económico dos países. Neste sentido, a educação empreendedora não só deve fazer parte das políticas públicas educacionais, como deve ser definitivamente inserida nos programas curriculares do ensino básico ao superior. Este trabalho pretende, em primeiro lugar, enquadrar do ponto de vista teórico a promoção do empreendedorismo no ensino secundário em parceria com o ensino superior, e, em segundo lugar, avaliar a auto percepção dos participantes no programa IPS Junior Challenge, relativamente ao seu perfil empreendedor e analisar os resultados inerentes à sua participação neste programa. Para esse efeito, foi aplicado um inquérito aos 61 estudantes participantes no programa e efetuada uma análise descritiva dos dados, de onde se extraíram um conjunto de conclusões. Desse conjunto de conclusões, salientam-se o impacto positivo do programa analisado, assim como, uma forte percepção das capacidades empreendedoras por parte dos estudantes e da sua crescente percepção da importância do empreendedorismo para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.
The entrepreneurial culture can leverage the development process of society and the economy. In this sense, the valuation of entrepreneurial education that contributes greatly to the creation of social and human capital. This paper aims, firstly, to present some theoretical guidelines about entrepreneurship education in different levels of education and second, to evaluate the participants' self-perception in relation to their entrepreneurial profile and analyze the results related to its participation in the program IPS Junior Challenge. For this purpose, a survey was administered to 61 students participating in the program and performed a descriptive analysis of the data from which we extracted a set of conclusions. From this set of findings, we highlight the positive impact of the program analyzed, as well as a strong sense of entrepreneurial skills by students and their increased awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship for their personal and professional development.
The entrepreneurial culture can leverage the development process of society and the economy. In this sense, the valuation of entrepreneurial education that contributes greatly to the creation of social and human capital. This paper aims, firstly, to present some theoretical guidelines about entrepreneurship education in different levels of education and second, to evaluate the participants' self-perception in relation to their entrepreneurial profile and analyze the results related to its participation in the program IPS Junior Challenge. For this purpose, a survey was administered to 61 students participating in the program and performed a descriptive analysis of the data from which we extracted a set of conclusions. From this set of findings, we highlight the positive impact of the program analyzed, as well as a strong sense of entrepreneurial skills by students and their increased awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship for their personal and professional development.
Comunicação apresentada em XXIII Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, Málaga, 2013
Educação para o empreendedorismo Ensino superior Ensino secundário IPS Junior Challenge Entrepreneurship education Higher education Secondary education